What is the express image of God?


Well-known member
Proof please that the Father was ever alone. Thank you.

Sure now think about this in Heb 1.

God created everything through his son, his son had to be the first creation. Right?

Now his son is the express image of God. To be the express image of God, God had to exist first. So there is the proof that God was alone before he created his express image.

Col 1 tells the same story, it is good to compare them.

Understand that I love the Lord as much as anyone but I see him as a creation. It in no way takes away from the glory he had with his Father.


Well-known member
Understand that I love the Lord as much as anyone but I see him as a creation. It in no way takes away from the glory he had with his Father.
If Jesus shared His Father's Glory, then how do you reconcile this verse?

I am the LORD: that is my name: and my glory will I not give to another, neither my praise to graven images.


Well-known member
If Jesus shared His Father's Glory, then how do you reconcile this verse?

I am the LORD: that is my name: and my glory will I not give to another, neither my praise to graven images.

I did not say he had his Father's glory, he had his own. He is second in command of all creation. Christ is the spiritual son, the highest of all creation. He was given the fullness of his father. He is said to be a form of God in Phil 2. And O God in Heb 1. Think about that friend, I would like to hear your opinion on thoes verses. There is only one true God but there is also a very special Lord.


Well-known member
I did not say he had his Father's glory, he had his own. He is second in command of all creation. Christ is the spiritual son, the highest of all creation. He was given the fullness of his father. He is said to be a form of God in Phil 2. And O God in Heb 1. Think about that friend, I would like to hear your opinion on thoes verses. There is only one true God but there is also a very special Lord.
He said that He had Glory WITH The Father. You're ignoring that fact and not meditating on all the other facts that you choose to ignore. They all point to the fact that Christ = God.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I did not say he had his Father's glory, he had his own. He is second in command of all creation. Christ is the spiritual son, the highest of all creation. He was given the fullness of his father. He is said to be a form of God in Phil 2. And O God in Heb 1. Think about that friend, I would like to hear your opinion on thoes verses. There is only one true God but there is also a very special Lord.

You are a very strange older gentleman. You have some very odd
theories/ideas. Do you sometimes feel as if nobody believes
anything you say? Yet, you still feel it necessary to ramble on
in spite of that? Do you believe that someday, "Everyone" will
embrace your, rather odd opinions?


New member
Sure now think about this in Heb 1.

God created everything through his son, his son had to be the first creation. Right?

Now his son is the express image of God. To be the express image of God, God had to exist first. So there is the proof that God was alone before he created his express image.

Col 1 tells the same story, it is good to compare them.

Understand that I love the Lord as much as anyone but I see him as a creation. It in no way takes away from the glory he had with his Father.

For by [NOT through] him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him: (Colossians 1:16
And HE IS BEFORE ALL THINGS, and by him all things consist. (Colossians 1:17)

All things were made by [NOT through] him; and without him was not anything made that was made. (John 1:3)

For of him, and through him, and to him, are all things: to whom be glory for ever. Amen. (Romans 11:36)

A creation CANNOT create anything, keypurr; therefore, by your own admission you are worshiping a creation and not the Creator.


Well-known member
All things were made by [NOT through] him; and without him was not anything made that was made. (John 1:3)

For of him, and through him, and to him, are all things: to whom be glory for ever. Amen. (Romans 11:36)

A creation CANNOT create anything, keypurr; therefore, by your own admission you are worshiping a creation and not the Creator.
I underlined the part that excludes Keypurr's theory about Christ being created. If Jesus were created, He would have made the list of things made 'without' Jesus, instead of God saying what He actually DID say. Keypurr likes to invent his own theories and then ignore all Scriptures which disprove them.


Well-known member
He said that He had Glory WITH The Father. You're ignoring that fact and not meditating on all the other facts that you choose to ignore. They all point to the fact that Christ = God.

He did not say that he had the glory OF the Father.

Again, he has the glory given to him from the Father.

Jesus was the anointed (Christ) of God, not God.

Why do you ignore the words of your Lord in John 17:3?


Well-known member
You are a very strange older gentleman. You have some very odd
theories/ideas. Do you sometimes feel as if nobody believes
anything you say? Yet, you still feel it necessary to ramble on
in spite of that? Do you believe that someday, "Everyone" will
embrace your, rather odd opinions?

It matters not if most disagree with me GM. I do what I do to please my God and the son he sent. I have been compelled to share the truth I have been given, you decide what you will do with it. I have done my job.


