Victims of MAD


New member
Chapter, verse, that asserts that we must be "nice" to wolves/wolf-ette's, and that we must negotiate with them, as you assert.

Chapter, verse, that asserts that we must not make "personal attacks" on wolves/wolf-ette's, as you assert.

No, your the one that was questioned. Show me verses that use personal attacks

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
I can't supply a verse that calls someone a wimp or sweetie.

Supply a verse that asserts referring to one as "a cockroach...stupid...brainwashed "is.

Supply a verse that asserts that your hypocrisy is sound doctrine.


Well-known member
Nang ridiculed him into getting facial reconstruction surgery.
That wasn't very nice of her.

Nang also detests people who eat at Waffle House. We also shop at Big Lots, Dollar Tree, Goodwill and yard sales. She'll never invite us over for tea and crumpets now.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
No, your the one that was questioned. Show me verses that use personal attacks

Nope-I'm the director here, and you are the dancer. I stay on topic.

Chapter, verse, that asserts that we must be "nice" to wolves/wolf-ette's, and that we must negotiate with them, as you assert.

Chapter, verse, that asserts that we must not make "personal attacks" on wolves/wolf-ette's, as you assert.

All attacks are "personal," sweetie. You watch too many talk shows, Oprah. Impressive sound bytes, that say NADA.

You: Please!!! Do not "personally" attack wolves!!! Stop!!!

Stay out of the way of the soldiers, sweetie. The bible is a rough/tough book. War is rough/tough. You'd know that, had you studied the bible, instead of "TV Guide."


New member
Supply a verse that asserts referring to one as "a cockroach...stupid...brainwashed "is.

Supply a verse that asserts that your hypocrisy is sound doctrine.

Ok John w, you got me! All this time I have tried to be nice to those who are lost. But you enlightened me. Thank you so much. I will go out and use you as an example to witness to the world.

You: Hey cockroach! You wimpy wolf! You are stupid, you don't believe Jesus is God you hypocrite!

Lost person: who is Jesus?

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
No, your the one that was questioned. Show me verses that use personal attacks

Paul: "pervert the gospel of Christ"

You: Stop your "personal attacks," you bully, Paul!!! Meanie!!! Stop, you hateful, "personal attacker!!!"

Acts 13:10 KJV

And said, O full of all subtilty and all mischief, thou child of the devil, thou enemy of all righteousness, wilt thou not cease to pervert the right ways of the Lord?

You: I'm telling on you, Paul!!! Stop!!!!

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
TOL becomes a "war-zone" very quickly, if a "newbie" rolls in,
with all the aggression of a Sherman Tank! It's best if you;
"newbies" learn the lay of the land first, before rushing in here
like a "Brahma Bull!" The 'old timers' will eat you for breakfast!

If you can't take the heat, get out of Dodge, and head for the hills!

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Ok John w, you got me! All this time I have tried to be nice to those who are lost. But you enlightened me. Thank you so much. I will go out and use you as an example to witness to the world.

You: Hey cockroach! You wimpy wolf! You are stupid, you don't believe Jesus is God you hypocrite!

Lost person: who is Jesus?

False dichotomy, sweetie. Of course, since you are such a nice guy/gal, being a "man pleaser" and all, not noticing the wolves/wolf-ette's on TOL, devouring the babes/sheep, "cuz" you are more interested in being everyone's "friend," you would spam an emotional "argument." Typical man pleaser, blessing the wolves/wolf-ette's, where the LORD God disapproves, making apologies, where the LORD God commands you to " men," and assert, so interested in securing popular applause in this oh so "sophisticated, enlightened, cant we all get along/hold hands?" age, that you fulfill cruelty to man, and espionage/treachery to heaven. So, go ahead, and pine, and grumble, and snort, and whine, and cry, Alan Alda, Jr., and seek the praise of men, blowhard, attaching the "rules of courtesy" above the measure of truth, as you betray the truth, "cast truth to the ground," into the hands of the enemy, as you boo the troops, the "players," from your comfortable seat in the fox hole/bleachers. Just stay out of the way of the soldiers/players, as we are busy men/women, attempting to awaken "Christians," out of their slumber, in "the pews."

Can you dig it? Good, as you are starting to bore me.


