ECT What gospel was Paul saved under?

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Right Divider

Body part
Well that is one way to see it but it's not the only way. Dependence on something to save us is bondage, not freedom. Freedom includes overcoming all dependencies including our dependence on being dependent. We automatically put ourselves in a hole by saying we are in need. There is an unconscious judgment. The personality bites the fruit but doesn't want us to notice. The personality feels deficient, weak, vulnerable and has to bite the fruit to feel good enough. If it's gone the personality will feel like it's going to be swallowed by this big black emptiness. It fears it will be punished because it assumes God will treat it like its parents or authority figures did when it we a child. It feels the need to run and hide.

The soul in contrast is the letting go of all dependence including dependence on the personality to define us and to bring us the feeling of being good enough, stable enough, secure enough along with the feeling that we are alive and surviving. I often does this through repetitive thoughts. Beliefs are not much more than repetitive thoughts. It will increase this thought activity when threatened. It tries to cover up the emptiness but this is accidentally burying the infinite nature of the soul. The personality says "as long as I can continue to think I will remain alive". It's just the reverse.
Over and over the hot air blows through the halls of TOL.


New member
There is only one Gospel of Christ in the Bible.


In my understanding it is the gospel of Christ but is two-fold.

Those things concerning Christ that were prophesied since the world began...

Acts 3:21 Whom the heaven must receive until the times of restitution of all things, which God hath spoken by the mouth of all his holy prophets since the world began.

Acts 3:24 Yea, and all the prophets from Samuel and those that follow after, as many as have spoken, have likewise foretold of these days.

There is that.

And there are those things concerning Christ that were kept secret since the world began...

Romans 16:25 Now to him that is of power to stablish you according to my gospel, and the preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery, which was kept secret since the world began, 16:26 But now is made manifest, and by the scriptures of the prophets, according to the commandment of the everlasting God, made known to all nations for the obedience of faith: 16:27 To God only wise, be glory through Jesus Christ for ever. Amen.

One gospel of Christ: two aspects.

Or to put it another way - the gospel of, or from God, concerning His Son: the gospel of, or about His Son - that which was prophesied since the world began (Prophecy) and that which was kept secret since the world began (Mystery).

In fairness to all MADS, as with any school of thought; most MADs hold this view; some do not.


New member
The proof is inside us but who is willing to delve the depths of their own subconscious and into the unknown? People are too scared. Mark this guarantee that fear does not come from God.

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Then throw your Bible away; in your view all one needs is to walk back and forth ala Wayne Dyer; going by one's uniformed intution.

:chuckle: Hopefully, you'll learn at SOME point that going by one's own "I thought you meant" is no sound source of wisdom.

Look how many on TOL prove intuition a false signal...

1 Corinthians 12:2 Ye know that ye were Gentiles, carried away unto these dumb idols, even as ye were led.


New member
What gospel was Paul saved under?

Please tell us all how the great mystic guru PB1 came to such wisdom.

You don't have to mock me. I am mostly just like everyone else except I had a spiritual awakening. I tried to throw myself into what I took to be hell but I got heaven instead. You should try it. Even if you fail 100 times. Pluck out your eye if you have to. Cut off your hand. Literally turn your back on everything you think you know. Give up your relationships with your loved ones, cut your ties with your religion, treat your body and mind as if they will do you no good anymore, place yourself far away from society and civilization often and for extended periods, choose to bypass dependence on thoughts and beliefs, obliterate your need to be swept away by the compulsion to avoid utter despair and hopelessness, feel all your feelings of worthlessness in their entirety, dwell in all the slowly accumulated shame and guilt that you have swept under the rug in your lifetime, feel all the lifelong cumulative stress and strain that is in your body, consider how your DNA has been affected by civilizations from the past, for example how ingrained survival of the fittest is embedded in your mentality and how that translates to your actions now, do a mental check of how identifying with traditions and cultures have been passed down and how we assume certain beliefs through unconscious peer pressure, realize how much pride we have in being able to live up to rules and standards and how our investing so much in our identity could be problematic when we are forced to give that identity up as a false notion, become aware of how you have adopted the roles of parent and child from your parents and how that affects what you do and don't do, see all the ways you have decided to make an identity for yourself and how society urges you to uphold that identity at all costs, ask yourself who you really are over and over again and don't ever stop questioning it, find out what it would be like to be dead, think about how much time and energy you give to strengthening this identity of who you take yourself to be, quit trying to cover up weak spots and resisting and denying any and all vulnerability, contemplate death and be ready to face extinction and annihilation at any time, jump into stillness and silence and make them the loves of you're life, notice all the ways you attempt to extract the feeling of being good enough through accomplishments, admit to the ugly and not so ugly unconscious thoughts in your mind, turn to the dark side and fester in the agony of knowing that you hate parts of yourself, examine the self-hatred and the violence around it, know that there is tremendous pain under the self-hatred, witness how we judge ourselves for not really knowing how to deal with the pain and just conveniently acting like it's taken away by belief in Jesus for example, view the tendency to judge ourselves for judging ourselves, embrace your imperfections, confess your misery, throw yourself into what you think is hell multiple multiple multiple times without faking it or doing it only half-heartedly, deeply understand your identity and personality and what is trying to do and why. Keep knocking on the door without ceasing until it completely takes over and consumes your life and you might just get a nibble into realizing what is true by looking deeply into what is false. I guarantee that nibble is worth more than anything the human mind can come up with on it's own. One dip of the finger in the soul and you will be transformed forever. If you can just touch the fringe of its robe.