Well-known member
For by [NOT through] him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him: (Colossians 1:16
And HE IS BEFORE ALL THINGS, and by him all things consist. (Colossians 1:17)

All things were made by [NOT through] him; and without him was not anything made that was made. (John 1:3)

For of him, and through him, and to him, are all things: to whom be glory for ever. Amen. (Romans 11:36)

A creation CANNOT create anything, keypurr; therefore, by your own admission you are worshiping a creation and not the Creator.

I do not question the ability of my creator to delegate his powers in any way he wishes. You do, and that means your God has limits, mine does not. Christ said ALL POWER WAS GIVEN TO HIM in heaven and Earth. I suggest you discuss that with him. God himself speaks of his express spirit laying the foundation of the Universe in Heb 1.


Well-known member
I underlined the part that excludes Keypurr's theory about Christ being created. If Jesus were created, He would have made the list of things made 'without' Jesus, instead of God saying what He actually DID say. Keypurr likes to invent his own theories and then ignore all Scriptures which disprove them.

Jesus was born, he was a msn, that is a creation.

Christ was made in the exact image of the Father. All images are creations. Can you name one that is not a creation?

Keypurr like to use the mind that he has been blessed with. It is true that it is for some to know and some to not. Show me the scripture that shows God did not create his spiritual son. For over seventy years I prayed as studied his words, I have been blessed to understand some of them.


Well-known member
If your job was to deceive, then, you have tried your best.

You were deceived long before you knew of me GM.

I bring you truth, there is one God, the Father AND one Lord Jesus Christ. If you wish to discard that you only cheat yourself out of understanding who God and his Christ really are.


Well-known member
He did not say that he had the glory OF the Father.
He said that He had glory WITH The Father before the world was framed. That means God's Glory, whether you can face that fact or not.
Again, he has the glory given to him from the Father.
He didn't say that.
Jesus was the anointed (Christ) of God, not God.
The Spirit of Christ is The Spirit of God. They are one and the same.

But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his.

If you don't have The Spirit of Christ, you're not His. If you have The Spirit of Christ AND The Spirit of God then you have received Holy Spirits (plural) which is spoken of nowhere in Scripture.
Why do you ignore the words of your Lord in John 17:3?
I don't. The comma wasn't invented when Scripture was written. Saying, "And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent," doesn't mean that God and Jesus Christ are two different beings. It means that the God and Jesus Christ Whom He sent are one and the same, IMHO. We don't come to know God and also come to know Jesus Christ. We come to know God because Jesus Christ IS God. He is The One we come to know. God is One. He isn't two or three. He is One. His Form is whatever He needs at the moment. He was a Burning Bush. He was a Pillar of Fire and a Pillar of Cloud. He was The Voice in the Wind. He was The One Who visited Abraham in the desert. He was The One Who wrestled with Jacob. He was The Rushing Mighty Wind. He is the same: yesterday, today and forever. He is Jesus. Jesus Christ is come to you in the form of my flesh and in the flesh of every believer on earth whom He has chosen. Without His Spirit in you, you have no life in you. You can only gain eternal life by drinking His Blood and eating His Flesh. You need to join Thomas and come to worship Him as Lord and God.


Well-known member
Jesus was born, he was a msn, that is a creation.
He chose to take on the form of a single cell (spermatozoa) and to unite with an egg and become a zygote. The fullness of The Godhead bodily dwelt in a single cell. That's a feat that ONLY God could attempt or accomplish, not to mention imagine. He has never changed (intrinsically) even though He has manifested in many forms. Just because He appeared to Moses as a Burning Bush doesn't make Him a plant. He is God, Who is infinite and omnipotent, even though He took on the form of a plant. You need to re-think your foolish strategy of ignoring the over-running themes of Scripture. God has appeared more times than you may like to admit but He always appears in whatever form He chooses.
Christ was made in the exact image of the Father. All images are creations. Can you name one that is not a creation?
Christ is NOT a created being. Scripture clearly shows that, yet you continually ignore this Truth.
Keypurr like to use the mind that he has been blessed with.
You shouldn't speak of yourself in the third person, it makes you look kookoo and you're already on most people's 'whack-a-doodle' list.
It is true that it is for some to know and some to not.
Not true. God isn't willing that ANY should perish. He has given Truth which is public. There is NO private interpretation of prophecy.
Show me the scripture that shows God did not create his spiritual son.
The one above, where I underlined is one. You seem to have a habit of glossing over Truth.
For over seventy years I prayed as studied his words, I have been blessed to understand some of them.
I've been blessed to understand EVERYTHING that He has revealed of His Mystery. When the rest is revealed, there will be no more mystery, as He has declared to His servants, the prophets.


Well-known member
He said that He had glory WITH The Father before the world was framed. That means God's Glory, whether you can face that fact or not.He didn't say that.The Spirit of Christ is The Spirit of God. They are one and the same.

But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his.

If you don't have The Spirit of Christ, you're not His. If you have The Spirit of Christ AND The Spirit of God then you have received Holy Spirits (plural) which is spoken of nowhere in Scripture.I don't. The comma wasn't invented when Scripture was written. Saying, "And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent," doesn't mean that God and Jesus Christ are two different beings. It means that the God and Jesus Christ Whom He sent are one and the same, IMHO. We don't come to know God and also come to know Jesus Christ. We come to know God because Jesus Christ IS God. He is The One we come to know. God is One. He isn't two or three. He is One. His Form is whatever He needs at the moment. He was a Burning Bush. He was a Pillar of Fire and a Pillar of Cloud. He was The Voice in the Wind. He was The One Who visited Abraham in the desert. He was The One Who wrestled with Jacob. He was The Rushing Mighty Wind. He is the same: yesterday, today and forever. He is Jesus. Jesus Christ is come to you in the form of my flesh and in the flesh of every believer on earth whom He has chosen. Without His Spirit in you, you have no life in you. You can only gain eternal life by drinking His Blood and eating His Flesh. You need to join Thomas and come to worship Him as Lord and God.

You have no clue what I have been posting Aimiel. The spirit or the spirit of God is not the topic. The discussion is about the express image of God. God is a spirit so his express image is a spirit. Christ is a spiritual being. Christ was given the power to take any form he wanted, but he still has a God he prays to.

If you can not see that Christ has a God then nothing I can say will help you see truth. Follow the crowd if you wish.


Well-known member
You have no clue what I have been posting Aimiel.
You have no clue what you're talking about.
The spirit or the spirit of God is not the topic.
Actually, it is; since God chose to make it known to us that His Son is not only a man but also God, in The Flesh.
The discussion is about the express image of God.
Jesus is all of The Express Image of God, since He is God, clothed in Flesh.
God is a spirit so his express image is a spirit.
What do you think... that God is some see-through Casper kinda' dude? He is Spirit, but Spirit is ABOVE flesh, not beneath. He is just as solid as you or myself, yet invisible to us by design. He came into the presence of the apostles AFTER that they had closed and locked the doors. He also ate with them. You don't realize it, but God, as Spirit can take on any form He chooses. He can inhabit anyone He chooses. He can take on The Form of Flesh if He so chooses. He can even surrender His Life and die, and did, and behold: He is alive FOREVERMORE. Amen.
Christ is a spiritual being. Christ was given the power to take any form he wanted, but he still has a God he prays to.
Yes, as an example. He gave us the instructions we need to live a Christian life.
If you can not see that Christ has a God then nothing I can say will help you see truth. Follow the crowd if you wish.
I am a sheep. I follow my Master. I know His Voice. I won't follow strangers. You are wandering the wilderness of foolishness chasing a stranger. I don't want anything to do with that. Thanks anyway.


Well-known member
He chose to take on the form of a single cell (spermatozoa) and to unite with an egg and become a zygote. The fullness of The Godhead bodily dwelt in a single cell. That's a feat that ONLY God could attempt or accomplish, not to mention imagine. He has never changed (intrinsically) even though He has manifested in many forms. Just because He appeared to Moses as a Burning Bush doesn't make Him a plant. He is God, Who is infinite and omnipotent, even though He took on the form of a plant. You need to re-think your foolish strategy of ignoring the over-running themes of Scripture. God has appeared more times than you may like to admit but He always appears in whatever form He chooses.Christ is NOT a created being. Scripture clearly shows that, yet you continually ignore this Truth.You shouldn't speak of yourself in the third person, it makes you look kookoo and you're already on most people's 'whack-a-doodle' list.Not true. God isn't willing that ANY should perish. He has given Truth which is public. There is NO private interpretation of prophecy.The one above, where I underlined is one. You seem to have a habit of glossing over Truth.I've been blessed to understand EVERYTHING that He has revealed of His Mystery. When the rest is revealed, there will be no more mystery, as He has declared to His servants, the prophets.

I hope your joking.

Christ did not come of his own accord, he was SENT by his God.

Anything BORN is a creation, a creature. Jesus was born.

Christ, the spirit son of God, is the express image of the Father. That is a creation.

Our Lord Christ can take any form he wishes for he is a created FORM of God. The Father was pleased that he had his fullness.

You seem to believe in fairytales. Read his words, do not add to them, do not assume anything.

Show me where my thoughts are wrong. Show me that Christ was not the exact image of God, show me that Jesus was not born.