ECT What is the true root objection to MAD?

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
What does the word "was" mean?

The law "was"......

Paul didn't say the law "is".....

If the law of Moses was still in place, Paul wouldn't have used the word "was" to describe it.

Before they were saved, moron, it was there schoolmaster, to lead them to Christ.

You assert that the law no longer serves that function, to the lost, sweetie, demon, since it no longer exists.

And you are debating me, wimp?


TOL Subscriber
we have many here waiting for nick to answer the question

so the question for nick is

is a person saved
he stops homosexual behavior and believes as nick does

Our salvation is not based on what WE DO or don't do, but what God did! Titus 3:5 KJV. Get it through your catholic hat.


Well-known member
Somewhere, in the dead of night, an angry man has climbed upon his rooftop. He neither sees nor feels the sleet that needles him nor the iced winds that lash. One image, a face, is forever seared before his eyes. With the fire of a thousand suns he burns, righteous and awesome, his clenched fists thrust into the face of the impassive, low'ring sky. He shouts but one word, again and again, into the very teeth of the storm.


Softly, a quavering voice emerges up through the opened window whence he climbed. A voice full of fear at this demigod whose rage would humble Thor, yet full of hope for a future that even now slips further from her grasp. Tenderly but with awe she murmurs, "Aw, would you shut up about Darby and come to bed already!"

That man...that towering, ranting Tetelestai, and he is insane. But look not away -- behold him, and his obsession. Behold and fear, and learn, lest you tread his path and be seen by all as a pathetic jerk whose true name is known far and wide, mostly to law enforcement and mental health professionals.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Somewhere, in the dead of night, an angry man has climbed upon his rooftop. He neither sees nor feels the sleet that needles him nor the iced winds that lash. One image, a face, is forever seared before his eyes. With the fire of a thousand suns he burns, righteous and awesome, his clenched fists thrust into the face of the impassive, low'ring sky. He shouts but one word, again and again, into the very teeth of the storm.


Softly, a quavering voice emerges up through the opened window whence he climbed. A voice full of fear at this demigod whose rage would humble Thor, yet full of hope for a future that even now slips further from her grasp. Tenderly but with awe she murmurs, "Aw, would you shut up about Darby and come to bed already!"

That man...that towering, ranting Tetelestai, and he is insane. But look not away -- behold him, and his obsession. Behold and fear, and learn, lest you tread his path and be seen by all as a pathetic jerk whose true name is known far and wide, mostly to law enforcement and mental health professionals.

Good post! Funny, creative, and, most likely accurate!

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
TeT is obviously, delusional and obsessed with a man, most
of us never heard of? I never heard of him until TeT brought
him up one day? I have since placed TeT on ignore because,
his rantings and usage of a man's name seem to be odd and
somewhat mental! TeT I believe, might be mentally ill?

Somewhat akin to, "Letsargue!" And, a few others around here?
Forums attract all kinds of normal and disturbed individuals, alike!
However, thank God, there are a number of those who adhere to
"Paul's Gospel" and are 'clear headed!' So, the truth IS getting out

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
Does Paul's gospel still go to the Jew first today?

It went to the Jew first when it came out. There is no Jew nor Israel today. Unless those Israelis you denounce and point out are homo supporters are the Israel of God.

You pathetic pile of skubala.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
It went to the Jew first when it came out. There is no Jew nor Israel today. Unless those Israelis you denounce and point out are homo supporters are the Israel of God.

You pathetic pile of skubala.

Yes, the punk is so obsessed, he'll lie, misquote, engaged in any type of satanic sophistry, all the while, letting the wolves/wof-ette's fleece the sheep/babes, and pervert the gospel of Christ, long as they are not "dispies"/MAD proponents.

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
Chrys doesn't believe 2 Corinthians 5:19 KJV either.

He sure doesn't. He wants to equate sodomy or lack thereof to entering into life. He rejects reconciliation. He has said so. I ask are you dead to sin, and he says no.


TOL Subscriber
He is going to hell and you don't care.
Hi Nick, My apologies for talking past you here, but I see that tet is still bringing up my name. I'm not sure why he insists on it except to draw me out.

Here I am tet. I have you on ignore. Please stop name dropping... I'm not sure why it bothers you that the same good news that went to the Jew first during Paul's Acts provoking ministry (Romans 11:14 KJV); "that Christ died for our sins" and "that He was buried" and "rose again the third day" is the same good news that saves today (1 Corinthians 15:1-4 KJV).

At some point the grace of God that bringeth salvation appeared to all men (Titus 2:11 KJV)/ that Christ gave Himself a ransom for all including the likes of us (Ephesians 2:11-12 KJV) was testified "in due time" (1 Timothy 2:4-6 KJV). I believe the gospel that saves today is technically called "the gospel of the grace of God" (Acts 20:24 KJV). I believe that change took place when the remnant according to the election of grace which God foreknew was gathered or close to being gathered (Romans 11:1-6 KJV) and that sometime toward the end of Acts (Acts 28:24-29 KJV).

And yes, I do say that the gospel of Christ is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth! You bet I do! It rolls right off my tongue! Sometimes, I leave off "to the Jew first and also to the Greek" so as to keep the gospel simple to someone who may or may not have ever heard it. Other times, I put in parenthesis like this: (although no longer to the Jew first and also to the Greek, but to all men 1 Timothy 2:4-6 KJV, Titus 2:11 KJV). If pressed by sincere questions I go into further detail, if not I leave it. If that's what you're going on about, get over it.


Somewhere, in the dead of night, an angry man has climbed upon his rooftop. He neither sees nor feels the sleet that needles him nor the iced winds that lash. One image, a face, is forever seared before his eyes. With the fire of a thousand suns he burns, righteous and awesome, his clenched fists thrust into the face of the impassive, low'ring sky. He shouts but one word, again and again, into the very teeth of the storm.


Softly, a quavering voice emerges up through the opened window whence he climbed. A voice full of fear at this demigod whose rage would humble Thor, yet full of hope for a future that even now slips further from her grasp. Tenderly but with awe she murmurs, "Aw, would you shut up about Darby and come to bed already!"

That man...that towering, ranting Tetelestai, and he is insane. But look not away -- behold him, and his obsession. Behold and fear, and learn, lest you tread his path and be seen by all as a pathetic jerk whose true name is known far and wide, mostly to law enforcement and mental health professionals.

That's your way of admitting that you cannot show us anywhere in the OT where an Israelite and/or a Jew could not enter the home of a Gentile.

As usual, your MAD/Dispensatoinalism falls apart like a house of cards.


It went to the Jew first when it came out. There is no Jew nor Israel today.

Yes, I know.

I asked heir, and/or any other MADist to show with scripture when the Gospel of Christ stopped going to the Jew first?

None of you MADists can answer this question.


Sometimes, I leave off "to the Jew first and also to the Greek"

That wasn't the question.

I asked for you and/or a MADist to show with scripture when the Gospel of Christ STOPPED going to the Jew first?

If the Gospel of Christ no longer goes to the Jew first, but it did when Paul wrote his letter to the Romans, then there had to be point in time when this change took place.

Right Divider

Body part
That wasn't the question.

I asked for you and/or a MADist to show with scripture when the Gospel of Christ STOPPED going to the Jew first?

If the Gospel of Christ no longer goes to the Jew first, but it did when Paul wrote his letter to the Romans, then there had to be point in time when this change took place.
The first few chapters of Romans is a HISTORY LESSON, oh ignorant one.