By using the word "wash" you've immediately swerved into analogies about salvation. I get the idea that something was dirty and needed to be cleaned, but justification is much more powerful and specific than that. "Washed" may miss what's going on.
Justification is from the root of words that have to do with the final day of justice, of righting all wrongs. After the gospel was accomplished, Paul could say that God was "now just--and justifier of the person who has faith in Jesus." The righteousness of God was made known in the Gospel so that men could be justified. Rom 3. All wrongs must be righted, but most of us, if we are honest, are overwhelmed in things we cannot fix.
In other words, the Gospel event was PART OF the eschaton--the events of the end of time. It was a merciful moment in which the Judge of all sees the predicament of the guilty race and says, 'hold on, I'll go down and stand in their place.' This 'going down' to do this for us will justify us of our sins before him, so that he can accept us. It is as though the horrors of the judgement day have been moved forward and are behind us. It was still horrible--by any account of the suffering of Christ--but now we can see that that was done for us and we are justified from our record through him.
His righteousness is then credited or transferred to our account! This is very different from changes in us personally, although we do change personally because of it. You see an explosion take place a mile away, but then later the sound shock hits you. They are two different things, but they are related. The crediting of righteousness is what the reconciliation (of accounts) is about in 2 Cor 5.
Because of this we can conclude a few things:
1, God take his law very seriously
2, absolutely nothing outside the work and sacrifice of Christ can justify us from our sins
3, justification is how God can accept us which is much more the question than whether we can accept Christ. God cannot accept sinners. But if their account is credited with a perfect, infinite righteousness, they can be accepted and they can change.
4, 'accepting Christ' has the role of a property seller accepting a counter offer or final offer. It is an agreement that #1--3 above are the basic reality of the situation we are dealing with. It is not work as in the labor toward that purchase but it is needed to have closure, a necessary agreement.
Excuse the icon :chuckle: