Ukraine Crisis


Well-known member
You're lying. The pandemic caused American production to drop. Oil companies have yet to ramp production back up:

You can comfort yourself in ignorance if you like, but you should be ashamed of yourself for doing so. Here are facts that cannot be denied:

“The Biden administration’s restrictive actions — no to pipelines, no to drilling, no to the financing of oil and gas projects overseas ... is a stunning reversal of the energy independence achieved under the Trump administration,” Rick Perry told CNBC’s Hadley Gamble


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
You're lying if you think that oil companies aren't sitting on thousands of permits to drill on 37+ million acres onshore and offshore. They have it, and they'll get to drilling in their own sweet time.

You're also gaslighting, lying or an idiot if you say you don't know that the price of oil is set by the global market. In other words, OPEC has a lot to do with it. And we can't quite force them to increase production if they don't want to.
Eh, I thought OPEC was just an acronym for something that didn't mean anything. Live and learn...


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Another childish post by you.

I don't give substantive response to childishness like yours.
You weren't obliged to give a "response" at all. Frankly, I'm way more interested in what Idolater has to say on this issue as whilst we may disagree in certain areas it's far more involving rather than your predictable little snipes.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Okay, it has happened but not in the age of nuclear weapons and not with the likes of Russia & China in light of that.
Germany and Japan was in the age of nuclear weapons, but I get your meaning.

Our occupation of West Germany bordered Soviet controlled East Germany, so we were able to do this in a very 'tactical' manner with zero overflow into East Germany. We occupied that whole country until we were satisfied that the Germans had been 'cured' of their immoral ideology. We did the same in Japan. We 'looked over their shoulder' and 'held their hands' until they demonstrated that they could 'take the keys to the car', and again, it was an ideology that we had to 'stamp out' with our occupation. It worked in both cases, by all accounts. Both the German and the Japanese people----their whole polity, or nation----were turned from ideological wickedness successfully.
Sure, Germany, under the Nazi regime was a completely different country than it is presently and the same with Japan. Obviously that's something to be thankful for along with an overall progression away from many things decades past that were prevalent, including racial segregation.
The American South was undergoing a similar occupation until 1877, and then partisan politics got in the way of concluding that otherwise apparently successful endeavor. When that occupation was prematurely aborted, all the still existing Southern racists got legislative power and passed racist laws; laws that weren't truly expunged from America until MLK's crusade in the 1960s Civil Rights movement.

And even still, the very real racism remains. We are still dealing with the aftershock living in the wake of that fateful withdrawal.

The point is, you can change a whole polity's ideology, and in a very precise manner as regards national borders. And, it takes time, and, you have to 'see it through'.
Minority fringe elements are a problem in as much as any of them ever getting control which on an optimistic note is far from likely.
You all think President Trump was a member of a minority fringe element. What happened that was so bad? Last I checked he actively attempted to broker a peace treaty of some sort with North Korea, and Putin didn't invade Ukraine on his watch.

I'm no President Trump apologist, but I do give the Devil his due. It's only fair.

But the point here is that our Constitution survived even President Trump, and not only that, the world didn't suffer either. Our Constitution remains just as robust as it was before President Trump, and if anything it's actually stronger, because the Trump Administration forced America to take a closer look at a lot of how things are done in this country.

Even if Putin was the POTUS, even still, the world would be in no danger. It is because our Constitution supports a regime that is legendary, and it ought to be expanded now.
I hope WWIII never comes about. Still, isn't there a bit in the bible where it describes destruction to the extent of not a stone standing upon a stone? What happens with a blast wave from a nuclear bomb?
Jerusalem's Temple was destroyed exactly as Christ predicted that it would, and within the timeframe He provided. One generation is 40 years, as defined in Exodus when the Israelites wandered for one generation or 40 years. Christ's ministry occurred about AD 30. Temple was destroyed AD 70.

Nukes make craters. Where there was a city, now there's a crater. Russian nukes make slightly bigger craters than US and UK and French nukes, but they all make craters just the same.

One problem that we Americans who support the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms perceive in the world today, is how the whole world seemingly points their fingers at us mockingly wondering when we'll 'get with the program' and make gun control much, much tighter. It's because of the suicidal and murderous people who get their hands on a bunch of guns and then take many innocent people with them as they die in a hail of police bullets, making them like the Kamikaze in WWII Japan. They are voluntarily dying and trying to kill as many other people as possible in the process.

