Was Jesus a man of color .


Well-known member
One documentary and that's your research! no wonder you no nothing about it. What's the matter scared your world will fall in? Grow a pair and watch it. :)

:rotfl: "Grow a pair" of what?

You do know that GT is not of your gender, correct? O super-hero prophet? :chuckle:

God's Truth

New member
You are wrong but your knowledge is based one one documentary. I wonder if you can even remember what documentary you even saw?

The light shone in the darkness but the darkness did not understand it.

How would you like it if someone guessed what you looked like and then worshiped that image?

What if it looked nothing like you?


Well-known member
How would you like it if someone guessed what you looked like and then worshiped that image?

What if it looked nothing like you?

Doubt only exists in your mind, not mine; Why? Because of the evidence presented in the video which you refuse to watch. Imagine if you did watch it, then you would be able to have a considered opinion rather than talking from ignorance as you are now.

God's Truth

New member
Doubt only exists in your mind, not mine; Why? Because of the evidence presented in the video which you refuse to watch. Imagine if you did watch it, then you would be able to have a considered opinion rather than talking from ignorance as you are now.

So it tickled your ears?


New member
I see Jesus depicted as white man all the time.
Proves my point...Jesus can not be white and be born a Jew in the city of Bethlehem in the Middle East . So in your mind's eye what YOU are visualizing is a lie .

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New member
No. This below is the REAL face of Jesus:


History Channel - The Real Face of Jesus from the Turin Shroud:

So what make this real . You really think that is the face of Jesus ? What facts do you have....

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Proves my point...Jesus can not be white and be born a Jew in the city of Bethlehem in the Middle East . So in your mind's eye what YOU are visualizing is a lie .

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I don't visualize anything about Him.



Besides, I believe Jesus is a Spirit now. So I really dont know how Spirit being look like. Aren't they invisible?


New member
Was Jesus a man of color?
There is no indication that Jesus was an albino, so he must have had some color.

Nat Geo did a special on Jesus and this is what they came up with.....anybody has a problem this image?
I don't have a problem with the image, but I do have a problem with claiming that it is what Jesus looked like.

Do you think that this reconstruction of King Richard III from his skull is what either Geoffrey Chaucer or King Henry VIII looked like?
