ECT What is wrong with homosexuality - a primer for Christians and response


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"Bad theology"

"Bad theology"

It is no secret that the LGBT movement wants full acceptance and full normalization but we need to pay attention to something:

They are trying to 'normalize' behavior in the flesh and excuse it as 'good' and 'normal.'

In so doing the link from MSN had a sign that said "Bad theology" as if they can dictate to the church what God says :dizzy:

A Biblical response (Nashville Statement) has been issued against this emotional plea and rightly calls the LGBT movement the bad and fleshly concerned theology.

It is so important, as ministers and lay-people that we talk about doctrinal points. We don't 'feel' our way to God, we follow His directions and statues.

Recently, our Bible is being attacked on TOL as 'fallible' and 'not God's Word.' Problem: If we have no source of truth, we are making it up as we go AND usurping our Lord Jesus Christ's rightful dominion over our hearts and minds.

When God no longer has say, we are left to our own devices. The book of Judges is a case study of a people of God without a 'King:'

"Everybody did what was right in their own eyes, because there was no king in Israel." This indictment was repeated over and over after every new judge delivered Israel and they subsequently disobeyed again.

report released earlier this month by Church Clarity , an organization that grades U.S. churches based on their LGBTQ policies, found none of America's 100 largest churches are LGBTQ-affirming. But as more LGBTQ people of faith come out, advocates say, the more likely that is to change.

One response to this political maneuvering from the LGBT community, is the Nashville Statement that is clear on what the Bible mandates. We cannot be 'coerced' to abandon our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.


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There are two basic parts to God's will.

I Timothy 2:4

1. Salvation

2. come to the knowledge of the truth

All sinners, including homosexuals, liars, murderers, etc, can be saved and do receive the gift of salvation. They realize that Jesus is lord and that God raised him from the dead. Romans 10:9-10

However, the gift of salvation is not a cure all. It is, with the knowledge of the truth, how to overcome what scriptures refer to the old man, where sin did have dominion over us. However, when we come to the knowledge of the truth we learn how to overcome that sin nature
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Dealing w/ Lust in the Church - a primer for preaching/teaching proactively

Dealing w/ Lust in the Church - a primer for preaching/teaching proactively

My thoughts and a bit of 'high-bar' regarding proactive address rather than remedial Romans 12:2

1) Remedial gets us behind and so I think proactive preaching and teaching imperative for the church and seminary Colossians 3:2

2) We are not 'sexual' nor any other thing physical, by identity. We are identified in Christ. 1 Corinthians 6:11

This is so fundamental to our thinking, that we preclude all our relationships with Christian ideal/identity, that it pervades our actions. 1 Corinthians 2:9-16

3) Treat older men as fathers, younger as brothers, older women as mothers, younger as sisters. 1 Timothy 5:1-2 Mark 3:35

If my primary focus with all women is for their true good and benefit, the sexual and ego-centric interest takes a back seat to my primary function to love, in life. 1 John 3:10 A Christian loves. My definition: "Committed to another's highest good." That means the girl not interested in me, has a higher good than me. It also means I don't misuse another's mate in such a way that would cause harm to her. 1 John 4:20-21

4) "It is better to remain single" 1 Corinthians 7:8;33-38

5) "We are not our own, we were bought at a GREAT price" Romans 14:8; 1 Corinthians 6:19,20

6) Combating the world view that we are animals, we haven't sinned, but are here for a higher purpose. Galatians 5:13 Philippians 2:4

7) A crisis of Christianity/identity in Christ: If we don't realize who we are, we will do that which is not in keeping with following Him. Galatians 5:16

8) "The fruit of the Spirit is self-control" Galatians 5:22,23 Titus 2:11-12 1 Peter 5:8 1 Timothy 3:2


Well-known member
I pray also this thread is pro-active. While debate may certainly occur, it is my desire that it should serve discussion of how best to handle our struggle, not against flesh and blood, but against spirits and principalities.
A part two, from me or another, would be how to discuss this with a homosexual professing Christianity as well as how to share the gospel with one caught in sexual sins and feeling social and Christian culture rejection/judgement. -Lon
This has been POTD so already posted twice, but I believe the 'primer' tenor of it is important for this thread most specifically (as it also address the above desire on how to discuss such with unbelievers and believers and bridges discussion):
Being a homosexual is no different than being a thief, liar, adulterer, etc. when it comes to being found a sinner. However, claiming that stealing, adultery, fornication, or homosexuality is not a sin, is evidence of someone who has rejected the sacrifice of Jesus for their sin, and they are not saved.

All believers, no matter what they "were" have been sanctified (1 Cor 1:2; 1 Cor 6:11; Heb 2;11; Heb 10:10), and are the righteousness of God (2 Cor 5:21) holy and blameless (Col 1:22; Eph 1:4) complete (Col 2:10) and perfected forever (Heb 10:14).

Homosexuals, like any other person, who are dead in sin and in need of life, are saved when they repent of their unbelief and believe the Gospel, without exception.

No one in Christ perfects their flesh, nor does anyone in Christ ever perfect their behavior, and if we were still judged by the Law we would all be found guilty. Thankfully, for ALL of us (no matter what your attraction or behavior) there is no more condemnation for those in Christ. We all fail.

But again, if anyone claims that homosexuality, adultery, lying, or coveting is not a sin, then they prove themselves to have rejected the Gospel., and they are not in Christ.

Sin is the evidence that something is wrong (you are dead and need life). If you remove that from the equation, through tolerance, acceptance, or "hearty approval" of a behavior, lifestyle or false identity, you are, in fact, hating your neighbor, not loving them.

Jesus loved the sinner, and He shared a meal with them, hugged them, and healed them. He did not condemn the woman caught in adultery, but He also would not give her a morning after pill. Jesus loves homosexuals, and those who are confused about their gender, but he would not buy a man a dress, or celebrate a same-sex wedding.

Jesus never tolerates sin, He died for it. ALL of it.

Both theirs and mine.

I know you were given recognition, but I can't think of any higher accolade than I believe these are God's thoughts. It is also a great post to use for a guideline of what is pertinent (helps me also keep on track and appreciate the clarity, thank you) Further, it is a way of keeping it from getting lost in the shuffle of the other thread. It is, I believe, more germane to this thread direction and intention. (again thanks) -Lon
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