So this being the point of our departure on this topic, I thought I would point it out and comment on just that portion. I thanked your last post, not because I agree with every point, but because you did an excellent job of stating your case and the logic behind it. Good job.
What you have not shown is the logic/mechanics by which inspiration was transferred. Inspiration is not a quality that can be transferred. It's an action performed by God. How did this action morph into a quality that is now embedded in the scriptures?
The human authors were guided. Are the scriptures guided? They were moved by the Holy Spirit. Is the Bible moved?
The scriptures are inerrant. Were the authors inerrant? The Bible is the infallible Word of God. Were the authors infallible? or the Word?
There are things that happened to the authors that were not transferred to the finished product. And many things that the finished product is that were not transferred from them. Because being moved by the Holy Spirit is an action of God, it accomplished it's purpose by the effect it had on the authors.
They were not given inspiration. Inspiration is not a thing to be given. It is an action of God performed within humanity.They were inspired, not given it. They were guided, moved, superintended during the time of their writing.
Inspiration cannot be recorded or written down; it is not a language. They were not dictated actual words to like Muslims believe Mohammed received actual words from God in Arabic. He did not write words on golden plates for Joseph Smith to discover. God used all of their human faculties and personalities They wrote what they were moved to write and God preserved what He wanted kept.
Something that needs to be addressed is that the Bible talks a lot about the qualities of scripture but never once calls itself inspired (except in some of the recent, liberal versions).
When I tried to lay the ground work for presenting the " mechanics " of how God works , His paradoxical framework of understanding , you rejected it outright .
This is why I camp outside God's Word ,at the very beginning of the journey to make sure the called out ones know what is required , by them , to fulfill the covenant , the contract with God . Everything stems from Faith and faithing , from pistis and pisteuo . Without a " correct " life of Faithing , the Grace deposit can not be sealed into someone . Without the Grace deposit or Holy Spirit , God , His word , His ways can't be understood .
My understanding of how the mechanics of inspiration were transferred from God directly into written form , which I've already stated has only happened in regards to the Bible in the original manuscripts .
Correct pisteuo or faithing , is " a continual surrendering of our life and will to Him , and living a life inspired by such surrender ." As this continually surrendered life is deemed genuine , tested , accepted , ( He accepts us , we don't accept Him ) and claimed or made His by " giving" the Grace deposit or Holy Spirit , we become proof of that paradoxical framework .
At this point we have a real piece of our creator , the God and king of the universes. Because we are continually , and willingly giving our life and will to Him , which is the correct NT spiritual law , we connect to Christ .
With all that said , with the Holy Spirit not being some external inspiration , but an internal inspiration . how can you say that what is heard can't be recorded and concidered inspired by God , ( the teachings of Christ ) ? How can you say that what's happening as this Grace deposit is being perfected by the " mind of Christ " , was not inspired by God Himself into written form ? Speaking " only " of the original manuscripts .
The one who you see as " the inspired one " has positioned themselves to be a conduit for God to use for His purposes . Yes , we are talking about being willingly possessed by God . With this possession or Temple of the Holy Spirit complete , who is actually doing the recording or writing ? What is truly being inspired ?
One last thought .
Rom 7:14 , 21 .
It's here where we can safely look at the state of being Paul communicates . He states when he does what he does not want to do , it's not him doing it , but sin dwelling on him doing it . Well it's by the same token , that when he does do what he wants to do , it's not him doing that either , but the Holy Spirit doing it .
The Greek is specfic . Paul is in a state of being where there is in him the Holy Spirit , the sinful nature , and Paul being a third entity who's only purpose is which one he will continue to give his life and will to. The Greek specifically communicates how the Holy Spirit and the sinful nature are engaged in" trench warfare "over his soul .
So the correct state of being a temple of the Holy Spirit is in ? You have the Holy Spirit and the sinful nature engaged in trench warfare , and Paul is merely an onlooker with only the choice of who to continue to give power to.
This is my understanding of how the original manuscripts not only were inspired directly by God , but also continually inspire the Temple's of the Holy Spirit today .