I'll bet you won't answer my question? Most "folks" like
you won't acknowledge what church they attend.
you won't acknowledge what church they attend.
I once started a thread explaining how that the madist's understand of sin is screwed up. Madists only understand sin as an act. And therefore if every act is forgiven, past and future, then any sin act can never be an issue with God because he no longer imputes sin to us.
Sounds great, doesn't it?
It's awesome to know that God will never impute sin to me while I'm in faith.
However, there is the moral nature of sin that we have to deal with. If a believer sins (commits the act), if you brush it aside as just carnal weakness, or just forget about it because God has forgiven it, you are in fact justifying what you know is wrong. To him who knows to do good and does not do it, to him it is sin. If you do this, you are actually hardening your conscience and are desiring to feel justified in your flesh. This is gnosticism. This is the reason why I attack mad head on because I see through it.
A true spirit filled believer cannot justify sin. This doesn't mean that we never commit a sin act, its just that our conscience won't let us attempt to justify what we know is wrong. If we continue to deny our conscience in order to justify what we know is wrong (sin), you are justifying yourself as a sinner. There is no sacrifice for people who justify sin.
Very true.
Gross hates truth and tries to cover it up by sinning.
Andyc, You're being illogical! Why, under any circumstance would someone
who hates truth, seek to cover that fact up, by committing sin? That doesn't
make any sense? Perhaps, you can explain? (Doubtful though)
Mad Gross sins then claims all his sins are covered.