What does John 14:21 mean?


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Acts 15:28-29 NASB 28 "For it seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us to lay upon you no greater burden than these essentials: 29 that you abstain from things sacrificed to idols and from blood and from things strangled and from fornication; if you keep yourselves free from such things, you will do well. Farewell."
Right, so no circumcision, dietary laws, feasts, or ritual washing of hands. They were not told to obey the whole law of Moses, but only those four essentials.

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Are Jesus' Commandments for all or only for Israel? Are they only for the people or time in which He lived or are they for people after He lived? With Jesus are there commandments that are for individuals but are not to be abided by by all, whether Israel or all people?


Are Jesus' Commandments for all or only for Israel? Are they only for the people or time in which He lived or are they for people after He lived? With Jesus are there commandments that are for individuals but are not to be abided by by all, whether Israel or all people?

Jesus teachings are for the whole world but you have to accept Him as Lord and Savior to be saved.

If we don't accept Him as the Lord, we will not be able to understand His teachings and cannot learn from Him.

my two cents.


Jesus teachings are for the whole world but you have to accept Him as Lord and Savior to be saved.

If we don't accept Him as the Lord, we will not be able to understand His teachings and cannot learn from Him.

my two cents.

In keeping and teaching the commandments is there punishment for believers if they transgress, if that is possible, and for unbelievers or transgressors among Israel and the world or the nations?

John 7:17 NASB - 17 "If anyone is willing to do His will, he will know of the teaching, whether it is of God or whether I speak from Myself.


In keeping and teaching the commandments is there punishment for believers if they transgress, if that is possible, and for unbelievers or transgressors among Israel and the world or the nations?

John 7:17 NASB - 17 "If anyone is willing to do His will, he will know of the teaching, whether it is of God or whether I speak from Myself.

we get punishment when it is time if we are not striving to be true to Jesus with mouth and action.


we get punishment when it is time if we are not striving to be true to Jesus with mouth and action.

Does this simply mean that you believe that effort must be there or that if you are not doing so you are not being obedient or you are sinning? It makes sense to be true to Jesus but I am trying to understand the striving if it makes sense if it is true and if it is Biblical. Are you saying it is something that you need to work at? Are you leading people to the truth? Or, are you aware of what it means to obey His commandments and rest in Him? Do you strive to obey His commandments or do you just obey them?


Does this simply mean that you believe that effort must be there or that if you are not doing so you are not being obedient or you are sinning? It makes sense to be true to Jesus but I am trying to understand the striving if it makes sense if it is true and if it is Biblical. Are you saying it is something that you need to work at? Are you leading people to the truth? Or, are you aware of what it means to obey His commandments and rest in Him? Do you strive to obey His commandments or do you just obey them?

I think we already discussed that.

I do not wish to rehash over.



Was Jesus talking to His disciples, Israel, the whole world? Can a person reading this apply it to himself?