New member
False dichotomy, sweetie. Of course, since you are such a nice guy/gal, being a "man pleaser" and all, not noticing the wolves/wolf-ette's on TOL, devouring the babes/sheep, "cuz" you are more interested in being everyone's "friend," you would spam an emotional "argument." Typical man pleaser, blessing the wolves/wolf-ette's, where the LORD God disapproves, making apologies, where the LORD God commands you to " men," and assert, so interested in securing popular applause in this oh so "sophisticated, enlightened, cant we all get along/hold hands?" age, which is cruelty to all, and espionage/treachery to heaven. So, go ahead, and pine, and grumble, and seek the praise of men, blowhard, attaching the "rules of courtesy" above the measure of truth, as you betray the truth, "cast truth to the ground," into the hands of the enemy, as you boo the troops, the "players," from your comfortable seat in the fox hole/bleachers.

You are starting to bore me.

I was boring you a long time ago, so stop coming to my threads. So I tell you get behind me satan your not welcome here.

And for the record he was talking to a sorcerer no someone defending the gospel of Jesus Christ from MAD "Christians" that come to kill and destroy.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
TOL becomes a "war-zone" very quickly, if a "newbie" rolls in,
with all the aggression of a Sherman Tank! It's best if you;
"newbies" learn the lay of the land first, before rushing in here
like a "Brahma Bull!" The 'old timers' will eat you for breakfast!

If you can't take the heat, get out of Dodge, and head for the hills!

Correct. If they cannot stomach the wild west of TOL, they should "hangout/chillax" on "Facebook," to make "friends," and pat each other on the backs,pops.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
This newbie (vfirestormv,) is now threatening me with
messages. I told him to knock it off. However, I guess
he'll have to learn the hard way! He said; I'm gonna do
this and that to you! Yikes!

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
I was boring you a long time ago, so stop coming to my threads.

Sorry, sweetie, but, again, I'm one of the directors here-you are merely a fan, sitting on the sidelines. Stay there.

So I tell you get behind me satan your not welcome here.

Wow! Never heard that "original" before!

And for the record he was talking to a sorcerer no someone defending the gospel of Jesus Christ from MAD "Christians" that come to kill and destroy

Deception. You "argued" that name calling is not scriptural, and to be "nice" to wolves, not "personally" attacking them. You made it up, because you study talk shows, more than the bible. My evidence? Your emotional mutterings, ramblings.

Nice bait'nswitch, sweetie, "present a moving target" tactic.

"For the record."-you

Please-another cliche? Please?


This newbie (vfirestormv,) is now threatening me with
messages. I told him to knock it off. However, I guess
he'll have to learn the hard way! He said; I'm gonna do
this and that to you! Yikes!
Here is the message I sent to you. And it was you who sent messages to me first. So do what you will and let them sort it out any way they want. I have only been here a month and can already see through you, I am sure those who have been here longer can as well. All one has to do is look through yours and my posts to see who is degrading others.

You sent me the message first, so no I don't understand. I don't care how long I've been here you have been name calling and bullying me since I got here. So report what you want and let come what may. As long as you message me I will message you back. As long as you neg rep me I will do the same. They can see timestamps ya know. And so if they did side with you, who name calls and neg reps because you can't debate, then so be it. I will not stop saying the truth. And again, there is no reason for the hostility anyway, I have extended my hand of friendship, don't want it, that is fine. so stop messaging me. Understand?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Here is the message I sent to you. And it was you who sent messages to me first. So do what you will and let them sort it out any way they want. I have only been here a month and can already see through you, I am sure those who have been here longer can as well. All one has to do is look through yours and my posts to see who is degrading others.

You sent me the message first, so no I don't understand. I don't care how long I've been here you have been name calling and bullying me since I got here. So report what you want and let come what may. As long as you message me I will message you back. As long as you neg rep me I will do the same. They can see timestamps ya know. And so if they did side with you, who name calls and neg reps because you can't debate, then so be it. I will not stop saying the truth. And again, there is no reason for the hostility anyway, I have extended my hand of friendship, don't want it, that is fine. so stop messaging me. Understand?

Stop your whining! Maybe ya need a nap?


New member
Sorry, sweetie, but, again, I'm one of the directors here-you are merely a fan, sitting on the sidelines. Stay there.

Wow! Never heard that "original" before!


Deception. You "argued" that name calling is not scriptural, and to be "nice" to wolves.

Nice bait'nswitch, sweetie,

"For the record."

Please-another cliche? Please?[/QUOTE]

The only thing you direct is your mullet choir in the cult you follow.