What is the Gospel?


New member
I've reported you for slander - not for a ban but just that you discontinue.

Libel is the written word and slander is the spoken word. You have libeled the Truth and I have prayed that you would either be saved or destroyed.


New member
I've reported you for slander - not for a ban but just that you discontinue.

PS pointing out the fact that you pose a question as a statement is not libel. It is a grammatical fact.

As for you and EE being the same person. If you accuse me of libel, because I am UK based, the onus of responsibility is on you to prove me wrong, EE.


New member
The indictment: Christianity, with no definitive Gospel, is akin to the divided house that Jesus spoke of.


New member
The indictment: Christianity, with no definitive Gospel, is akin to the divided house that Jesus spoke of.

The fact of the matter is simple. You are dead in sin blind and deaf in regard the truth. As such you cannot see the Kingdom of Elohim

"Yah Shua answered and said unto him, Amen, amen, I say unto thee, Except a man be born above, he cannot see the kingdom of Elohim".​

As regenerate men we proclaim what we have seen and what we have been given to comprehend, but you cannot accept it.

"Amen, amen, I say unto thee, We speak that we do know, and testify that we have seen; and ye receive not our witness".

Repent, trust and be thou holy.
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New member
PS This is the sum of the evangelism. "Unless a man is born above he cannot see the Kingdom of Elohim".


New member
The fact of the matter is simple. You are dead in sin blind and deaf in regard the truth. As such you cannot see the Kingdom of Elohim

"Yah Shua answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born above, he cannot see the kingdom of Elohim".​

As regenerate men we proclaim what we have seen and what we have been given to comprehend, but you cannot accept it.

"Verily, verily, I say unto thee, We speak that we do know, and testify that we have seen; and ye receive not our witness".

Repent, trust and be thou holy.

The Gospel clearly defined.


Well-known member
On the TOL Statement of Faith page it says:

For our sake He was crucified under Pontius Pilate; He suffered death and was buried.

I am wondering who 'our' are (and asked as much on the thread).

Of course, it does means believers (since it's a statement of faith) - but would TOL admin be willing to say if it includes all people in its provision?

Look, I'm a Calvinist. "All" means all. "All who come to the Lord will be saved." Acts 2:21 Romans 10:13 If you want, reject Calvinism, don't reject God!!!

You have no permission from me to do so.


Well-known member

You're quite okay with a God whom you think chooses whomever He wishes to save and passes by the rest? How is this harmonised with the love of God expressed in 1 John 4?
1) He is not a Calvinist but certainly expresses a lot of similar doctrine. 2) Not all Calvinists are the same, and it sounds like some have done a number on you.
On the TOL Statement of Faith page it says:

For our sake He was crucified under Pontius Pilate; He suffered death and was buried.

I am wondering who 'our' are (and asked as much on the thread).

Of course, it does means believers (since it's a statement of faith) - but would TOL admin be willing to say if it includes all people in its provision?
3) Yes, Knight (admin) and most if not all of TOL staff believe "All" applies to everyone ("all people").


1) He is not a Calvinist but certainly expresses a lot of similar doctrine. 2) Not all Calvinists are the same, and it sounds like some have done a number on you.
3) Yes, Knight (admin) and most if not all of TOL staff believe "All" applies to everyone ("all people").

And it is now that I call [MENTION=15579]1Mind1Spirit[/MENTION] , [MENTION=16629]patrick jane[/MENTION] , [MENTION=6696]Lon[/MENTION] and all others with compassionate heart...

I’m not demanding this from any of you... but it’s coming from me and you are all welcome to do likewise...

[MENTION=16283]Sonnet[/MENTION] ... We Love you and want to spend eternity with you... Jesus Christ wants this even more... I apologize from the bottom of my soul for all of my misrepresentation of Jesus Christ and our over 30,000 variations... but there is still only ONE Jesus Christ... and He Died And Rose to display His Love for you...

My brother... Sonnet... you are running out of reasons to resist His Love. He won’t limit you, but instead bring out even more depth to who you are... as you learn from HIM... Who He is...

I pray that this finds you well and explains that we will never speak all the right words or get it 100 percent right... but He is worth your faith and He will do the rest for you. He will answer your questions... He is worth your returned Love...

Brother... will you let Him in? Do you surrender...? Do you believe and ask Him to help you with your unbelief... that is His Good News and it is yours the grasp!

All my Love to you Sonnet...



Literal lunatic
And it is now that I call [MENTION=15579]1Mind1Spirit[/MENTION] , [MENTION=16629]patrick jane[/MENTION] , [MENTION=6696]Lon[/MENTION] and all others with compassionate heart...

I’m not demanding this from any of you... but it’s coming from me and you are all welcome to do likewise...

[MENTION=16283]Sonnet[/MENTION] ... We Love you and want to spend eternity with you... Jesus Christ wants this even more... I apologize from the bottom of my soul for all of my misrepresentation of Jesus Christ and our over 30,000 variations... but there is still only ONE Jesus Christ... and He Died And Rose to display His Love for you...