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New member
You don't have to mock me. I am mostly just like everyone else except I had a spiritual awakening. I tried to throw myself into what I took to be hell but I got heaven instead. You should try it. Even if you fail 100 times. Pluck out your eye if you have to. Cut off your hand. Literally turn your back on everything you think you know. Give up your relationships with your loved ones, cut your ties with your religion, treat your body and mind as if they will do you no good anymore, place yourself far away from society and civilization often and for extended periods, choose to bypass dependence on thoughts and beliefs, obliterate your need to be swept away by the compulsion to avoid utter despair and hopelessness, feel all your feelings of worthlessness in their entirety, dwell in all the slowly accumulated shame and guilt that you have swept under the rug in your lifetime, feel all the lifelong cumulative stress and strain that is in your body, consider how your DNA has been affected by civilizations from the past, for example how ingrained survival of the fittest is embedded in your mentality and how that translates to your actions now, do a mental check of how identifying with traditions and cultures have been passed down and how we assume certain beliefs through unconscious peer pressure, realize how much pride we have in being able to live up to rules and standards and how our investing so much in our identity could be problematic when we are forced to give that identity up as a false notion, become aware of how you have adopted the roles of parent and child from your parents and how that affects what you do and don't do, see all the ways you have decided to make an identity for yourself and how society urges you to uphold that identity at all costs, ask yourself who you really are over and over again and don't ever stop questioning it, think about how much time and energy you give to strengthening this identity of who you take yourself to be, quit trying to cover up weak spots and resisting and denying any and all vulnerability, notice all the ways you attempt to extract the feeling of being good enough through accomplishments, admit to the ugly and not so ugly unconscious thoughts in your mind, turn to the dark side and fester in the agony of knowing that you hate parts of yourself, examine the self-hatred and the violence around it, know that there is tremendous pain under the self-hatred, witness how we judge ourselves for not really knowing how to deal with the pain and just conveniently acting like it's taken away by belief in Jesus for example, view the tendency to judge ourselves for judging ourselves, embrace your imperfections, confess your misery, throw yourself into what you think is hell multiple multiple multiple times without faking it or doing it only half-heartedly, deeply understand your identity and personality and what is trying to do and why. Keep knocking on the door without ceasing until it completely takes over and consumes your life and you might just get a nibble into realizing what is true by looking deeply into what is false. I guarantee that nibble is worth more than anything the human mind can come up with on it's own. One dip of the finger in the soul and you will be transformed forever. If you can just touch the fringe of its robe.

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You have just described the Buddha's "wastin away in Margaritaville" :chuckle:


New member
What gospel was Paul saved under?

You have just described the Buddha's "wastin away in Margaritaville" :chuckle:

You're distracting yourself from finding out the truth for yourself because you're terrified and don't want to admit it. You don't think you're good enough because you lack awareness of the soul. Just like most everyone else. You judge yourself as worthless and take the easy way out. Convenient.

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Ask Mr. Religion

☞☞☞☞Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
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Tell me that you are not asserting, arguing, that there is just one piece of good news in the book(gospel), and that Judas preached the same good news as outlined in 1 Cor. 15:1-4 KJV.

There is no reason to think that Judas did not do everything outwardly that the other disciples did. The notion that he cast out demons should not trouble us. Judas wasn't casting them out by Satan: he was casting them out by the power of God. God may gift a man even in that way (e.g., Saul was "among the prophets"), without that man having the saving grace of God. Moreso, the gospel as a means used by the Spirit saves irrespective of the man (yet another means) exhorting the Good News.

The Gospel is not different for different times and peoples. The gospel has not changed from the OT to the NT. It is always about four things:
God, man, Christ, and response.

1. Who made us, and to whom are we accountable?
2. What is our problem? In other words, are we in trouble and why?
3. What is God’s solution to that problem? How has He acted to save us from it?
4. How do I—myself, right here, right now—how do I come to be included in that salvation? What makes this good news for me and not just for someone else?




New member
You're distracting yourself from finding out the truth for yourself because you're terrified and don't want to admit it. You don't think you're good enough because you lack awareness of the soul. Just like most everyone else. You judge yourself as worthless and take the easy way out. Convenient.

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Nah, I was a Buddhist for a time.

And you'd be surprised what I know.

I just don't care for it.

Personally, I am just riding you :chuckle:

I've been down your path; I can identify with it.

But that is your boat float.

