What are the main challenges facing Mankind today?


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Hall of Fame
Why would NASA (or any other organization that supports this theory) make it up?

NASA is more concerned these days with making muslims feel better about themselves.

"When I became the NASA administrator, (President Obama) charged me with three things," Bolden said in the interview which aired last week. "One, he wanted me to help re-inspire children to want to get into science and math; he wanted me to expand our international relationships; and third, and perhaps foremost, he wanted me to find a way to reach out to the Muslim world and engage much more with dominantly Muslim nations to help them feel good about their historic contribution to science, math and engineering."
NASA Chief Charles Bolden



New member
NASA is more concerned these days with making muslims feel better about themselves.

Education and outreach is actually a part of NASA's mission. Is there something wrong with reaching out to engage Muslim countries, which are currently underrepresented in space and in science communities?

I really wonder how you managed to twist that around in your mind to "making them feel better about themselves".

NASA Chief Charles Bolden

...an American hero.

I really want to know what you think is so ominous about this. Do you think it would be bad if Muslim countries were more engaged in science with the US?


New member
Hall of Fame
I really want to know what you think is so ominous about this. Do you think it would be bad if Muslim countries were more engaged in science with the US?

no, which isnt the point, nasa is for space exploration, not making someone feel good about themselves.


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Hall of Fame
Hysterical. Whose saying not to study the matter? I'm all for studying, and we've already begun a century's long experiment and we're now seeing the first result's coming in and its darn exciting! And your seeing the data and your thinking, "We'd better stop this experiment immediately and never ever ever ever ever do it again." I'm just excited that we're getting signal's and not just noise --thats alway's exciting --it in and of itself vindicate's the experiment --the investment, in knowledge.

If we are looking at another ice age in the coming decade's, like looking down the barrel of a gun, I'm going to feel much better that we've got some ammunition to throw at that thing, because I have a feeling that it would make harpooning sperm whale's from a row boat feel like a fairly low risk endeavor. We've now confirmed that we can raise the temperature on earth. Anywhere from low single digit's to maybe even ten degree's. That could be just what we need to avoid the next ice age. And here we would have never known how to address an ice age, without this massive, century-long experiment of our's.


I just want to clarify something. Are you saying you think we've been purposely seeing if we can raise the global temperatures as an experiment?


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Hall of Fame
I'm not being flippant, I'm being reasonable. I'm not being optimistic or pessimistic but realistic. In geologic history, this planet has been through the ringer a number of time's, if you believe the geological evidence, which I assume you do. So if we think about all that geologic history, all together, a chart, we'd notice on that chart, that would extend back in time billion's of year's, that the magnitude of man-made climate change is on the scale of a speck of dust in a giant empty house. Could something devastating --long-term now, this'd be beyond all our lifetime's --ultimately occur due to man-made climate change, that we could do something about right now, if we work really hard in a concerted effort? Anythings possible, but nobody has a crystal ball, although we do have geological evidence for what has already happened at various time's in our planets past, so we know the scale of the possibility's, and the magnitude of what we're concerned about with man-made climate change is laughable when considered within it's geological context. I.M.O. If I'm wrong, I want to know that, but I'm hearing the word "gamble" thrown around, so we know that we don't know for sure that something terrible is going to happen. Weather pattern's change over the year's. We've adapted before, we'll adapt now. Heck, we caused the dust bowl's --that may have been 1 of the very 1st time's we realized that we can affect our environment's, writ large. We'll figure out how to make the best of thing's. Florida will be submerged mostly, so we'll have a new coast down their. Big deal. It happen's, its happened, and it will keep happening. I'm against ice age's. And I think all the plant's are with me on that 1.


When you say something like...."Floria will be submerged mostly, so we'll have a new coast down their. Big Deal."....that is about as flippant as you can get. It's a very uncompassionate view. I'm not sure I've encountered someone with your view before. You accept that climate is changing and even that we are behind it, yet you don't care because you don't think it will be a big deal. Normally the person either denies the changes completely or simply says we aren't the cause of it. I think your view is worse in some ways and better in others.

You keep bringing up ice ages, as if the only options are to do nothing and stay warm or do something and bring on an ice age.


New member
Hall of Fame
no, which isnt the point, nasa is for space exploration, not making someone feel good about themselves.

International relations may not be the primary purpose of NASA, but in this day and age I think any outreach to Muslims is a good thing.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
International relations may not be the primary purpose of NASA, but in this day and age I think any outreach to Muslims is a good thing.

what's wrong with our traditional method of outreach to foreign mooslims?



New member
Hall of Fame
No, but I still think any outreach to Muslims is a good thing. And I don't think it would interfere in their primary work, which seems to be what you were implying when you brought this up.


I'm inferring that its not what its for and why the focus on only one group to reach out to, if it wants to be a social agency now?

You dont find that a bit odd?


New member
Hall of Fame
I'm inferring that its not what its for and why the focus on only one group to reach out to, if it wants to be a social agency now?

You dont find that a bit odd?

If you look at the world today I think there's a pretty good reason to reach out to Muslims. Of course, I don't know if that's Obama's reason. Perhaps NASA had already been reaching out to other nations and they were simply adding Muslim nations into the mix.


New member
I'm inferring that its not what its for and why the focus on only one group to reach out to, if it wants to be a social agency now?

You dont find that a bit odd?
It isn't a focus solely on one group, NASA has been contributing to all of mankind since it's inception. There isn't any reason to not reach out to Muslim nations, too.


Well-known member
What do you think are the biggest 2 or 3 problems/challenges facing Mankind today?

There's actually only one it is the failure to recognize that in the Lords today,yesterday the Israel then was scattered,and to the Lords today the same Israel has been both gathered to fulfill the remainder of spoken word,and another is in it's way and it shall be removed.