What is God's first creation?


Well-known member
Of course Jesus told us who He is. He told us verbally, and more importantly demonstrated who he is.

Keypurr…. If Jesus had used the exact words to the Pharisees "I am God"... Do you think that would have convinced them? No... of course not. And for the same reason, you also deny Him.
Throughout both OT and NT we see that Jesus is God. Jesus has every attribute that God the Father does.
Jesus is omnipotent
He has "all authority"...Matthew 28:18

Jesus is omnipresent
"Where 2 or 3...I am there" Matt. 18:20

Jesus is omniscient.
John 1:48-50 Jesus knew where Nathaniel was.

Jesus is called God.
"Of the Son he(God the Father) says, "Thy throne oh God..."" Heb. 1:8
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." John 1:1
So the Word WAS GOD...... then compare to v14... the Word became human

Jesus is also called 'Lord'. Matt. 22:43-45

Jesus is the 'King of kings and Lord of lords'. Rev. 19:16

Jesus receives worship from angels and humans
.."Let all the angels of God worship Him" Heb. 1:6
"At the name of Jesus, every knee shall bow, of those who are in Heaven, and those on earth, and under the earth."
Phil. 2:10

Jesus claimed to be equal to his father.
"I and the Father are one." John 10:30

Jesus is the mighty God and the everlasting Father Is.9:6

Jesus is the Creator.
Col. 1:16

Jesus forgives sin Luke 7:48

Jesus Christ was given his power and words to say from above. You need to open your mind to see that. Until then your in darkness. He didn't even know when he is to return. That should tell you something.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
So the Jews misunderstood him and that makes Jesus God. How silly.
I was just pointing out that some people who actually saw Jesus and heard Him speak, heard Him, understood Him, to be saying that He is God.


Well-known member
Why do you not worship Jesus. His apostles did, the women who followed him did.

As I told you many times my only God is YHWH.

MARI is the Aramaic word for "my master", a title consistently given to Y'shua by his followers. When Thomas saw the risen Savior in John's Gospel, for example, he dropped to his knees and declared "Mari w'Alahi", or My Master and my Elohim,"

See how the Greek to English Bibles have distorted the words of truth. Thank the RCC for that.


Well-known member
Sorry I can not get into some of the other threads as the mods cut me off from them. I guess they see me as a danger to their members. I see it as a win for me for they do not think most of you can think for yourself. They are right.

If I have offended any one with truth I can not change that. But it was not my intent to do so. The reason why this site is losing folks its because a forum needs discussion and different view points to consider. When they decide to pull the plug on me remember that I love you all, friend or foe, we are all seeking to understand our God.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
I live in central Massachusetts, maybe we can get to meet sometime.
So you must be living in the diocese of Springfield. I watched your diocesan bishop on television once recently---he spoke well; it looks like you've got a good one.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Sorry I can not get into some of the other threads as the mods cut me off from them. I guess they see me as a danger to their members. I see it as a win for me for they do not think most of you can think for yourself. They are right.

If I have offended any one with truth I can not change that. But it was not my intent to do so. The reason why this site is losing folks its because a forum needs discussion and different view points to consider. When they decide to pull the plug on me remember that I love you all, friend or foe, we are all seeking to understand our God.
In the Catholic Church, you couldn't get any traction to challenge authoritative Church teaching, but you could pressure the Church to more clearly define why that is. The Reformation's chief conclusion today, is the Catechism of the Catholic Church which consists of all infallible teachings in matters of faith and morals, and teachings on public policy. The Reformation would have never happened if there were a documented, authorized teaching available for Martin Luther to refer to when he formulated his 95 Theses, many of which have been since addressed either directly, or something is now codified in the Catechism that now obviates some of them.

These matters are matters of faith, and the Church teaches authoritatively in matters of faith and morals, and she teaches on these matters precisely, and so there is no real argument with Christians who like you do, want to argue against the Trinity. It's a matter of faith, and the Church's magisterium, her teaching office, teaches infallibly in many matters of faith, and arguments against the Trinity is a matter of faith.

