What is the express image of God?


Well-known member
Perhaps the blood of Messiah is the pure blood of the grape, and therefore symbolic, just as Messiah is the true Vine and we are the branches if we abide in his doctrine and teachings, (the blood)?? :)

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Perhaps the blood of Messiah is the pure blood of the grape, and therefore symbolic, just as Messiah is the true Vine and we are the branches if we abide in his doctrine and teachings, (the blood)?? :)

Do you believe Christ shed His blood for the sins of ALL mankind?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Daqq, your silence means:

1) You don't believe He did?
2) You're not sure He did?
3) You don't know either way?
4) You don't want to answer?
5) You fell asleep?


Well-known member
Do you believe Christ shed His blood for the sins of ALL mankind?

Daqq, your silence means:

1) You don't believe He did?
2) You're not sure He did?
3) You don't know either way?
4) You don't want to answer?
5) You fell asleep?

In the five minutes between your two posts you assume yourself the right to judge silence on my part? Do you suppose others just hang out and wait for you to post so everyone can respond within five minutes of your every word? I will say a prayer for you since you are clearly mentally challenged. However I have already responded to and explained my position concerning most all of what you ask and much of it was done right here in this very thread about over a month ago. Why have you been silent on this issue since the middle of July? You were already here in this thread when this subject matter was brought up with your pal Silent StanJ. Your silence proves you also are essentially a theoretical cannibal in your own carnal minded doctrine because you see a mortal man as God and therefore you must eat the flesh of the man you call God, and drink his blood, if you truly would keep his commandments. Likewise, if indeed Yeshua was to return, even though it be in a so-called "glorified body", you and your fellow cannibals like Stan the man would still need to eat him in order to live because his words will never pass away. Do you not believe Yeshua when he says that heaven and earth shall pass away but his words shall not pass away? Your silence in this matter over the last month and a half is deafening. You really should start believing the words of Messiah or you will never shake off that stench of death about you. :crackup:

By the way I did not make this response until after you gave me a negative rep for my previous post. Some people just wish to grow up to become murderers I suppose.


Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
In the five minutes between your two posts you assume yourself the right to judge silence on my part? Do you suppose others just hang out and wait for you to post so everyone can respond within five minutes of your every word? I will say a prayer for you since you are clearly mentally challenged. However I have already responded to and explained my position concerning most all of what you ask and much of it was done right here in this very thread about over a month ago. Why have you been silent on this issue since the middle of July? You were already here in this thread when this subject matter was brought up with your pal Silent StanJ. Your silence proves you also are essentially a theoretical cannibal in your own carnal minded doctrine because you see a mortal man as God and therefore you must eat the flesh of the man you call God, and drink his blood, if you truly would keep his commandments. Likewise, if indeed Yeshua was to return, even though it be in a so-called "glorified body", you and your fellow cannibals like Stan the man would still need to eat him in order to live because his words will never pass away. Do you not believe Yeshua when he says that heaven and earth shall pass away but his words shall not pass away? Your silence in this matter over the last month and a half is deafening. You really should start believing the words of Messiah or you will never shake off that stench of death about you. :crackup:

Are you a member of the Body of Christ or part of some strange cult?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Daqq, apparently your opinions are not well received on TOL. That would
make one wonder if you're a cultist? I see that you're, bitter, angry, and
aggravated. Obviously, you're not a happy guy.


Well-known member
Daqq, apparently your opinions are not well received on TOL. That would
make one wonder if you're a cultist? I see that you're, bitter, angry, and
aggravated. Obviously, you're not a happy guy.

So, you don't wish to divulge your religious affiliation? Well, I'll just assume
you're hiding something you don't wish to go public.

Not only are you a troll but you are proven a theoretical cannibal, a flaming spiritual sodomite forcing your will and yourself on others who are clearly repulsed by your perverted, unwanted, and unwarranted advances, and again, according to the very definition in the Scripture which you falsely claim to uphold, you are a murderer because you have murder in your heart, which defiles a man in the doctrine of Yeshua, and the murder in your heart regurgitates up and comes forth out of your mouth like three unclean frogs every time you open your mouth. I do not owe you any more answers any more than I owe you a cake, flamer. Ooo, ooo, I foresee yet another two or three neg rep bullets in my immediate future compliments of the flaming manchurian Joker trapped in a crowded theater with a new toy in his arsenal! :flamer:


1 John 3:15
15. Whosoever hates his brother is a murderer: and you know that no murderer has eternal life abiding in him.


Well-known member
Daqq, apparently your opinions are not well received on TOL. That would
make one wonder if you're a cultist? I see that you're, bitter, angry, and
aggravated. Obviously, you're not a happy guy.

Your full of yourself GM. Daqq opinions are very well received on TOL. You are so self righteous that it is sickening. Your judge every one, did you get authorization from the Lord to do his work of judging?

He speaks well above your ability to understand his words. You need to do more listening and less talking friend.


Sorry but your wrong.

God does not have blood.

Jesus Christ does for he is human.

The word is not Jesus, it was the spirit that was in him.

Listen to the words of Jesus in John 17:3 and stop following the thoughts of man. Christ is a form of God, not God. For Christ to become flesh it had to be something other than flesh. Think friend. God's Bible needs a deeper understanding than what you will find in a structured setting. You will need to go outside the church box Puppet or you will never have truth.

There's only one church and I'll never go outside it. God is with us. Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call His name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us. Matthew 1:23

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Your full of yourself GM. Daqq opinions are very well received on TOL. You are so self righteous that it is sickening. Your judge every one, did you get authorization from the Lord to do his work of judging?

He speaks well above your ability to understand his words. You need to do more listening and less talking friend.

Sounds like you and Daqq are both very angry, bitter guys.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Not only are you a troll but you are proven a theoretical cannibal, a flaming spiritual sodomite forcing your will and yourself on others who are clearly repulsed by your perverted, unwanted, and unwarranted advances, and again, according to the very definition in the Scripture which you falsely claim to uphold, you are a murderer because you have murder in your heart, which defiles a man in the doctrine of Yeshua, and the murder in your heart regurgitates up and comes forth out of your mouth like three unclean frogs every time you open your mouth. I do not owe you any more answers any more than I owe you a cake, flamer. Ooo, ooo, I foresee yet another two or three neg rep bullets in my immediate future compliments of the flaming manchurian Joker trapped in a crowded theater with a new toy in his arsenal! :flamer:


1 John 3:15
15. Whosoever hates his brother is a murderer: and you know that no murderer has eternal life abiding in him.

Calling another poster a homosexual just might get you banned?


are you still yappin' about biases ? is that what this thread is too ?

just kiddin' shake it off
Everyone on TOL--myself included--yaps and yaps about their biases.

I consider myself lucky that I am not the sort of guy who would even think of yapping to others here that my own biases are somehow the absolute TRUTH.

But this website and this thread are filled with plenty of those who cannot do a fearless searching and moral inventory of themselves and admit that they don't really know or understand God's truth.


New member
Everyone on TOL--myself included--yaps and yaps about their biases.

I consider myself lucky that I am not the sort of guy who would even think of yapping to others here that my own biases are somehow the absolute TRUTH.

But this website and this thread are filled with plenty of those who cannot do a fearless searching and moral inventory of themselves and admit that they don't really know or understand God's truth.

Not quite like you do aikido.... ranting does indeed happen but not by everyone, only by those who can't really elucidate their POVs. Don't get frustrated if you can't defend yours, just learn the truth.