My brother... Sonnet... you are running out of reasons to resist His Love. He won’t limit you, but instead bring out even more depth to who you are... as you learn from HIM... Who He is...

I pray that this finds you well and explains that we will never speak all the right words or get it 100 percent right... but He is worth your faith and He will do the rest for you. He will answer your questions... He is worth your returned Love...

Brother... will you let Him in? Do you surrender...? Do you believe and ask Him to help you with your unbelief... that is His Good News and it is yours the grasp!

All my Love to you Sonnet...


I'll drink tuh that.:cheers:

George Affleck

TOL Subscriber
So I wouldn't be out of line in saying that two different Gospels are preached by Christians (albeit that the Calvinist one has to be extracted under interrogation)?

Gospel 1:
Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, was buried and was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures...believe in Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved...

Gospel 2:
The above with the proviso that 'our' are the elect and you will only believe if God predetermined that you would (justification for such choice being founded on the fact that all men are so totally depraved that none would ever choose God anyway - so the Good News is that at least He chose some).


There are not 2 gospels, just 2 points of view of the same gospel and both are correct within their individual scope.

There is the human, earthly, time-bounded view which everyday life teaches us to abide by. We live life linearly and our thinking is finite in scope. To us everything has a beginning and an end. As the Bible is, to a great extent, historical narrative, this type of presentation is natural and normal for us. From this viewpoint it is absolutely true that every soul has opportunity (even responsibility) to believe and be saved. These truths are favoured with Arminian theology.

There is also the heavenly, God's eye view of redemption. It is not restricted by linear time, is infinite in scope, and involves the qualities that God describes about Himself that are beyond our full comprehension: omnipotence, omnipresence, and especially omniscience and sovereignty. God did not have a beginning nor will He have an end. That God is sovereign in all matters of redemption as first instigator of salvation in the sinner's life is taught everywhere. These truths are favoured by Calvinists.

These two viewpoints are not mutually exclusive, only incomplete if not taken together.

In the instance of Limited Atonement, for example, because God is God, and forgiveness is the spiritual act of a God who is Spirit, the blood of Jesus is applied only by Him and without reference to time. Mercy is the causation. How can we then say that God must wait upon an individual's timeline performance for this to occur? Regardless of who we think is responsible for salvation, man or God, or both, because time is not involved, Jesus' blood will never be applied to those who are unsaved and will always be applied to those who are. From His perspective Jesus died for His own whom He foreknew.

But we are not omniscient and are told to carry the Gospel of mercy to the ends of the earth telling everyone they must be saved.


New member

There are not 2 gospels, just 2 points of view of the same gospel and both are correct within their individual scope.

There is the human, earthly, time-bounded view which everyday life teaches us to abide by. We live life linearly and our thinking is finite in scope. To us everything has a beginning and an end. As the Bible is, to a great extent, historical narrative, this type of presentation is natural and normal for us. From this viewpoint it is absolutely true that every soul has opportunity (even responsibility) to believe and be saved. These truths are favoured with Arminian theology.

There is also the heavenly, God's eye view of redemption. It is not restricted by linear time, is infinite in scope, and involves the qualities that God describes about Himself that are beyond our full comprehension: omnipotence, omnipresence, and especially omniscience and sovereignty. God did not have a beginning nor will He have an end. That God is sovereign in all matters of redemption as first instigator of salvation in the sinner's life is taught everywhere. These truths are favoured by Calvinists.

These two viewpoints are not mutually exclusive, only incomplete if not taken together.

In the instance of Limited Atonement, for example, because God is God, and forgiveness is the spiritual act of a God who is Spirit, the blood of Jesus is applied only by Him and without reference to time. Mercy is the causation. How can we then say that God must wait upon an individual's timeline performance for this to occur? Regardless of who we think is responsible for salvation, man or God, or both, because time is not involved, Jesus' blood will never be applied to those who are unsaved and will always be applied to those who are. From His perspective Jesus died for His own whom He foreknew.

But we are not omniscient and are told to carry the Gospel of mercy to the ends of the earth telling everyone they must be saved.


As far as I am aware, the Calvinist position is that God had every right to choose who would have eternal life because of man's total depravity. This depravity, they argue, is so complete that no man would ever choose God. So the Good News is that He gracefully chose some.

"By predestination we mean the eternal decree of God, by which he determined with himself whatever he wished to happen with regard to every man. All are not created on equal terms, but some are preordained to eternal life, others to eternal damnation; and, accordingly, as each has been created for one or other of these ends, we say that he has been predestinated to life or to death."
(Calvin's 'Institutes')​

The Heidelberg Catechism relating total depravity to God's choice of regeneration:

"Are we then so corrupt that we are wholly incapable of doing any good, and inclined to all wickedness?
Indeed we are; except we are regenerated by the Spirit of God."​