Was Jesus real?


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
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So, it seems that chair doesn't know what evidence he would expect to find if the gospels were true.


Well-known member
What is your opinion? Was there a historical Jesus? If so who was he? If not what evidence do you have that Jesus wasn't real. Keep the discussion civil. I look forward to reading your posts.

How can something with the first Conscience thought in eternity with no beginning or ending really have a singular history that excludes everyone else that came out of that Conscience creation from its self? which is the spark/seed of eternity placed in mans conscience being yet unable to see through this world/shadows/a glass darkly into eternity, intellectually it is impossible for the senses of man seeking in the shadows to find it Luke 17:20-21.

The Sages and Servants of the Ancient of days knew the message/Jesus/the way was about the inward Journey seen only within Gen 32:30, which is exactly the place one finds this motif played out by Jesus who represented the Divine birth in a man, who sadly has become an Idol of pagan flesh and blood sacrifice instead of the Way back to where all Conscience creations began.


Active member
And it looks like another 1600 won't change things either. I have yet to hear anything here that is even remotely worth looking at.

What evidence do you have about what you did a year ago on Aug 13, 2014?

Show us or were you standing still the whole day long that day?

History as a category of truth is mostly unsupported by evidence. It's a matter of witnessing. By nature it is so.


New member
I have YHWH Elohim the servant of El Elyon, His only perfect servant Isa 42:19 who made the law honorable, v.21, as He lived it in truth and not blindness.

Wait what? Are you saying there is a henotheism of gods? That el Elyon is highest and YHWH is below him?


Wait what? Are you saying there is a henotheism of gods? That el Elyon is highest and YHWH is below him?

Yahweh was just one of many nature Gods of the Saini nomadic tribes. The Israelites adopted the name for their One God concept taught by Moses the reformer.


Well-known member
You should include the Jewish religion along with the above, The observational proof isn't there nor is it supposed to be Luke 17:20-21, the peniel gland is the only place on can see the Divine world Gen 32:30.

I do include the Jewish religion in my statements. I accept Judaism because of my traditions. I don't go chasing after other people and telling them that they have to accept my people's traditions.


Well-known member
What evidence do you have about what you did a year ago on Aug 13, 2014?

Show us or were you standing still the whole day long that day?

History as a category of truth is mostly unsupported by evidence. It's a matter of witnessing. By nature it is so.

Yet one has to sort out the different witnesses as best as one can, and judge how reliable they are.

For example, if you read Caesar's book about Caesar conquering Gaul, you would be well advised to get this verified by other sources. And one should be skeptical of any boasting claims that he made. (This is just an example- I have not read the history). Likewise with Josephus. Any historian or historical player has their own viewpoint to push.

The more extreme the claims, the better the corroborating evidence should be. If I read that Joseph Smith found these golden tablets, or that an angel spoke to him (or to whoever), then his say-so doesn't hold much weight. Nor does the fact that some believe him.

If an ancient text said that Mohammed was an extraterrestrial alien- I'd laugh it off, unless there was some VERY convincing evidence besides the text.

Likewise for a story about a Jewish teacher who died on the cross, then came back to life. Miracle-stories are a dime a dozen. Every nation and religion has them. You want others to believe yours- then provide some solid proof- or you ought to believe every people's legends and myths.


New member
Just to add a little balance, from Dr. Richard Carrier, considered highly as a Secular Biblical Scholar and historian.

Richard Carrier - Jesus Studies

Dr. Carrier has written On the Historicity of Jesus, proposing an origin of Christianity without a historical Jesus; Proving History, on the failure of methodology in the study of Jesus and how to fix it; and Not the Impossible Faith, on the social and intellectual context of the rise and early development of Christianity; and in Hitler Homer Bible Christ he has collected his most important papers on the subject of history and biblical studies up to the year 2013. He has also contributed important chapters to The Empty Tomb, The Christian Delusion, and The End of Christianity on whether the historical evidence confirms Jesus rose from the dead, and whether the origins and rise of Christianity really were supernatural. Below are links to Dr. Carrier's other work on the historical origins of Christianity.

It's a long video but just in case someone is interested:

Did Jesus Even Exist? A Historian Questions the Evidence


New member
Yahweh was just one of many nature Gods of the Saini nomadic tribes. The Israelites adopted the name for their One God concept taught by Moses the reformer.

I would be interested in seeing what evidence you have for that.


Well-known member
Well Aimiel, not every one who believes in God, do it by faith. I do it by Logic. The Logic that something cannot cause itself to exist and through the Physical concept of Causality which cannot go back ad infinitum.
That same logic tells me that time is a part of creation. That God created time is a given. He also stepped down out of eternity into a temporal body. Limiting Him to never being capable of doing so is foolish. It's like trying to force God into a box of your own design.


Well-known member
Yahweh was just one of many nature Gods of the Saini nomadic tribes. The Israelites adopted the name for their One God concept taught by Moses the reformer.

I looked up Saini, and got this wikipedia article.

Saini is a caste of North India who were traditionally landowners

What Saini are you referring to?


New member
Yahweh was just one of many nature Gods of the Saini nomadic tribes. The Israelites adopted the name for their One God concept taught by Moses the reformer.
You do not understand YHWH at all. The Hebrews created their words from their alphabet. Each letter had a meaning and together created the meaning of the word. The Hebrews didn't even come up with the name, but God gave it to them, and they have forgotten or never really understood the meaning. But the letters mean Behold the Hand, Behold the nail, and has nothing to do with nature.

Psalms 22:16 For dogs have compassed me: the assembly of the wicked have inclosed me: they pierced my hands and my feet.

Perhaps the Jews should ask themselves why El Elyon has this name.

Zechariah 12:8 In that day shall the Lord defend the inhabitants of Jerusalem; and he that is feeble among them at that day shall be as David; and the house of David shall be as God, as the angel of the Lord before them.
9 ¶And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.
10 And I will pour upon the house of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace and of supplications: and they shall look upon me whom they have pierced, and they shall mourn for him, as one mourneth for his only son, and shall be in bitterness for him, as one that is in bitterness for his firstborn.