What it will take to win

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
That's the best you've got? Go eat a book, poindexter.
And remember, its wannabe intellectuals like you that are the first to get slashed in radical regimes like the Islamic State. If you love your Muslims so much go live with them. ISIS can find a job for you.

Do you actually dare to venture outside of your house/closet?

Nobody's likely to accuse you of being intellectual...


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
-The Muslims? Why are 80% of the victims of terrorist attacks Muslims if its a simple matter of all Muslims versus the west? That doesn't make any sense. ISIS and Boko Haram are extremists Wahabbistic sects of Islam, not mainstream Islam.

-You are not winning anything. You are just an armchair internet warrior.

-Really? Where is she defending ISIS or any other extremist groups? Seems to me that you are lying again.

Yeah, that is a very neutral description you got there. Of course, there are those who claim that Christianity is bits of rabbinic Judaism and Hellenistic culture and philosophy as well. Or for that matter that Judaism consists of a mixture of Babylonian and Caananite mythology mixed with Egyptian influences. This is what we call the genetic fallacy.

Tell me, which great Islamic theologians have you read? Have you read Al-Ghazali, Ibn-Sina, Mulla Sadra or Rumi or Muhammad Iqbal? My guess is that you don't even know who any of these people are without googling them. Yet you consider yourself qualified to dismiss an entire religion, based on nothing but the braindead regurgitations of nonsense that you have read on the internet, probably on right wing extremist think tanks.


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
You're a bald faced liar. Period.
- The Muslims want to cut off heads and destroy the west.
- I want to win the war against them.
- You want to defend the evil ones and attack those who defend US.

You are a disgrace to humanity.

How old are you CC, just as a matter of curiosity? Are your days predominantly preoccupied by playing 'Call Of Duty' or possibly 'Minecraft' by way of? Just trying to get a gauge of why you post like such a complete gimp is all.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
How old are you CC, just as a matter of curiosity? Are your days predominantly preoccupied by playing 'Call Of Duty' or possibly 'Minecraft' by way of? Just trying to get a gauge of why you post like such a complete gimp is all.

1) I am 53. What's that to you, punk.
2) My days are filled with earning a living. Try it some time.
3) I don't know what a gimp is, but it figures that an imbecile like you would.

Any more stupid questions?


like marbles on glass
Here is a question for annabenedetti: Was the United States evil and bloodthirsty when we fire-bombed German cities into ruble in order to eradicate the evil of the Nazis? I am curious to know what you think, because I smell the stink of hypocrisy approaching in your answer.

No. We should not have firebombed Dresden. Read any Catholic teaching lately?

So you condemn the United States as bloodthirsty extremists for fire-bombings and nukes against the sheer evil of the Nazis? ...as you accuse me of bloodthirsty extremists for wanting to eradicate the same evil in Islamo-Fascism?

Well, I read the Catechism where it says gay marriage and abortion are evil and unacceptable... ..you know, the stuff you support by supporting Hillary.

You're making even less sense than usual.

So you have no idea what Catholic teaching would say about firebombing a civilian population?

From the CCC:

2314 "Every act of war directed to the indiscriminate destruction of whole cities or vast areas with their inhabitants is a crime against God and man, which merits firm and unequivocal condemnation."110 A danger of modern warfare is that it provides the opportunity to those who possess modern scientific weapons especially atomic, biological, or chemical weapons - to commit such crimes.