ECT What gospel was Paul saved under?

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Well-known member
To illustrate what Paul means by the things promised to Israel being fulfilled in the Gospel, simply look at the Psalms quoted in Eph 4. The ascending, the train of captives, the gift giving are fulfilled in the Gospel. As Israel-oriented as the "Writings" sounded, they were actually about Christ and this event. That is the embedding that is now seen in Christ. When you are under the veil of the Law, you think the ascending, train of captives and gift giving are a completely different set of things that are about Israel. If you do that long enough, you feel forced to find some modern fulfillment in Israel because otherwise your Bible just crashed.

Col 2:15 is built on these same fulfillments. Followed by a huge THEREFORE about the shadow practices of the Law.

Right Divider

Body part
You don't have to mock me. I am mostly just like everyone else except I had a spiritual awakening. I tried to throw myself into what I took to be hell but I got heaven instead. You should try it. Even if you fail 100 times. Pluck out your eye if you have to. Cut off your hand. Literally turn your back on everything you think you know. Give up your relationships with your loved ones, cut your ties with your religion, treat your body and mind as if they will do you no good anymore, place yourself far away from society and civilization often and for extended periods, choose to bypass dependence on thoughts and beliefs, obliterate your need to be swept away by the compulsion to avoid utter despair and hopelessness, feel all your feelings of worthlessness in their entirety, dwell in all the slowly accumulated shame and guilt that you have swept under the rug in your lifetime, feel all the lifelong cumulative stress and strain that is in your body, consider how your DNA has been affected by civilizations from the past, for example how ingrained survival of the fittest is embedded in your mentality and how that translates to your actions now, do a mental check of how identifying with traditions and cultures have been passed down and how we assume certain beliefs through unconscious peer pressure, realize how much pride we have in being able to live up to rules and standards and how our investing so much in our identity could be problematic when we are forced to give that identity up as a false notion, become aware of how you have adopted the roles of parent and child from your parents and how that affects what you do and don't do, see all the ways you have decided to make an identity for yourself and how society urges you to uphold that identity at all costs, ask yourself who you really are over and over again and don't ever stop questioning it, find out what it would be like to be dead, think about how much time and energy you give to strengthening this identity of who you take yourself to be, quit trying to cover up weak spots and resisting and denying any and all vulnerability, contemplate death and be ready to face extinction and annihilation at any time, jump into stillness and silence and make them the loves of you're life, notice all the ways you attempt to extract the feeling of being good enough through accomplishments, admit to the ugly and not so ugly unconscious thoughts in your mind, turn to the dark side and fester in the agony of knowing that you hate parts of yourself, examine the self-hatred and the violence around it, know that there is tremendous pain under the self-hatred, witness how we judge ourselves for not really knowing how to deal with the pain and just conveniently acting like it's taken away by belief in Jesus for example, view the tendency to judge ourselves for judging ourselves, embrace your imperfections, confess your misery, throw yourself into what you think is hell multiple multiple multiple times without faking it or doing it only half-heartedly, deeply understand your identity and personality and what is trying to do and why. Keep knocking on the door without ceasing until it completely takes over and consumes your life and you might just get a nibble into realizing what is true by looking deeply into what is false. I guarantee that nibble is worth more than anything the human mind can come up with on it's own. One dip of the finger in the soul and you will be transformed forever. If you can just touch the fringe of its robe.
So telling you that you're full of hot air produces even more hot air. My mistake.

Did your great "spiritual" awaking not teach you anything about paragraphs?

Right Divider

Body part
You're distracting yourself from finding out the truth for yourself because you're terrified and don't want to admit it. You don't think you're good enough because you lack awareness of the soul. Just like most everyone else. You judge yourself as worthless and take the easy way out. Convenient.
The mind-reader doesn't want "us" judging others. :think:
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Right Divider

Body part
When and where did I ever claim that? I think you're attacking me because my interpretation threatens your beliefs.

That's funny seeing that the entire New Testament is about the soul.
You made this claim about the Bible, but didn't bother to quote any of the Bible to prove it.

In every post, you make claims to know something from your mountaintop experience. It's just a lot of talk without any substance.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Thanks for nothing. Your links prove absolutely nothing.

You really are JUST like Cruiform. Post a link, declare victory.

Everyone please note the language that the Great AMR uses in a vain attempt to disparage those that disagree with his position.

Nice rhetorical tricks that are completely devoid of actual content.

Once AGAIN, these are NOT assumptions made by those that have COME to the MAD position. They are just your feeble attempts to smear others that don't agree with your incorrect position.

P.S. Just look at AMR's signature. Just overflowing with pride.

P.P.S. I guess that, based on #1 there, that AMR thinks that all of the Bible is about AMR.

Good post.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame

Let me start by saying that this is probably your most arrogance post to date.

Isn't it just amazing how it's always the "other guys" that's making ALL of the assumptions?

NONE of these are assumed by me or any other person with a decent understanding of MAD.

It's no wonder you call yourself Ask Mr. Religion. You've got a religion that you're in love with.

AMR gives himself far too much credit.


New member
Hi , so AMR , will you explain what thwe gospel is found and who it was given too?

And will you explain how you were saved and what verses you you to witness salvation to a non-believer ?

Waiting for your answer??

dam p

I don't ever remember you telling us how you were saved?
Listening to Feldick in the truck on the way home from work?


Well-known member
what kind of question is that?
-we are not saved by any gospel
-there is only one gospel
-that is the good news that we might be saved

Christ and his Gospel are so connected, I don't see your point about not being saved (justified) by any gospel. There is not much to consider about Christ apart from it.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Christ and his Gospel are so connected, I don't see your point about not being saved (justified) by any gospel. There is not much to consider about Christ apart from it.

you don't see my point because you don't know what you are talking about
-you are not saved by any gospel
-you are not saved period
-you might be saved by what Jesus did
-that is the good news
-that is the gospel

Right Divider

Body part
you don't see my point because you don't know what you are talking about
-you are not saved by any gospel
-you are not saved period
-you might be saved by what Jesus did
-that is the good news
-that is the gospel
Poor blind, indoctrinated chrysostom.

You should believe God and get saved. But you prefer religion instead.
1Cor 1:18 (AKJV/PCE)
(1:18) For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.

2Tim 1:7-11 (AKJV/PCE)
(1:7) For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. (1:8) Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord, nor of me his prisoner: but be thou partaker of the afflictions of the gospel according to the power of God; (1:9) Who hath saved us, and called [us] with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began, (1:10) But is now made manifest by the appearing of our Saviour Jesus Christ, who hath abolished death, and hath brought life and immortality to light through the gospel: (1:11) Whereunto I am appointed a preacher, and an apostle, and a teacher of the Gentiles.

Get saved.
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