SaulToPaul 2
Well-known member
Terrible post IP. Not even good enough to even have holes. It's just one big HOLE.
Altogether holey, indeed.
Terrible post IP. Not even good enough to even have holes. It's just one big HOLE.
Excellent post Tam!
Terrible post IP. Not even good enough to even have holes. It's just one big HOLE.
The fact that he can't see that the Book of Revelation is completely saturated with prophetic Israelite doctrine is proof enough that he is clueless.Why?
Because he actually concludes that MAD originated by reading MAD into the Scriptures.
Talk about not thinking his conclusions through.
But he does the same with Peter in Acts 10, so, one more hole in this huge worm hole of his going in, is not going to make any difference :chuckle:
The fact that he can't see that the Book of Revelation is completely saturated with prophetic Israelite doctrine is proof enough that he is clueless.
Rev 21 and Isaiah 60-66 are nearly identical. John was one of the twelve..... it's not hard to follow.
Terrible post IP. Not even good enough to even have holes. It's just one big HOLE.
No it is not hard to follow - after all, it is the subject of THEIR hope![]()
The reason it stands is because 2P2P does not. 2P2P is a complete mistake.. The inability to accept that is why the coward closed 'what gospel was Paul saved under?' (trying to validate 2 gospels, instead of the arrival of the one).
What do you mean by if I mean the body of Christ in the way MAD does?
Abraham was NEAR GOD, but did not live to see the promise, he did not live to be put 'in' the body, but he watched from a far and then was put in the body when Christ reconciled the world to him.
What are you talking about? How do you mean it does not change your path in life? Being put in the body is everything.
So that is not a dramatic change?
The review of my post as terrible has no effect on me. You must speak about one specific proposition at a time.
Lol, effect on you is my job.
Thus, your use of the word "fricken" in your posts to me at times :chuckle:
Seeing as your views are firmly set in the cement that is your error...
Spitball, tag, dodge ball - that's all this is, brother; take a chill pill :rotfl:
How do you organize dispensations, if not this way? Maybe you have a list of your dispensations you could share?Discussed among MADs.
Some do, some don't.
I don't (think the 7 churches represent 7 dispensations).
Nor do I think the 7 churches (congregations) are of the BOC, but are of Israel.
I've never heard someone separate them into separate covenants before. The way I've heard is that it's one big progressive covenant that keeps getting added onto. (not a question, just a comment)Gonna depend on which Abe covenant you talk about.
Paul compares our salvation with the covenant God made to Abe in Genesis 12, when Abe was uncircumcised and did nothing (ie. was asleep while GOD passed through the animal parts).
Later Abe was made a covenant that included circumcision (the literal flesh circumcision), of which we (BOC) have no part in.
So, MAD doesn't practice baptism? It seems you would perhaps even be against the practice, since it pertains to the Law, in your thought? (Sorry to put words in your mouth; please correct if wrong)Baptism is a purification rite for Israel. Making the unclean, clean, for worship.
Paul, the apostle with the gospel for the BOC was not sent to baptize (1Co 1:17), as the apostles for Israel were (Matt 28:19).
That's surprising considering how dogmatic the people here seem to be.We don't have any formal creeds, if that's what you mean.
I can think of at least one place the Gentiles acceptance is prophecied, but I'm not really trying to debate. Is that why DUE TO is bold-caps?In other words, the prophets did not foretell of a time that Gentiles would be accepted by God DUE TO the fall of Israel. (Rom 11:11)
By any chance are you familiar with Jewish teachings re: the standards of righteousness for Goyim, and the Noahide covenant? (The Acts 15 Jerusalem council is basically a NT redux you might be more familiar with.) If so, do you feel the Noahide precepts for all mankind reconcile well with MAD teachings of faith without works?That is one of the main tenets ----- that Israel and the BOC are not the same entity and are under different programs.
Israel - program of faith plus works.
BOC - program of faith without works.
I don't keep a list.How do you organize dispensations, if not this way? Maybe you have a list of your dispensations you could share?
Well, it really couldn't be the same covenant if at one time you have to be circumcised and the other your don't.I've never heard someone separate them into separate covenants before. The way I've heard is that it's one big progressive covenant that keeps getting added onto. (not a question, just a comment)
Not stupid.I know I'm going to feel stupid for this one, but... what does BOC stand for? I think I understand what you mean by it, just not sure of the acronym.
It's not that I'm against it.So, MAD doesn't practice baptism? It seems you would perhaps even be against the practice, since it pertains to the Law, in your thought? (Sorry to put words in your mouth; please correct if wrong)
Some can be.That's surprising considering how dogmatic the people here seem to be.
They were accepted through Israel, or at the very least were ally to Israel.I can think of at least one place the Gentiles acceptance is prophecied, but I'm not really trying to debate. Is that why DUE TO is bold-caps?
I know what you are talking about.By any chance are you familiar with Jewish teachings re: the standards of righteousness for Goyim, and the Noahide covenant? (The Acts 15 Jerusalem council is basically a NT redux you might be more familiar with.) If so, do you feel the Noahide precepts for all mankind reconcile well with MAD teachings of faith without works?
I'll add here that the Noahide rules for righteousness for Gentiles do not contain any positive commandments* (ie do this). Only negative commands (ie don't do this). They are:I know what you are talking about [the Noahide covenant rules]. But MADs, for the most part, don't believe we are under any law at all (in which our works count).
It's grace through faith only, without works.
MAD is not a religious sect, nor is it a doctrine (per se).
It's really just a term to let folks know that we are the ones that see the BOC and Israel as separate entities that God deals with differently.
It separates us from the ones that are of replacement theology --- that the BOC replaced Israel.
Or those that think that Gentiles are grafted into Israel and become the "new" Israel of God - which is just another form of replacement theology (the "new" Israel replaces the old Israel).
In other words, we don't think God is finished with the nation of Israel and it's promises, whereas non-MADs think God is through with Israel and all their promises are fulfilled for the BOC.
It's not a modern teaching.
It's what Paul taught.
Only some of the terms (like MAD) are modern, and only to distinguish from other views.
Like we use the terms: trinity, pre-trib, OSAS, etc. to distinguish from other views.
(OSAS - Once Saved Always Saved.)
None of these are exclusive to MAD.
About the only thing exclusive to MAD is that the BOC is not Israel, and that Israel will once again be gathered together and united (the split kingdom united again), and their kingdom restored in their promised land where Christ will rule on the throne of David.
God's program for Israel (taught by the 12 apostles) is not the same program for the BOC (taught by Paul).