What is the Gospel?


New member
Talk about false premises, you should check out the one you're trying to push off on us. :chuckle:.
My false premise, that Christ died for all men?

You imply that "the Gift of eternal life", "peace", and "reconciliation", are "there for the taking" by all men. Where did these come from, if not by the death of Christ?
The Gospel of PEACE is the Good News, and one must accept that peace before he can be saved.
All men cannot accept peace if Christ died not for all men.
Be ye reconciled.
If Christ did not die for all men, all men cannot be reconciled.

That is the Gospel. No one can access the blood of Jesus Christ unless they are first reconciled.
They are reconciled by what? Sounds like you're not really sure what all Christ did and didn't do.

You want to claim that this great Gift of eternal life is given to all men. Nope, that's not what the Gospel tells us. You'd best toss your theology hat in the ring and go home.

Well, now I can see why you aren't saved. You deny THE LORD Jesus Christ is God. :nono:
Aaah, you believe Jesus prayed to Himself; and, that He always did those things which pleased Himself. And, His food was to do His own will, and He sent Himself, and finished His own work. I guess one could take it that way. And Jesus said, "I'll just forgive them, for they know not what they do and then I'll just commit my spirit into my own hands."

And yea, I guess God also made Himself 'perfect through suffering'.

Ok, what else do you know about me other than that I'm not saved?
NOPE, all men need to know that the Gift of eternal life there for the taking. It isn't shoved down the throats of those who refuse to believe in their Lord God and Saviour.

I cannot follow your reasoning; you imply that eternal life is not given to all men, then you say there are "those who refuse".

How can a man refuse something if it hasn't been given to him?
How could it be "there for the taking" if Christ had not died to put it "there"? All men can 'take it' because Christ died for all men.

One of us is being narrow minded.


New member
In case somebody missed this. :(
It was my quote so I suppose you mean me by "somebody", so I'll respond.

Luke 9:48
Not sure what you mean with this.
Matthew 9:5 Mark 2:5,9

Why did you not include Mark 2:10? And Matthew 9:6?

Haha, scripture games. If you don't know what the scripture says you can find out for yourself. You know as well as I do that a man can make the scripture say most anything; you just proved it.

You know I'm right and that the Bible says so. You tweaked even the verses you gave me. Take all four gospels, read them and you'll see I'm right. Then try the rest of the Bible, and maybe in Hebrews you can study to understand the work of the high priest; if not, go to the Old Testament.


It was my quote so I suppose you mean me by "somebody", so I'll respond.

Not sure what you mean with this.

Why did you not include Mark 2:10? And Matthew 9:6?

Haha, scripture games. If you don't know what the scripture says you can find out for yourself. You know as well as I do that a man can make the scripture say most anything; you just proved it.

You know I'm right and that the Bible says so. You tweaked even the verses you gave me. Take all four gospels, read them and you'll see I'm right. Then try the rest of the Bible, and maybe in Hebrews you can study to understand the work of the high priest; if not, go to the Old Testament.

Remember Me?

Are you saying Jesus isn’t God? If so... I’m not backing you any more... and sincerely... I hope you didn’t just blow every positive thing you’ve said... by declaring that Jesus isn’t God.

I sincerely was so refreshed to see someone leaning on “The Spirit”... but perhaps I read into your views...

I’m flamed out and set for incineration. BBK... I believe John 5:39 declares Jesus is God... because only God is greater than scripture. Only God Saves... Isaiah 43:11 ... Luke 2:11

Only God forgives sin and Jesus is God.

You ruined my night m8.

Go join GD in teaching Limited atonement...


Literal lunatic
I cannot follow your reasoning; you imply that eternal life is not given to all men, then you say there are "those who refuse".

How can a man refuse something if it hasn't been given to him?
How could it be "there for the taking" if Christ had not died to put it "there"? All men can 'take it' because Christ died for all men.

One of us is being narrow minded.

It's receive not take.

Same as Jesus did not take his life back, he received it.


Literal lunatic
Remember Me?

Are you saying Jesus isn’t God? If so... I’m not backing you any more... and sincerely... I hope you didn’t just blow every positive thing you’ve said... by declaring that Jesus isn’t God.

I sincerely was so refreshed to see someone leaning on “The Spirit”... but perhaps I read into your views...

I’m flamed out and set for incineration. BBK... I believe John 5:39 declares Jesus is God... because only God is greater than scripture. Only God Saves... Isaiah 43:11 ... Luke 2:11

Only God forgives sin and Jesus is God.

You ruined my night m8.

Go join GD in teaching Limited atonement...

Jesus IS the Son of God.

He did all that God willed him to do.

Chill out, dude.


Well-known member
Creation, Tower of Babel, Balaam's donkey in particular.

I don't think the Resurrection comes across as fairy-tale like - it being rooted in historical characters with many witnesses of the event.
It's hard to get a decent witness for a creation account, unless the witness is the first thing created, or unless the creator gives us the account. But besides that, why is it fairy-tale-ish--the first chapter, at least? The second chapter is reasonably recounted by Adam, if you're just looking for a witness. It's likely the episode was designed for a specific purpose, in my mind. (I have a thread on this topic as well, if you're interested, but can you see the theology club threads?. I think the idea of such a simple test is intriguing, and it makes me think God is wanting man to fail early-on, possibly, to avoid a situation that is much harder to correct.)

The only thing about the Babel account that sounds made up is the idea that the languages could be confused all at one time, right? But we can see it happening today, given enough time.
Rated PG-13 for language.

