ECT What is the true root objection to MAD?


New member
Hall of Fame
Willful disobedience...that for which Paul stated "no sacrifice for sin is left".

No sacrifice being left is referring to Christs sacrifice being once for all, there is no other that saves and teaching that it has to be done over and over like the old temple sacrifices to cover "new sins" are what put
Christ to open shame, as if what He did wasn't good enough to cover them all for all time.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
The Gospel was in effect from the beginning of the universe. John 1:1-5...unless, of course, you don't believe that God is in all time at all time; that He is somehow constrained by time.

You mean "The Gospel" that saint Judas was told to preach?

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
No, John, it was just prophecy fulfilled in His coming. :rolleyes: Prophecy that all of God's people ate, drank, slept; were totally intimate with.

Neither the Lord Jesus Christ, in Mt-John, or the 12, at least prior to the DBR, ever preached, "I/Christ is going to die for your/our raised for your/our justification...Believe it, this good news, to be saved"=the gospel/good news of 1 Cor. 15:1-4 KJV.

Show us where they did.

You won't, Cousin It.

The Lord Jesus Christ never preached the 1 Cor. 15:1-4 KJV good news "when He was among us." You made that up.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Judas performed all the miracles the other disciples were enabled to perform.

Correct, as Judas preached the same good news that the other 11 were told to preach, by the Master, which was the same good news that the Master preached-the good news of the arriving, pending, kingdom of heaven upon the earth, "the days of heaven upon the earth(Deut. 11:21 KJV)," according to prophecy, "the gospel of the kingdom." But that good news, is not equivalent to the good news of 1 Cor. 15:1-4 KJV. A 6th grader can understand this; but others cannot, as they log in, and lose their minds.


Well-known member
For all charismatics and pentecostals who take pride (don't lie, that's what it is) in their "signs and wonders," just remember...Judas did better than any of you.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
For all charismatics and pentecostals who take pride (don't lie, that's what it is) in their "signs and wonders," just remember...Judas did better than any of you.

I wonder if he had "Holy Land" oil?

Puhrays Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawd!!! Do I hear an "Amen?"

Lazy afternoon

For all charismatics and pentecostals who take pride (don't lie, that's what it is) in their "signs and wonders," just remember...Judas did better than any of you.

This Pentecostal is like Paul and teaches the same gospel as Paul.

You live and speak like Saul not like Paul.

Paul is our lovely brother, he does not like you to misrepresent his character.

Confessing Christ before men is more that just saying you believe, it is about speaking like Christ to His disciples and having respect for all men.



New member
Your posts sound like a guy who really doesn't care what the
thread is all about but, out of boredom, adds some, "Nonchalant"
comment! By the way, your comments make no logical sense,
anyway! Why not go, "yawn" somewhere else, and make your
nonsensical comments? No offense, just an observation!
Pot, kettle, black.


(Rom 1:16 KJV) For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.

Questions for the MADists

Does the gospel of Christ still go to the Jew first?

If not, when did it stop going to the Jew first?

Why did it stop going to the Jew first?