ECT What does the Doctrine of Inspiration mean to you?

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In the Spirit of just trying to understand what your standing on , how can Gods Word be inerrant or infalable but not be inspired by the Holy Spirit ?

How can the authors be inspired by the Holy Spirit , but what they wrote while being inspired by the Holy Spirit isn't ?

Inspired writings require inspired minds to comprehend them.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Very much against this concept. This is the same "...the scriptures contain the word of God..." junk so prevalent in liberal theology.
For an example of what I am thinking: Ecclesiastes. That book is just Solomon on a tear about things that don't work — in his imagination.

It reads like it only got included as an example of how not to do life.

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George Affleck

TOL Subscriber
For an example of what I am thinking: Ecclesiastes. That book is just Solomon on a tear about things that don't work — in his imagination.

It reads like it only got included as an example of how not to do life.

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I think Ecclesiastes is a marvelous book and properly included as teaching truth. I love the way Solomon bares his soul.

I found this as part of a summary on the book:
"He looked like he had a wonderfully fulfilling life, but when he looked back at it, he realized that the deeds, pleasure and accomplishments did not mean anything without a close relationship with the Creator. An outward form of religion never provides a substitute to a close relationship with the Almighty God. The world stood up and recognized Solomon's great achievement, but he unashamedly admits that having all and not having God is absolute meaningless.
Down deep in Solomon's heart, there was a seed of corruptness that was not kept under self-control. It grew out of control and distorted his life perspective. Only later in life, did he finally observe the difference between life and living. Life could not find its meaning in the many projects that he had involved himself in. They only became distractions to the real meaning in life, only found in God. God was near his heart but not his first love. He loved other things more than the Lord. His life before this writing clearly showed this."

I think its a good example of self reflection and gives us an even better insight into the man, the king who built the temple.

The teaching that "all is vanity" or "there is nothing new under the sun" are not lessons that we want to learn. But they are foundational to Jesus' teachings. Ecc 1:14KJV echoes what we all need to come to. The world is broken and only because of what God accomplishes can it be fixed. The world will pass away but the word of God will last forever.

Worldly accomplishments are no match for justification by faith. Rom 3:27KJV


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
I think Ecclesiastes is a marvelous book and properly included as teaching truth. I love the way Solomon bares his soul.

I found this as part of a summary on the book:
"He looked like he had a wonderfully fulfilling life, but when he looked back at it, he realized that the deeds, pleasure and accomplishments did not mean anything without a close relationship with the Creator. An outward form of religion never provides a substitute to a close relationship with the Almighty God. The world stood up and recognized Solomon's great achievement, but he unashamedly admits that having all and not having God is absolute meaningless.
Down deep in Solomon's heart, there was a seed of corruptness that was not kept under self-control. It grew out of control and distorted his life perspective. Only later in life, did he finally observe the difference between life and living. Life could not find its meaning in the many projects that he had involved himself in. They only became distractions to the real meaning in life, only found in God. God was near his heart but not his first love. He loved other things more than the Lord. His life before this writing clearly showed this."

I think its a good example of self reflection and gives us an even better insight into the man, the king who built the temple.

The teaching that "all is vanity" or "there is nothing new under the sun" are not lessons that we want to learn. But they are foundational to Jesus' teachings. Ecc 1:14KJV echoes what we all need to come to. The world is broken and only because of what God accomplishes can it be fixed. The world will pass away but the word of God will last forever.

Worldly accomplishments are no match for justification by faith. Rom 3:27KJV
There's probably that to it, but it reads like a bitter old man who's gotten a lot of things wrong and hasn't fixed them.

I don't know for sure, but it might be 50 percent warning through example.

If so, then inspiration would play only a non-necessary role.

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George Affleck

TOL Subscriber
There's probably that to it, but it reads like a bitter old man who's gotten a lot of things wrong and hasn't fixed them.
Fair enough.

I don't know for sure, but it might be 50 percent warning through example.

If so, then inspiration would play only a non-necessary role.

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With regard to him being inspired by God to share these things with the world, if there is more to the book than you have been able to appreciate so far, it would be essential.

I don't know of many other often quoted verses at Thanksgiving, weddings, etc., than Eccles. 3:1KJV and following. It is deep wisdom on proper perspectives.


Ok, now I see what you are saying. Let me see if I can be clearer. A spiritual action cannot be deposited as a quality in an object.

There are 2 ways of using the words inspire, inspired, inspiration (breathing in from outside) in English.
One is familiar, colloquial; with a rather fluid meaning. It speaks of genius expression of mankind in poetry, music, invention, etc. As in "Handel's Messiah is such an inspired work!" This is not the type of inspiration being considered.

