
Well-known member
Hall of Fame
my favorite version is the nab
-it has the word test
-it has this passage which explains what we are doing here
-dan 12:10 nab-
Many shall be refined, purified, and tested, but the wicked shall prove wicked; the wicked shall have no understanding, but those with insight shall.


New member
I prefer the KJV because the authors went much out of their way to make it close to the Latin vulgate. They even used Latin-style expressions that had been rare or nonexistent in English, and which have since become part of English speech as a result. I like it because it's closest to the original then IMO.

It is not that I don't think a better one could not be made or that it's perfect - I don't believe in either proposition.

I suggest you go read up on the restrictions King James put on the translators.... your reason is an illusion.


New member
how did king james get his authority?

The same way your Pope gets it... by convincing people that he has the divine right of kings and then has an army to back him up and a civil government to support him.

The reason he had his AV done was that he did not like the fact that the Geneva Bible did not support the 'divine right of Kings'.

Man's tendency to follow kings and people with a cult of personality is most definitely a character flaw... much like how Eve followed Satan.

People seem to forget that God's plan for Israel did not contain a King.. and that God only appointed a king after they grumbled because they were not like their neighbor... then God cursed them to live under the yoke of a King.

God wants to lead his people himself.. he doesn't want King's, Popes or any other hierarchy. People seem to forget that the tribe of Levi, who where the priest in Israel, did not teach, all they did was manage the temple and conduct the sacrifices... they were only a tool.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
The same way your Pope gets it... by convincing people that he has the divine right of kings and then has an army to back him up and a civil government to support him.

The reason he had his AV done was that he did not like the fact that the Geneva Bible did not support the 'divine right of Kings'.

Man's tendency to follow kings and people with a cult of personality is most definitely a character flaw... much like how Eve followed Satan.

People seem to forget that God's plan for Israel did not contain a King.. and that God only appointed a king after they grumbled because they were not like their neighbor... then God cursed them to live under the yoke of a King.

God wants to lead his people himself.. he doesn't want King's, Popes or any other hierarchy. People seem to forget that the tribe of Levi, who where the priest in Israel, did not teach, all they did was manage the temple and conduct the sacrifices... they were only a tool.

how did calvin get his authority?


how did calvin get his authority?
With his brother and sister and two friends, John Calvin fled Catholic France and headed to the free city of Strasbourg. It was the summer of 1536; Calvin had recently converted to the "evangelical" faith and had just published*The Institutes of the Christian Religion, which articulated his Protestant views. He was a wanted man. -http://www.christianitytoday.com/history/people/theologians/john-calvin.html

Even though plenty of Catholics laided hands on him, you want him to be the "outsider" that your false denomination teaches. The gospel really did spread further in the original universal Catholic Church. According to history, your denomination are one of the few other offsprings that split. So far RCC still failed to claim the title "The Church". You're still babbling the holy spirit doesn't work with the Protestants. You failed the tests. That means you're going to have to go bye bye