What is death? What is resurrection? And why do we care?

God's Truth

New member
Thanks but I can't see the whole screen when watching, but I could when I reposted it?

Okay, I watched the whole video, thanks for posting it here.

Sometimes clicking on links can bring a virus to your computer, easier than clicking onto something on this site, but still not impossible.

I would like to point out that you could have put this video topic in your own words by simply saying you believe that we are all related to someone Jewish and that makes us all Jews; or, you could have said something truer and more profound and that would be that IT DOES NOT MATTER who is related to Abraham anymore because God says not of by human descent/blood relations to Abraham.

We are all related to Eve, for Eve is everyone's mother. How do I know? I know because the Bible says so plainly: Genesis 3:20 Adam named his wife Eve, because she would become the mother of all the living.

So what makes us of a particular ethnicity? Well, it is said that it takes up to the 6th generation to remove any resemblance of an ethnicity from your DNA. For instance, if a white person marries a black person, and their half black and half white children married and had children from white spouses, their children would only then be part black; and then, if those part black and 3/4th white descendants had children with all white people, then the part black would now be 1/8th black, going further in the same ethnicity would be 1/16 black, and then virtually non detectable of the black race in those descendants. So it seems that that part is a little lost in that pastor's proof.

However,what does matter is that we are all related to Eve, and that God does NOT CARE anymore who has more of Abraham's blood, and as Paul says, "...instruct certain men not to teach false doctrines or to devote themselves to myths and endless genealogies. Such things promote controversial speculations rather than advancing God's work--which is by faith."

It only matters that we are related to Abraham by having the same faith as Abraham had. All these people who think that Jews are special people with a special end time that no one else has is well, wrong. God cut off unbelieving Jews and bound them with the disobedient Gentiles. We are all the same when it comes to blood. It only matters to whom one is blood related to Jesus and the shedding of Jesus' blood on the cross.


Well-known member
Thanks but I can't see the whole screen when watching, but I could when I reposted it?

I've run into that a few times. I think it's because I'm too much a cheapskate to pay for a membership, and sometimes it gives me the narrow post window with an ad to the right.

Just so you know, there's an "Insert Video" button that does the job for you on the quick reply screen (the first one you get when you reply to someone's post). It's the second one from the right, and it looks like a film strip, sort of. The button is still available when you click "Go Advanced".


Well-known member
Okay, I watched the whole video, thanks for posting it here.

Sometimes clicking on links can bring a virus to your computer, easier than clicking onto something on this site, but still not impossible.

I would like to point out that you could have put this video topic in your own words by simply saying you believe that we are all related to someone Jewish and that makes us all Jews; or, you could have said something truer and more profound and that would be that IT DOES NOT MATTER who is related to Abraham anymore because God says not of by human descent/blood relations to Abraham.

We are all related to Eve, for Eve is everyone's mother. How do I know? I know because the Bible says so plainly: Genesis 3:20 Adam named his wife Eve, because she would become the mother of all the living.

So what makes us of a particular ethnicity? Well, it is said that it takes up to the 6th generation to remove any resemblance of an ethnicity from your DNA. For instance, if a white person marries a black person, and their half black and half white children married and had children from white spouses, their children would only then be part black; and then, if those part black and 3/4th white descendants had children with all white people, then the part black would now be 1/8th black, going further in the same ethnicity would be 1/16 black, and then virtually non detectable of the black race in those descendants. So it seems that that part is a little lost in that pastor's proof.

However,what does matter is that we are all related to Eve, and that God does NOT CARE anymore who has more of Abraham's blood, and as Paul says, "...instruct certain men not to teach false doctrines or to devote themselves to myths and endless genealogies. Such things promote controversial speculations rather than advancing God's work--which is by faith."

It only matters that we are related to Abraham by having the same faith as Abraham had. All these people who think that Jews are special people with a special end time that no one else has is well, wrong. God cut off unbelieving Jews and bound them with the disobedient Gentiles. We are all the same when it comes to blood. It only matters to whom one is blood related to Jesus and the shedding of Jesus' blood on the cross.

Do you know it's taken you so long for you to finally watch it that I can't quite remember what we where debating now, I could go back over our conversation but I can't be bothered. It's just good that you watched it and learnt that we are all related to Abraham and that clicking on links is okay.


Well-known member
I've run into that a few times. I think it's because I'm too much a cheapskate to pay for a membership, and sometimes it gives me the narrow post window with an ad to the right.

Just so you know, there's an "Insert Video" button that does the job for you on the quick reply screen (the first one you get when you reply to someone's post). It's the second one from the right, and it looks like a film strip, sort of. The button is still available when you click "Go Advanced".

Nice tip thanks.

God's Truth

New member
Do you know it's taken you so long for you to finally watch it that I can't quite remember what we where debating now, I could go back over our conversation but I can't be bothered. It's just good that you watched it and learnt that we are all related to Abraham and that clicking on links is okay.

You are lost, no doubt, as your words imply.

Just read what I last wrote and reply to that instead of lying.

God's Truth

New member
Proverbs 16:18
Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall.

Believe it is about you.

You want to come and fight me personally.

You do not speak according to the word.

You have no light of dawn.

The topic of the thread is What is Death.

Watchman wants it to be What do you think about GT.

God's Truth

New member
Looks lie Watchman doesn't want to answer.

He also seems to be saying that he himself is not good and therefore bad.

I agree with him on that.


Well-known member
Do you think you are a bad person?

I will answer you next even if you don't answer.

As I said I repent every day and that's because I make mistakes all the time which often break the spirit of the law and occasionally break the letter of the law too. Therefore I am not a good person just like Jesus said we all are and if I'm not good I must be bad. So yes I am bad. Even writing that I felt a small amount of pride because I believe i know something that others don't, which is bad in itself. There is no escaping our sinful hearts that sin continually.

Genesis 6:5
The LORD saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time.

Yes that was before the flood but our hearts are still the same and is why Jesus died for us.

When Jesus returns it will take 1000 years just to get mankind to a point where we will be holy enough for God the Father to return to His creation. That's how wicked we are.


Well-known member
Looks lie Watchman doesn't want to answer.

He also seems to be saying that he himself is not good and therefore bad.

I agree with him on that.

I went to bed actually. Playing to the gallery is not becoming. So come on are you good, bad or will you try to justify yourself like all the other hypocrites.

God's Truth

New member
As I said I repent every day and that's because I make mistakes all the time which often break the spirit of the law and occasionally break the letter of the law too. Therefore I am not a good person just like Jesus said we all are and if I'm not good I must be bad. So yes I am bad. Even writing that I felt a small amount of pride because I believe i know something that others don't, which is bad in itself. There is no escaping our sinful hearts that sin continually.

Genesis 6:5
The LORD saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time.

Yes that was before the flood but our hearts are still the same and is why Jesus died for us.

When Jesus returns it will take 1000 years just to get mankind to a point where we will be holy enough for God the Father to return to His creation. That's how wicked we are.

You don't seem to have any understanding. There are wicked and there are the righteous. You identify with the wicked, and I agree.