ECT What is the true root objection to MAD?


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
I was merely using the word you yourself used for the sake of continuity. So you will have to answer your own question.
OK, sure.

The means of salvation will never change; Jesus Christ has always and will always be our means of salvation.

The rules of salvation have changed. They must have, given that for half of our history, He had not yet died on the cross.

I tend to steer clear of concepts involving rules because I am very much a relationship person in theological terms.

If your father told you that you were not allowed to drive the car for 15 years and then after you reached a certain age he changed the rules, would you be wanting to "steer clear" in that situation as well?

There aren't do x and y and you will be saved kind of rules.
Absolutely. However, without Paul, nobody would know this.

Roses are red,
Violets are bluish,
If it wasn't for Paul,
We'd all be Jewish.​

For one person it might mean believing God when he tells you to sacrifice your son. For another it might mean following some provision of the law of Moses like taking your new born boy to the temple at 7 days old. For another it might mean disobeying the law and for another it might mean believing a street preacher when he tells you about Jesus and in your heart promising that you will go to church and find out more. Whether it happens before after Christ was born is academic.
No action, regardless of how obedient or good it is, has any part to play in the means by which we are saved.


New member
Then, I'm forced to believe, you don't have one to give! The others
are thinking the same thing!

I don't put any value on opinions of me from a madist.
I occasionally like to throw my posts out into these kind of threads in the hope that non mads will see through you lot. All the sinister motives hiding behind the the theology you teach.


TOL Subscriber
I don't put any value on opinions of me from a madist.
I occasionally like to throw my posts out into these kind of threads in the hope that non mads will see through you lot. All the sinister motives hiding behind the the theology you teach.

Can you answer STP's question to you?


New member
This is an example of the genetic fallacy. Naming the source of an argument is no evidence that the argument is false. What you need to do is present a rational response to what I have said.

If you present the teachings of hyper dispensationalism from people before the likes of Bullinger and Darby, this would be your evidence that my claim was false.