What it will take to win


Well-known member
You do know that ~80% of the victims of fundamentalist Islam are Muslims right?

All the more reason to destroy what drives it: prove Allah ackbar ("Allah is greater") is false by disproving forever the belief that there is no god but Allah and that Mohammed was his prophet.

Don't pretend that 80% means anything to you, any more than the bulk of humanity means to your hypocritical idol Davey Suzuki. They exist only as a talking point for you.

Now get lost, child. Men are talking here.


Well-known member
Well well well, the pro-baby-killer, pro-Democrat, pro-gay-marriage-vote, fake Catholic opens her yap about "sanity" as she rushes to the defense of the Fascist Medieval murdering Islamists. How very "Hillary" of you.

Gee, who are the bloodthirsty ones here:



What is it that most bothers you Leftists about this? That Mohammedans really do it? Or just that it contradicts your "religion of peace" fable?


like marbles on glass
I reported you too, since you obviously get off on the same kind of torture porn as CC. I'll bet you watched the beheading videos too, didn't you?


like marbles on glass
All the more reason to destroy what drives it: prove Allah ackbar ("Allah is greater") is false by disproving forever the belief that there is no god but Allah and that Mohammed was his prophet.

Don't pretend that 80% means anything to you, any more than the bulk of humanity means to your hypocritical idol Davey Suzuki. They exist only as a talking point for you.

Now get lost, child. Men are talking here.

He's more of a man than you'll ever be.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
What is it that most bothers you Leftists about this? That Mohammedans really do it? Or just that it contradicts your "religion of peace" fable?

I tell you there are evil forces at work. There is no rational explanation whatsoever as to why Liberals defend Muslims and attack those who challenge Islamic Terrorism so much. Its all around us, even a blind man can see, the Liberals want to pretend that its not really Islam at fault. Its sheer madness I tell you.

The only explanation is that they are tools of evil in the immortal spiritual battle between good and evil, which manifests itself in many ways in the material realm.

Or to put it bluntly, annabenedetti is Satan's dupe.

I reported you too, since you obviously get off on the same kind of torture porn as CC. I'll bet you watched the beheading videos too, didn't you?

See what I mean musterion? She can't handle facts. She would rather report us for showing the truth about Islam than accept the fact that they are evil. AS I said, annabenedetti is Satan's dupe.
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like marbles on glass
I tell you there are evil forces at work. There is no rational explanation whatsoever as to why Liberals defend Muslims attack those who challenge Islamic Terrorism so much. Its all around us, even a blinf man can see, the Liberals want to pretend that its not really Islam at fault. Its sheer madness I tell you.

The only explanation is that they are tools of evil in the immortal spiritual battle between good and evil, which manifests itself in many ways in the material realm.

Or to put it bluntly, annabenedetti is Satan's dupe.

When you Christian extremists want to do to Muslims what Muslim extremists want to do to you, then you're both cut from the same ideological cloth.

Own your wannabe blood-thirsty extremism.


Well-known member
All the more reason to destroy what drives it: prove Allah ackbar ("Allah is greater") is false by disproving forever the belief that there is no god but Allah and that Mohammed was his prophet.

So because 80% of their victims are Muslims, you want to destroy the holy sites of Islam? That is what you got from that? How about it showing that there clearly are a whole lot of Muslims who disagree with ISIS, which is why they are targeted, and thus Islam is not reducible to ISIS ideology. Which is a very good reason, apart from being a normal sane human being that is, to not destroy the holy sites of a religion.

Don't pretend that 80% means anything to you, any more than the bulk of humanity means to your hypocritical idol Davey Suzuki. They exist only as a talking point for you.

I don't even know who that is. They clearly mean more to me than to you. You're the one advocating nuking the holy sites of an entire religion because of a crazy violent grouping within that religion. Another similarity between you right wing fundamentalist Christians and ISIS: You now have hatred for homosexuals and the wish to destroy holy sites of other religions in common.

Now get lost, child. Men are talking here.

Sure thing, tough guy :chuckle:


like marbles on glass
See what I mean musterion? She can't handle facts. She would rather report us for showing the truth about Islam than accept the fact that they are evil. AS I said, annabenedetti is Satan's dupe.

You're a blithering idiot. You won't find a single post from me here that calls Islamic extremism anything but evil.