Certainly building a tower to reach into heaven is not too far-fetched, even today.

Balaam's donkey is hardly worth much consideration in the scheme of things. God works often through dreams or trances, and that could have been a decent explanation. I've fallen asleep driving a car (and survived)--I suppose one could fall asleep driving a donkey. :)

Thanks. I don't believe in the accounts of Christ because of such scriptures. Why would you suggest one shouldn't get bogged down?
So you are ok with the historical accuracy of the witnesses of the resurrection, but not with the historical accuracy of the witnesses of Jesus' words? Are they not the same witnesses? To me, it's a great indicator of the authenticity of the scriptures, if no Christians have bothered to erase or change Jesus' words for 2000 years, despite the seeming problems.

My "don't get bogged down" suggestion was based on the lack of understanding that is apparent when Christians can't agree. But prophecy is inherently difficult to understand until it is accomplished. Only a few Christians think those have all been fulfilled, but none chuck the power of the gospel because of them--because we know we don't understand everything about those words.

But if the resurrection is historical to you, and not fairy-tale-ish, is there anything that needs to be done with the information? Why or why not?

I think your thread, if I understand your OP well enough, is another thing that is not good to get bogged down about. If Christians disagree over how it works, but agree THAT it works, to believe in Jesus Christ's death and resurrection, and that it can be applied to us for everlasting life, don't try to understand how it works prior to assuring its application to you. There will be plenty of time (eternity?) to argue over how and what God knew and when He knew it in terms of the recipients of His grace.

If one has to understand everything about how electricity works before one turns on a light, one will likely forever remain in the dark. God's Word is a light. Don't wait to turn it on, professing yourself wise.

But if you've already definitely rejected the gospel, you're wasting your miserably short amount of life you have left on a non-issue.

I (and no doubt many others here) would love to have this conversation with you when it means something to you, but right now, it doesn't, so we mostly turn to have the conversation between fellow-partakers, as you have seen. It's a lively in-house debate, but you're not in the house.


Well-known member
My false premise, that Christ died for all men?

You imply that "the Gift of eternal life", "peace", and "reconciliation", are "there for the taking" by all men. Where did these come from, if not by the death of Christ?

All men cannot accept peace if Christ died not for all men.

All men do not accept Peace with God. Some trample the blood underfoot.

If Christ did not die for all men, all men cannot be reconciled.

They are reconciled by what? Sounds like you're not really sure what all Christ did and didn't do.

He died so that whosoever will may come. A peace offering has been made by the death of Jesus Christ. Leviticus 3:6

Reconciled means peace has been effected. Had Mr. McCoy agreed to peace, but Mr. Hatfield had rejected it, there would be no peace with Mr. Hatfield. But Mr. Hatfield Junior might agree to peace, and then there would be peace between Mr. McCoy and Mr. Hatfield Junior.

Aaah, you believe Jesus prayed to Himself; and, that He always did those things which pleased Himself. And, His food was to do His own will, and He sent Himself, and finished His own work. I guess one could take it that way. And Jesus said, "I'll just forgive them, for they know not what they do and then I'll just commit my spirit into my own hands."

And yea, I guess God also made Himself 'perfect through suffering'.

Ok, what else do you know about me other than that I'm not saved?

I can tell by what you just wrote that you aren't saved.

I cannot follow your reasoning; you imply that eternal life is not given to all men, then you say there are "those who refuse".

I don't imply anything. I come right out and say eternal life is a GIFT....given to those who believe. I'm offering you a gift right now, but you're refusing it.

Romans 5:1 Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ:​

How can a man refuse something if it hasn't been given to him?
How could it be "there for the taking" if Christ had not died to put it "there"? All men can 'take it' because Christ died for all men.

One of us is being narrow minded.

You don't understand how anyone can refuse to gift that has been offered them?

Let's say I offer you a trip to the moon, but you don't want to go. :idea:


Well-known member
Remember Me?

Are you saying Jesus isn’t God? If so... I’m not backing you any more... and sincerely... I hope you didn’t just blow every positive thing you’ve said... by declaring that Jesus isn’t God.

I sincerely was so refreshed to see someone leaning on “The Spirit”... but perhaps I read into your views...

Going off half-cocked and making false assumptions is your "gift".

I’m flamed out and set for incineration.

Guess that means we're all supposed to tiptoe past for fear of your :nuke:

You ruined my night m8.

Yep, the old Blame Game. You play it so well. Years of practice, I'm thinking.

Go join GD in teaching Limited atonement...

Like you would know anything about atonement. No wonder you're so full of hate towards Calvinists. You accuse them of more than they could ever be guilty of. Just as you have twisted what I have said, you've twisted what others teach.

You wicked little man. :loser:


Going off half-cocked and making false assumptions is your "gift".

Guess that means we're all supposed to tiptoe past for fear of your :nuke:

Yep, the old Blame Game. You play it so well. Years of practice, I'm thinking.

Like you would know anything about atonement. No wonder you're so full of hate towards Calvinists. You accuse them of more than they could ever be guilty of. Just as you have twisted what I have said, you've twisted what others teach.

You wicked little man. :loser:

Okay.... Glory tuLip


Well-known member
False Calvinist Response to Jesus died for all!!!!

Is this even GD? Has your account been hijacked by B57 !?!

I hope your account is compromised... because you are on that bum stuff!

Am I surprised that you falsely accuse me?

Of course not. You got your wee feelings hurt because I dared to rebuke you, and now you feel the need to follow behind me like a little dog trying to pee on my leg.

Careful, I kick little dogs when they begin to annoy me.