Marriage contrasted against facsimile
Marriage contrasted against facsimile
Marriage is something specifically and exclusively in any joined/sexual sense created by God:
God has create every relationship on earth for specific reasons.
1) Fathers and mothers, to emulate God as Creator and parent and is specifically the result/from the framework of marriage.
2) Husband and wife Genesis 1:26-27 to reflect God's image (..."in His own image, He create him/her/them..."), thus also specifically the result of, and from the frame-work of only marriage.
3) Children as subject and learning to be subject to the Lord and is specifically the result and from the framework of marriage.
4) Etc.
Every relationship that is set up by God and blessed by God provide people individually and collectively to participate in and learn spiritual truths from God and are designed by Him for the framework of all Biblical truth. This, btw, is why we also know Christianity is true. No other religion provides the framework of family for understanding theology and where we fit in God's universe.
I. Marriage ( II. would be Family but is omitted here in this post)
Marriage is specifically created by God. In Genesis 1:28, one reason given is 'to subdue the earth and be caretakers of it, to be fruitful, and to produce beings to do the same.'
In Genesis 2:7,15 God created man, alone. God designed a woman as a counterpart for him, specifically as a companion, helper, and the being by which other men/woman would come into the world.
It is important from Genesis 2:16-25 to note that God joined them together, that they were flesh of flesh and bone of bone, literally from Adam, but God made mention that to this day, a married couple becomes one flesh. From this point, it is essential to travel a few thousand years to the Lord Jesus Christ. Marriage isn't just God's 'idea' for one relationship. It is His specific creation and God, Himself, does something very specific when two people, a man and a woman from different families, are married. Mark 10:8&9 says first, that God joins them together. They both certainly agree to a joining to be united, but Jesus says literally, God does the binding (vers 8) and Second, that what God (monegistically-'God does by Himself') no one is supposed to eliminate.
People who understand this, and belong to God (Christians) cannot then divorce if they call Him Lord. Realize that Christians do divorce, as did the Jews, but Jesus was clear to say that it was weakness of flesh. His prohibition was specifically there for those who 'wanted to obey God' and were under the impression that God was doing something, in reality, that nobody was supposed to be able to break.
Why is this important? Specifically, in marriage, God is doing something. Most specifically, for Christians: We recognize that this union called marriage, is specifically a work of God that cannot be fabricated or reproduced.
"But we see fabrications all the time."
No, not really. They aren't able to reproduce 'what God Himself binds together.' Nobody can do God's work for Him and all knock-offs will happen without Him doing anything to create this "oneness."
Christians, as Hebrews 11 reminds us: "Look for a place whose Author and Builder is God." Unless the Lord builds the house, the labor is vanity. -Psalm 127:1
In a very specific way, God designed the marriage union between a man and a woman to be a picture and the enactment of Christ's love for His church. Ephesians 5:22-33
A message for single people:
A) "It was not good for man (Adam) to be alone." -Genesis 2:18,20
Originally, people wouldn't have been caught up in being alone or worrying. There was no selfishness or sin complication. Men and women would have naturally found one another without fanfare. The result of the Fall of man and woman into sin, left problems and consequences. Adam wouldn't have felt lonliness and nowhere as pronounced as the effects of sin that have exacerbated and pronounced it in us. As a child of a single-parent family and an absent mother at that, I empathize greatly with feelings of inadequacy and accentuated lonliness.
Sin is so dire, that it not only removes us from thinking we can be loved, it also creates havoc in relationships so that what is longed for in the first place cannot reach beyond the barrier of two sinful-broken lives. It truly takes a work of God. "What God has joined together, let no one put assunder."
B)In Matthew 19:10, the apostles responded that if sin was so devastating that even marriages joined by God couldn't last, then men should rather remain unmarried. Jesus responded that those who could, should remain single. Paul echoed this in 1 Corinthians 7:7 and in 7:32 explains why it is better, even with lonliness/longing, to remain single if possible. A chapter earlier we read "...the body is for the Lord, and the Lord for the body, not fulfilling fleshly desire..."
In a very specific way, God designed the marriage union between a man and a woman to be a picture and the enactment of Christ's love for His church. Ephesians 5:22-33
If being united as 'one flesh' as a lone-act by God is mysterious, the apostle Paul certainly echoes that His work alone is beyond our full understanding with Ephesians 5:32 but we catch a glimpse of it: Somehow, the Christian, in obedience in marriage isn't just fulfilling a selfish whim: it is the very act of God, even in our falleness. Somehow, the man loving his wife, embodies and expounds the love of Christ for a fallen race. The very act of a woman loving her husband, brings to mind and ministers to people everywhere, the gospel of Christ.
It is so important then, to realize what a perversion it is to mimick the act of marriage or family without the monergist (God's work all alone that only He can do) creation of God in those expressions. We as Christians would not only proceed without His hand and work, but in self-will reject what He designs in favor of what our own interests and will are regardless. In a practical sense, we as Christians take up our cross and follow Him daily Luke 9:23
Anything less than God's creation and is against it, is folly for a believer and, in fact, a mockery of what He designed for good.
*This will only really help, make sense, and benefit a Christian and those dealing with Christians that do not understand that God created order and that He alone is the Author of the Marriage institution. The law of the U.S. cannot give what only God can. By definition, the only thing that can be called a marriage is specifically "what God has joined together."
I pray this may help some of you explain this better to Christians who want to know 'why not homosexuality' or 'how do I explain this in rational terms?" His blessings -Lon