The other is in Christian theology and it denotes a supernatural action always performed by God upon individuals; never inanimate objects. Webster describes inspiration as: "a divine influence or action on a person believed to qualify him or her to receive and communicate sacred revelation". When the Bible talks about God's breath in relation to objects it is never breathing into them. He only talks about breathing into people. Gen 2:7KJV, Job 27:3KJV, Eze 37:9KJV
When Paul invents the compound word 'theopneustos', God-breathed, 2Ti 3:16KJV to explain to Timothy the ultimate origin of the scriptures he knew that God had not bypassed the human condition in it's production and poofed the words into being on their own. He was well aware that God had temporarily empowered special men, by His Spirit, in the same way that the disciples received the Holy Ghost at Pentecost. Act 2:4KJV

By contrast, no human (except Jesus, the living Word) is ever spoken of as being without error or infallible in the Bible. Rom 3:23KJV, Mar 10:18KJV

Inspiration and inerrancy are two different things. The first is an action performed by God upon selected individuals to produce spirit/truth. The second is a quality exhibited by the scriptures and recognized by those who have been energized by that same Spirit to receive spirit/truth.

To give an example;
A carpenter uses his training and experience to produce a piece of furniture. The finished product is beautiful and could not have been produced except for the carpenter's proficiency. But these things are not transferred to the furniture because it is not trained, experienced or proficient. And, in all probability, he is not beautiful!

I could add some really strong support to what your saying . But to stay on point , your saying it's the human condition that prevents an exact transfer of God's spoken or inspired Word , to go through a human , into written form ? Summed up ?

George Affleck

TOL Subscriber
I could add some really strong support to what your saying . But to stay on point , your saying it's the human condition that prevents an exact transfer of God's spoken or inspired Word , to go through a human , into written form ? Summed up ?

Not the best way to state it at all I don't think.
The human condition never thwarts or prevents a purpose that God has in mind.

I am just pointing out that His purpose is not to breathe into (inspire) 'things' but, rather, people. They are made in His image and are ideal for this purpose. A page or ink or letters were not designed by Him to be inspired. And I think that many people fail to think things through and get their ideas from God's revelation. Instead they get their doctrine from other people who have not thought it through.

But beyond that, 'inspired' is not a condition or attribute in the English language. It's an action; from a verb. The problem is that, in our laziness, we have shortened the explanation from "God inspired writers to produce the inerrant scriptures" to "the scriptures are inspired". If you tell the average person that over and over, they begin to get the idea that the scriptures were breathed into by God and the writers were basically insignificant.
And yet God did not think they were insignificant at all. He tells us they were "moved by the Holy Ghost". That's not an everyday occurence, but it was God's choice for inscripturation.

Many are thinking about it wrong, in my opinion. God did not give inspired words to men to pass along because words cannot be inspired. He never says that and that would be dictation anyway. He moved (inspired) and guided them to speak for Him, out of their personalities, His inerrant words of truth. He superintended the transmission of truth to sinful man by the process of inspiring some.


Not the best way to state it at all I don't think.
The human condition never thwarts or prevents a purpose that God has in mind.

I am just pointing out that His purpose is not to breathe into (inspire) 'things' but, rather, people.

Wouldn't your understanding fall short with the tablets , balams *** , when the **** crowed 3 times , the weinling that carried the ark , the dove the Baptist saw , the veil that was rent .

Wasn't God breathing His purpose into things , rather than people ?

Or did it loose it's status as inspired or inerrant when it was recorded by a human being ?


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Fair enough.

With regard to him being inspired by God to share these things with the world, if there is more to the book than you have been able to appreciate so far, it would be essential.

I don't know of many other often quoted verses at Thanksgiving, weddings, etc., than Eccles. 3:1KJV and following. It is deep wisdom on proper perspectives.

Oh, definitely. There will always be a lot more to scripture than any paltry description I give. :)

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George Affleck

TOL Subscriber
Not the best way to state it at all I don't think.
The human condition never thwarts or prevents a purpose that God has in mind.

I am just pointing out that His purpose is not to breathe into (inspire) 'things' but, rather, people.

Wouldn't your understanding fall short with the tablets , balams *** , when the **** crowed 3 times , the weinling that carried the ark , the dove the Baptist saw , the veil that was rent .

Wasn't God breathing His purpose into things , rather than people ?

Or did it loose it's status as inspired or inerrant when it was recorded by a human being ?

If you can show from the scriptures that God is recorded as having breathed into them in any way, then we need to talk about it. He certainly used these things as lessons to teach and reveal but they are objects of historical reference and are never spoken of as being inspired that I know of.

It is not that these things lost their inspired status. It is that they were never inspired to begin with. Inspiration is reserved for those who wrote the Bible.

BTW - what is a weinling? Sounds like a baby hot dog.


If you can show from the scriptures that God is recorded as having breathed into them in any way, then we need to talk about it. He certainly used these things as lessons to teach and reveal but they are objects of historical reference and are never spoken of as being inspired that I know of.

It is not that these things lost their inspired status. It is that they were never inspired to begin with. Inspiration is reserved for those who wrote the Bible.

BTW - what is a weinling? Sounds like a baby hot dog.

Inspiration is for those who wrote Scripture , but what they wrote wasn't inspired , am I understanding you correctly . Specifically original documents .


You stated the authors of the original manuscripts were inspired , but what they recorded or wrote isn't .

So you must not concider what they wrote to be the Word of God , correct ?
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