So we have our answer. And you argue that we don't think for ourselves, but we do; we thought about this, and decided that we agreed with the Church, as condescending and belittling as it is to say, as if we are qualified and credentialed to inspect and certify all the Church's bishops; and now we trust her to teach us what we ought to know, based on what the Apostles both wrote and said, which we believe is what Jesus commanded them to teach Mt28:19-20KJV.


New member
keypurr said:
Jesus Christ was given his power and words to say from above. You need to open your mind to see that. Until then your in darkness. He didn't even know when he is to return. That should tell you something.
Even the JW Bible explains, "So the Word became flesh and resided among us." John 1:14

Also, even the JW Bible tells us that Jesus is not a created being "All things came into existence through him, and apart from him not even one thing came into existence." John 1:3

Bright Raven

Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Sorry I can not get into some of the other threads as the mods cut me off from them. I guess they see me as a danger to their members. I see it as a win for me for they do not think most of you can think for yourself. They are right.

If I have offended any one with truth I can not change that. But it was not my intent to do so. The reason why this site is losing folks its because a forum needs discussion and different view points to consider. When they decide to pull the plug on me remember that I love you all, friend or foe, we are all seeking to understand our God.

You are a danger to yourself friend. If you do not change your way of thinking you will be in for a rude awakening.


Well-known member
So you must be living in the diocese of Springfield. I watched your diocesan bishop on television once recently---he spoke well; it looks like you've got a good one.

No, I live in the Worcester area. I am not a member of any church.

Church is what you are, not where you go.


Well-known member
In the Catholic Church, you couldn't get any traction to challenge authoritative Church teaching, but you could pressure the Church to more clearly define why that is. The Reformation's chief conclusion today, is the Catechism of the Catholic Church which consists of all infallible teachings in matters of faith and morals, and teachings on public policy. The Reformation would have never happened if there were a documented, authorized teaching available for Martin Luther to refer to when he formulated his 95 Theses, many of which have been since addressed either directly, or something is now codified in the Catechism that now obviates some of them.

These matters are matters of faith, and the Church teaches authoritatively in matters of faith and morals, and she teaches on these matters precisely, and so there is no real argument with Christians who like you do, want to argue against the Trinity. It's a matter of faith, and the Church's magisterium, her teaching office, teaches infallibly in many matters of faith, and arguments against the Trinity is a matter of faith.

So we have our answer. And you argue that we don't think for ourselves, but we do; we thought about this, and decided that we agreed with the Church, as condescending and belittling as it is to say, as if we are qualified and credentialed to inspect and certify all the Church's bishops; and now we trust her to teach us what we ought to know, based on what the Apostles both wrote and said, which we believe is what Jesus commanded them to teach Mt28:19-20KJV.

Friend, most folks agree with you, that is your choice. The Protestants did not stray far enough away from the "infallible teachings" teaching of your early leaders. However my faith is in truth, not traditional fables. My faith is based on over many years of study from many sources. I put my trust in my understanding of the scriptures.

So we agree to disagree, that's OK.


Well-known member
Even the JW Bible explains, "So the Word became flesh and resided among us." John 1:14

Also, even the JW Bible tells us that Jesus is not a created being "All things came into existence through him, and apart from him not even one thing came into existence." John 1:3

That still does not prove that Jesus is God. God created all through his son.
That power was given to the logos and it is the logos that spoke through Jesus.

Anything BORN is a creature, a creation.

Even the logos, the spirit son of YHWH.


New member
I am of no importance BR, the TRUTH is.

I will be judged by the content of my heart.

I worry not.

Scripture informs the reader that the Righteous are NOT judged.

If you think that you will be judged, then that makes you un-righteous, and you will take part in the Second Resurrection.