What are the main challenges facing Mankind today?

Dan Emanuel

Active member
even in china?
In China especially. The most I.S.O. certified business's are in China, by a wide margin. And Chinese factory's sell product's into all Western economy's. They have to abide by our regulation's on chemical's in order to sell, so yeah.

Now, there emission's and air pollutant's need some work, since market's don't require that you're country's air quality is up to standard's in order to sell; just that you're product's are. They need to clean up there act, for sure, for the sake of there own peoples health and wellbeing. But there air pollution is concentrated in China. It seem's that great distance's give pollutant's ample opportunity to agglomerate or otherwise drop out of the atmosphere before there air reach's out too far beyond there own border's, so their only hurting themselve's in large part.



What are the main challenges facing Mankind today?

1. Right now its the "tidal wave" of displaced refugees who are sweeping across Europe in search of a better life.

2. Income inequality where the rich get richer - while the rest of us are being told to work harder and don't ask questions!


Well-known member
I agree with you! If you "smoking cigarette's" kill's or harm's me, then you shouldn't have the right to "smoke cigarette's." We're in agreement on this point.
You haven't shown that "smoking" in this case kill's.
You will not be shown. That's pretty clear. So there's really no point in continuing.
You admit that man-made climate change hasn't been proven to be our collective doom? I thought you were convinced that it is . . . .
Reason dictates that it is inevitable. Which is why your position is unreasonable.
Our planet is not our body. Everything that we "poison" the earth with, came from the earth. So the earth itself is the root cause of the problem your concerned with.
This is idiocy. If you eat and drink your own excrement and urine, you will die. It doesn't matter that it "came from" you. It matters that you were stupid enough to swallow it.

If we dig up elements from the Earth, and combine them in certain ways, they can destroy all life on the planet. It doesn't matter that they "came from" the Earth.
I know that. What I'm not sure is whether you know that we have no way of knowing that this isn't all that will happen.
That's because you are being willfully ignorant. Simple logic dictates that that if we continue to poison our life-sustaining environment indefinitely, it will collapse, and no longer sustain life. Every action has a consequence, great and small. Destructive actions have destructive consequences. Presuming otherwise is a form of insanity.
People who study it, overwhelmingly agree with me that man-made climate change is real (I have no good reason to deny it). What we do not agree on, is how big a deal this is.
There is no disagreement. There is logical reason, and there is the denial of logical reason. Pretending this is a "disagreement" is just a dishonest way of trying to put yourself on equal ground with logic and reason. You are not on equal ground with these.
Individual choice reign's.
Hopefully, it will not reign in this decision. Hopefully, logic and reason will reign, instead.
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like marbles on glass
What are the main challenges facing Mankind today?

Right now its the "tidal wave" of displaced refugees who are sweeping across Europe in search of a better life.

That's a major crisis right now for sure. The EU needs to get its act together.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Christianity and Western Civilization are 'unimaginable apart from one another', and that all culture arises out of religion. When religious faith decays, culture must decline.

A belief in a transcendent order, divine revelation, an affection for the "variety and mystery" of human existence; conviction that society requires orders that emphasize natural distinctions; a belief that property and freedom closely linked; a faith in custom, and prescription, and recognition that innovation must be tied to existing traditions and customs, which entails a respect for the political value of prudence.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Christianity and Western Civilization are 'unimaginable apart from one another', and that all culture arises out of religion. When religious faith decays, culture must decline.

A belief in a transcendent order, divine revelation, an affection for the "variety and mystery" of human existence; conviction that society requires orders that emphasize natural distinctions; a belief that property and freedom closely linked; a faith in custom, and prescription, and recognition that innovation must be tied to existing traditions and customs, which entails a respect for the political value of prudence.

don't worry
the change will be so subtle
you won't even notice it

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
You made a stupid comment about Madcow being a meticulous fact checker and, when proven wrong, doubled down.

Be a man, admit you were wrong, get over your crush on her and move on.

I promise it will only sting for a little while.


New member
Interestingly, I have an empty spot on my ignore list labelled "resodko". And "ok dozer" would fit right in there ...
He is on my ignore list as well. Dan is pretty close, too. Neither of them offer anything as a counter offer to the data we have presented. They are simply talking back to hear themselves.


New member
God said:

Genesis 8:21-22 KJV And the LORD smelled a sweet savour; and the LORD said in his heart, I will not again curse the ground any more for man's sake; for the imagination of man's heart is evil from his youth; neither will I again smite any more every thing living, as I have done. 22 While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.