That's a vital difference between biblical Christianity and Islam, as well as most of Christendom. The former has nothing tying it to Earth since it's position and destiny are heavenly. We live here for now, but it is not our home. Nothing belongs to us, so nothing ties us here and we depend upon nothing here.
Not so with Islam. It would not survive the destruction of its "holy" sites. Nor, I submit, would their adherents survive in faith the destruction of Vatican City and the pope, Salt Lake City and its prophet and 70, the Watchtower in Brooklyn, or any other cult HQ. Cut the head from the snake and the snake dies.
The Head of the Church, the Body of Christ, is Christ Himself, and He is in Heaven. He can't be touched, nor (in a very real sense) can we. That's why biblical Christianity has not perished despite many attempts to violently extinguish it.