Yes, LA is spraying down the guillotine with wd-40 as we speak, for you. And is attempting to lure john w to a steep cliff.
You MADists are experts at slinging mud and telling lies.
Yes, LA is spraying down the guillotine with wd-40 as we speak, for you. And is attempting to lure john w to a steep cliff.
It was actually introduced by people like E. W. Bullinger.
Let us know when you're done preparing an ark. Is that your good news?Yes. The rules for salvation have always been the same.
Now, this is a real pig...
You MADists are experts at slinging mud and telling lies.
:chuckle:I thought it was "Darby?" Just ask TeT?
There is but one Gospel but you teach there are two.
I noticed that Doom has the word "christian" in his profile. Is this a wind up?
MUD (mixed up doctrine) is your bag. "MAD" rightly divides the word of truth (2 Timothy 2:15 KJV).You MADists are experts at slinging mud and telling lies.
Made up, usual for LA Lost.
What you're doing is extremely childish and represents a new low. Debate what you disagree on and leave personal appearance out of it. In other words, be an adult.
Which is?
MUD (mixed up doctrine) is your bag. "MAD" rightly divides the word of truth (2 Timothy 2:15 KJV).
It always amazes me how madists can ignore all the hateful comments by madists, but jump on anything regarded as insincere from those who oppose.
What would you suggest; burn them at the stake, or stone them
to death! Isn't that what they used to do with "Truthsayers?"
It always amazes me how madists can ignore all the hateful comments by madists, but jump on anything regarded as insincere from those who oppose.
Those who I regard as born again believers should be less accepting of a movement that is nothing more than cultish.
Nah, we reckon it dead, like we are told to do.
You're reckoning of it dead is purely factual, not experiential.