What does God's Holy Law Demand?


I hear all your false teachings and I just want to help you. Can you humble yourself and repent of everything you think you know, and listen to God's Word instead of the teachings you decided to follow, or the teachings from your parents you were forced to believe?


How much more humble can I be then say without Jesus, I am nothing but a vapor destined to return to dust or worse?

How much more humble must I be than say that I am a sinner in deep need of Jesus?

I have apologized, attempted to transcend our differences with friendship, and maintained communication with you.

How much more humble do you want me?

God's Truth

New member
Paul did not struggle with sin after Jesus saved him the way he did before Jesus saved him.

Paul in no way remained doing the sins that earned him the self-given title of Worst of Sinners. He said that about himself because BEFORE Jesus saved him, he was a violent man; he gave approval of Stephens’s death, guarded over the clothes that belonged to the men who killed Stephen. Saul put many of the saints in prison, and when they were put to death, he cast his vote against them. Saul began to destroy the church. Going from house to house, he dragged off men and women and put them in prison. Acts 22:4, Acts 22:20, Acts 26:10, Acts 8:3.

That is why Paul said he was the worst of sinners. Not because he kept sinning after he was saved!


What does God's Holy Law Demand?

You were TAUGHT that by false teachers to understand those scriptures that way.

Don't lie, did you hear that about Paul from a pastor?

Paul was speaking of what he was like BEFORE he was saved.

How do you EVER get that Paul was speaking of himself as still sinning like that/

Paul said he was a chief of sinners because he helped have Christians killed.

Do you think Paul kept doing that after being saved?!

I am a Believer that was taught through prayer and life experience.

And how can Paul be talking about before when before his name was Saul and he professed Law Based Perfection?

God's Truth

New member

How much more humble can I be then say without Jesus, I am nothing but a vapor destined to return to dust or worse?

Anyone in ANY false denomination can and do say that.

What do you think the Mormons and Catholics say?

How much more humble must I be than say that I am a sinner in deep need of Jesus?

I have apologized, attempted to transcend our differences with friendship, and maintained communication with you.

How much more humble do you want me?



Anyone in ANY false denomination can and do say that.

What do you think the Mormons and Catholics say?


I am in the denomination of humanity called to all and bound especially to my brothers and sisters in Christ, and my Jewish Brothers and Sisters bound to the enormous weight of the law and persecution by Islam, and angry Christians that don't know what being raised Jewish is like.

I have no denomination.


That IS INSANE. You let yourself believe that lie about Paul. Now admit you were taught by false teachers.

Shall I discard the words of John the Revelator

1 John 1:8Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB)

8 If we say, “We have no sin,” we are deceiving ourselves, and the truth is not in us.

What would you teach me that this means?


That IS INSANE. You let yourself believe that lie about Paul. Now admit you were taught by false teachers.

Why does Paul use the present tense word in the manuscripts, when he is clearly redeemed by Jesus, but still professes himself a sinner in present tense, despite his option to use past tense?

Would you desire that I recognize his error and change my bible with a pen?


That IS INSANE. You let yourself believe that lie about Paul. Now admit you were taught by false teachers.

I don't make saints of Men.

I don't believe any but Jesus to be without sin.

Why else would Jesus say

"Why do you call Me good?" Jesus asked him. "No one is good but One--God."

Mark 10:18

Shall I discard the Red letters too?

God's Truth

New member
Why does Paul use the present tense word in the manuscripts, when he is clearly redeemed by Jesus, but still professes himself a sinner in present tense, despite his option to use past tense?

Would you desire that I recognize his error and change my bible with a pen?
Paul is speaking in the present about what he was like before he was saved. He was speaking about his TESTIMONY.


Just like Satan, you try to get us off the topic of God's Truth and defend your false doctrines by accusing me of sin.

What else do you got to defend your beliefs besides accusations?

I never accused you of sin. This is why I asked if you will profess that you do not sin.

I even made it easier by inferring Sin of Commission, instead of Sin of Ommission.

And I'm still waiting to hear what you have to say about my answer....

Jesus is GOoD.


See, you said Jesus was saying he was not good, but now you have come to your senses more.

As for you saying you do not make saints of men---JESUS MAKES SAINTS OF MEN! Would you like Scriptures?

I implied that Jesus was humorously announcing His Deity, and thus He alone is Good.

It was inferred in the lettering of GOoD.

How again did I say that Jesus isn't good?

God's Truth

New member
I never accused you of sin. This is why I asked if you will profess that you do not sin.

I even made it easier by inferring Sin of Commission, instead of Sin of Ommission.

And I'm still waiting to hear what you have to say about my answer....

Jesus is GOoD.

YOU do accuse me of sins when you ask me if I sin. I don't sin. As for your man made teachings, they show up in your talk about things that are not in the Bible.