I'm calling you out on your own matching wannabe extremism. You're a Catholic version of them and you can't even see it.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
When you Christian extremists want to do to Muslims what Muslim extremists want to do to you............
You're a bald faced liar. Period.
- The Muslims want to cut off heads and destroy the west.
- I want to win the war against them.
- You want to defend the evil ones and attack those who defend US.

You are a disgrace to humanity.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
So because 80% of their victims are Muslims, you want to destroy the holy sites of Islam?......
There is nothing holy in or about Islam. Islam is a false concocted religion, made up of bits of Judaism, bits of Christianity, and Arab culture, glued together into an evil ideology devised to rally Muslim hoards to war. Its an ideology of hate and war, no better than Nazism.


like marbles on glass
You're a lying sack of dung.
- The Muslims want to cut off heads and destroy the west.
- I want to win the war against them.
- You want to defend the evil ones and attack those who defend US.

You are a disgrace to humanity.

You're an embarrassment to Catholicism. You're an embarrassment to your gender, and you're an embarrassment to California. (Hopefully maybe you've moved?)

I don't defend the evil ones, I know what they're capable of. To say that I defend them is a lie, and you're a liar. You can join musterion and Nick in their taqiyya lies.

I don't have to view torture porn to know about the butchery, but you obviously need torture porn to feed your fire. What you're doing isn't Christian. It's nothing about self-defense, and everything about bloodlust.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Here is a question for annabenedetti: Was the United States evil and bloodthirsty when we fire-bombed German cities into ruble in order to eradicate the evil of the Nazis? I am curious to know what you think, because I smell the stink of hypocrisy approaching in your answer.


like marbles on glass
....yet you defend them. You actions belie your false words.

Proof. Provide it.

Blah blah blah... ..calling me out, what is this, elementary school? Go abort another baby, liar.

Don't like being called on your lies and your unChristian bloodlust? Too bad. People like you are what feed off Trump.

Oh, and I've never had an abortion, so if you say it again, I'll report it.


like marbles on glass
Here is a question for annabenedetti: Was the United States evil and bloodthirsty when we fire-bombed German cities into ruble in order to eradicate the evil of the Nazis? I am curious to know what you think, because I smell the stink of hypocrisy approaching in your answer.

No. We should not have firebombed Dresden. Read any Catholic teaching lately?


Well-known member
You're a bald faced liar. Period.
- The Muslims want to cut off heads and destroy the west.
- I want to win the war against them.
- You want to defend the evil ones and attack those who defend US.

You are a disgrace to humanity.

-The Muslims? Why are 80% of the victims of terrorist attacks Muslims if its a simple matter of all Muslims versus the west? That doesn't make any sense. ISIS and Boko Haram are extremists Wahabbistic sects of Islam, not mainstream Islam.

-You are not winning anything. You are just an armchair internet warrior.

-Really? Where is she defending ISIS or any other extremist groups? Seems to me that you are lying again.

There is nothing holy in or about Islam. Islam is a false concocted religion, made up of bits of Judaism, bits of Christianity, and Arab culture, glued together into an evil ideology devised to rally Muslim hoards to war.

Yeah, that is a very neutral description you got there. Of course, there are those who claim that Christianity is bits of rabbinic Judaism and Hellenistic culture and philosophy as well. Or for that matter that Judaism consists of a mixture of Babylonian and Caananite mythology mixed with Egyptian influences. This is what we call the genetic fallacy.

Tell me, which great Islamic theologians have you read? Have you read Al-Ghazali, Ibn-Sina, Mulla Sadra or Rumi or Muhammad Iqbal? My guess is that you don't even know who any of these people are without googling them. Yet you consider yourself qualified to dismiss an entire religion, based on nothing but the braindead regurgitations of nonsense that you have read on the internet, probably on right wing extremist think tanks.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Here is a question for annabenedetti: Was the United States evil and bloodthirsty when we fire-bombed German cities into ruble in order to eradicate the evil of the Nazis? I am curious to know what you think, because I smell the stink of hypocrisy approaching in your answer.

No. We should not have firebombed Dresden......
So you condemn the United States as bloodthirsty extremists for fire-bombings and nukes against the sheer evil of the Nazis? ...as you accuse me of bloodthirsty extremists for wanting to eradicate the same evil in Islamo-Fascism?

.....Read any Catholic teaching lately?
Well, I read the Catechism where it says gay marriage and abortion are evil and unacceptable... ..you know, the stuff you support by supporting Hillary.