Or as my old college Professor used to ask "what would Mill* say?"


*Philosopher, John Stuart Mill.


New member
Then throw your Bible away; in your view all one needs is to walk back and forth ala Wayne Dyer; going by one's uniformed intution.

:chuckle: Hopefully, you'll learn at SOME point that going by one's own "I thought you meant" is no sound source of wisdom.

Look how many on TOL prove intuition a false signal...

1 Corinthians 12:2 Ye know that ye were Gentiles, carried away unto these dumb idols, even as ye were led.

I can tell you about my view in my own words thank you. Seems we like to draw up conclusions without actually doing any of our own investigating. It's much easier to just take someone else's word for it huh?

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New member
What gospel was Paul saved under?

Nah, I was a Buddhist for a time.

And you'd be surprised what I know.

I just don't care for it.

Personally, I am just riding you :chuckle:

I've been down your path; I can identify with it.

But that is your boat float.

Or as my old college Professor used to ask "what would Mill* say?"


*Philosopher, John Stuart Mill.

Ok I appreciate the honesty. I am not saying anyone has to believe me. I think we have to be willing enough to take an extreme attitude in order to find out for ourselves. It's an exercise in developing the ability to hang out with the unknown.

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Well-known member
There is no reason to think that Judas did not do everything outwardly that the other disciples did. The notion that he cast out demons should not trouble us. Judas wasn't casting them out by Satan: he was casting them out by the power of God. God may gift a man even in that way (e.g., Saul was "among the prophets"), without that man having the saving grace of God. Moreso, the gospel as a means used by the Spirit saves irrespective of the man (yet another means) exhorting the Good News.

The Gospel is not different for different times and peoples. The gospel has not changed from the OT to the NT. It is always about four things:
God, man, Christ, and response.

1. Who made us, and to whom are we accountable?
2. What is our problem? In other words, are we in trouble and why?
3. What is God’s solution to that problem? How has He acted to save us from it?
4. How do I—myself, right here, right now—how do I come to be included in that salvation? What makes this good news for me and not just for someone else?


Hi , so AMR , will you explain what thwe gospel is found and who it was given too?

And will you explain how you were saved and what verses you you to witness salvation to a non-believer ?

Waiting for your answer??

dam p


New member
Ok I appreciate the honesty. I am not saying anyone has to believe me. I think we have to be willing enough to take an extreme attitude in order to find out for ourselves. It's an exercise in developing the ability to hang out with the unknown.

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Believe me - Mid-Acts (The Mystery of Romans thru Philemon) is an extreme reality.

Shocked ALL creation...

1 Corinthians 2:7 But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom, which God ordained before the world unto our glory: 2:8 Which none of the princes of this world knew: for had they known it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory.

Ephesians 3:10 To the intent that now unto the principalities and powers in heavenly places might be known by the church the manifold wisdom of God, 3:11 According to the eternal purpose which he purposed in Christ Jesus our Lord: 3:12 In whom we have boldness and access with confidence by the faith of him.

That bottomless ocean right there is all the exercise in the extreme I have needed to continue to delve into for some time now.

Ask Mr. Religion

☞☞☞☞Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
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Well-known member
Believe me - Mid-Acts (The Mystery of Romans thru Philemon) is an extreme reality.

Shocked ALL creation...

1 Corinthians 2:7 But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom, which God ordained before the world unto our glory: 2:8 Which none of the princes of this world knew: for had they known it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory.

Ephesians 3:10 To the intent that now unto the principalities and powers in heavenly places might be known by the church the manifold wisdom of God, 3:11 According to the eternal purpose which he purposed in Christ Jesus our Lord: 3:12 In whom we have boldness and access with confidence by the faith of him.

That bottomless ocean right there is all the exercise in the extreme I have needed to continue to delve into for some time now.

Completely bogus post. That is not the mystery. it is not romans--philemon. It is not Paul vs the rest. The mystery is that the Gospel would fulfill Israel's promises, not the Law nor things found in the Law and fulfilled through obedience to the Law.

The truly worthless thing about identifying one chapter in early Acts or Rom--Philemon is that it is pigheaded about what is there. Just say what concept was mysterious. To identify so many passages as mysterious is gibberish. I don't know anyone else who does it because it is such poor communication.


New member
Completely bogus post. That is not the mystery. it is not romans--philemon. It is not Paul vs the rest. The mystery is that the Gospel would fulfill Israel's promises, not the Law nor things found in the Law and fulfilled through obedience to the Law.

The truly worthless thing about identifying one chapter in early Acts or Rom--Philemon is that it is pigheaded about what is there. Just say what concept was mysterious. To identify so many passages as mysterious is gibberish. I don't know anyone else who does it because it is such poor communication.



Well-known member

That is why you are a poor communicator Danoh. You don't have simple exegetical strokes; you just get defensive and repeat what we already know: that you have position # 323 and you are right. "Romans through Philemon" is a kabillion topics; it illustrates or supports everything; I mean, nothing.
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