
TOL Subscriber
So you "use" this or that "version", but which one do you believe every word of? That is the question. I believe every word of the KJB.
So you "use" this or that "version", but which one do you believe every word of? That is the question. I believe every word of the KJB.

Me, too. Not to mention any other versions, in the interest of not goring anybody's ox here, anyway, but a comparative study of translations can yield some shocking and unacceptable alterations, some versions way too many of these. The next closest trust I can find is the NASB, from evaluating these things. Some of the translations that differ quite a bit too much I find only good for certain verses that expand the understanding a little, or when trying to present truth by some verses or passages to a modern audience not Bible versed, but will not just read and study from them.


Well-known member
Would like to add something, having heard from scholars over the years on this. I so wish I'd learned Hebrew, but am also pretty bad at foreign languages, not much of modern language education sticking. (Even once bought a Hebrew language cassettes course that didn't work for me.) But it's said the Old Testament in Hebrew has an entire world of deeper meaning in Hebrew, including humor that doesn't carry over in other languages, obscure references with deeper meaning that don't carry over, sometimes getting down to the likes of jots and tittles, incredible genius in the Lord's use of Hebrew.

Same story for the New Testament and Koine Greek.

We certainly lose some things (nuances, phrase turns, etc...) in our translations.
Same story for the New Testament and Koine Greek.

We certainly lose some things (nuances, phrase turns, etc...) in our translations.

Yes, words that don't even move over, like the proverbial multiplicity of Greek words for love. A little off topic, having learned something of the Greek, though, I realized I'd never be good at it, and something cautionary occurred to me, that I could never do better a translation than an entire panel of real Greek scholars. You see the Greek abused, by people who wish to alter the meaning to fit their doctrines or exegesis. Just an aside that came to mind I thought I'd mention, that people need to be wary of anybody finding different meanings in the Greek. Often times they're using one of the word definitions that doesn't really fit the context that true scholars saw in a reliable Bible translation. I've many times had to debunk some new claims made of the Greek by some preachers.
There's always "them."


Ain't that a fact. It can be amusing. You sometimes run into somebody online who says something like, "WELL, I LIKE TO READ THE BIBLE IN GREEK." Often, you can just hear it in all caps, as it's usually somebody who also has a special way of putting on their pants, private, never before heard of interpretations English Bibles of the peonage lack, what is it, "a legend in their own mind?" At the same time, the English of their posts may as well be in a plastic bag labelled "shredded." Logic the likes of, "I'm better than forty Greek scholars," has always escaped me.
Ya know...I keep trying to tell the JW's that about Charles Taze Russell. They just don't listen.


It's a bout with futility, as they actually have the hubris to simply reword the Bible, where it doesn't match their false doctrines. Sometimes people go so low it's near impossible to reach them. That is, if anybody can just reword scripture to suit them, they're simply not playing with a full deck, God's truth and God not really front and center, rather the organization. Generally speaking, cults are all about their false prophets, not Bible truth, the cult leader's writings, in the final analysis, taking precedence over the word of God. They choose to believe the lies. It makes them God's special little creatures.


Well-known member
It's a bout with futility, as they actually have the hubris to simply reword the Bible, where it doesn't match their false doctrines. Sometimes people go so low it's near impossible to reach them. That is, if anybody can just reword scripture to suit them, they're simply not playing with a full deck, God's truth and God not really front and center, rather the organization. Generally speaking, cults are all about their false prophets, not Bible truth, the cult leader's writings, in the final analysis, taking precedence over the word of God. They choose to believe the lies. It makes them God's special little creatures.

Jesus died for them, too, and as long as that is true I'll pray for them and go through THEIR "scriptures" with them.

They get stuck in their "assigned" bible studies and don't often visit those wonderful words decrying "works," a new Jerusalem, etc... I just got ahold of a book written by a former JW about how to witness to them. Good stuff. Been sharpening my Sword...


I know my Bible as well as they know theirs. That's always a plus.
Jesus died for them, too, and as long as that is true I'll pray for them and go through THEIR "scriptures" with them.

They get stuck in their "assigned" bible studies and don't often visit those wonderful words decrying "works," a new Jerusalem, etc... I just got ahold of a book written by a former JW about how to witness to them. Good stuff. Been sharpening my Sword...


I know my Bible as well as they know theirs. That's always a plus.

You're right. Sometimes I probably get jaded, never having had any success, at least at the time, though having shutdown their claims involving bastardized translation of John 1 with much other scripture on deity, or that the 144,000 are Jews, and a mere handful of those in heaven: it's right there. But, yes, we can pray, and you never know what may have stuck, down the road. I have great sympathy for the young who are brainwashed, they often, otherwise, great young people, though much less sympathy for the hardened old timers, the control freaks, doing the brainwashing.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
Will have to look into that, only familiar with the New Revised Standard International Living New World Translated Version Amplified, with Concordance and TV Guide, words of Ellen Miller Taze Smith Armstrong White in red.

I will have to give yours a try, and "use" it sometime.