We who support the right to keep and bear arms wonder when all the rest of you are going to figure out that you're all doing what you accuse us of doing, except writ extremely large. You're just basically hoping that some maniac doesn't get hold of a nuke. We can do something about that, and it does involve forming a new world government, or of extending an already existing government to engulf the whole world. I opt for the latter, and my vote is the United States Constitution be that one world government.

Cheers. And peace.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Germany and Japan was in the age of nuclear weapons, but I get your meaning.

Our occupation of West Germany bordered Soviet controlled East Germany, so we were able to do this in a very 'tactical' manner with zero overflow into East Germany. We occupied that whole country until we were satisfied that the Germans had been 'cured' of their immoral ideology. We did the same in Japan. We 'looked over their shoulder' and 'held their hands' until they demonstrated that they could 'take the keys to the car', and again, it was an ideology that we had to 'stamp out' with our occupation. It worked in both cases, by all accounts. Both the German and the Japanese people----their whole polity, or nation----were turned from ideological wickedness successfully.

The American South was undergoing a similar occupation until 1877, and then partisan politics got in the way of concluding that otherwise apparently successful endeavor. When that occupation was prematurely aborted, all the still existing Southern racists got legislative power and passed racist laws; laws that weren't truly expunged from America until MLK's crusade in the 1960s Civil Rights movement.

And even still, the very real racism remains. We are still dealing with the aftershock living in the wake of that fateful withdrawal.

The point is, you can change a whole polity's ideology, and in a very precise manner as regards national borders. And, it takes time, and, you have to 'see it through'.

You all think President Trump was a member of a minority fringe element. What happened that was so bad? Last I checked he actively attempted to broker a peace treaty of some sort with North Korea, and Putin didn't invade Ukraine on his watch.

I'm no President Trump apologist, but I do give the Devil his due. It's only fair.

But the point here is that our Constitution survived even President Trump, and not only that, the world didn't suffer either. Our Constitution remains just as robust as it was before President Trump, and if anything it's actually stronger, because the Trump Administration forced America to take a closer look at a lot of how things are done in this country.

Even if Putin was the POTUS, even still, the world would be in no danger. It is because our Constitution supports a regime that is legendary, and it ought to be expanded now.

Jerusalem's Temple was destroyed exactly as Christ predicted that it would, and within the timeframe He provided. One generation is 40 years, as defined in Exodus when the Israelites wandered for one generation or 40 years. Christ's ministry occurred about AD 30. Temple was destroyed AD 70.

Nukes make craters. Where there was a city, now there's a crater. Russian nukes make slightly bigger craters than US and UK and French nukes, but they all make craters just the same.

One problem that we Americans who support the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms perceive in the world today, is how the whole world seemingly points their fingers at us mockingly wondering when we'll 'get with the program' and make gun control much, much tighter. It's because of the suicidal and murderous people who get their hands on a bunch of guns and then take many innocent people with them as they die in a hail of police bullets, making them like the Kamikaze in WWII Japan. They are voluntarily dying and trying to kill as many other people as possible in the process.

We who support the right to keep and bear arms wonder when all the rest of you are going to figure out that you're all doing what you accuse us of doing, except writ extremely large. You're just basically hoping that some maniac doesn't get hold of a nuke. We can do something about that, and it does involve forming a new world government, or of extending an already existing government to engulf the whole world. I opt for the latter, and my vote is the United States Constitution be that one world government.

Cheers. And peace.
Okay, technically they were but only at the dawn of their use and what we have now dwarfs the likes of what was still so terribly destructive back then.

Yes, Germany and Japan are not as they were a century ago but in the latter case it's still an entirely different culture to what we have overall in the West. It's not necessarily a bad thing as I value multiculturalism and don't see the West as having a monopoly on what's virtuous or whatnot but Japan seems to have either conformity to a standard or a counter culture that runs against. Some of the most insane music I've heard has emanated from Japan and in Germany's case there's plenty in culture that's as anti Nazi as it can get. Okay, maybe going on a tangent here...

Trouble is, there's no way we can go and occupy Russia is there? We can't liberate their citizens who are constantly being lied to or incarcerated for daring to criticize their regime as Putin et al would simply threaten nukes. It's one of the biggest superpowers in the world, as is China. That's one of the drawbacks to having weapons of mass destruction and even without them it would be one hell of an undertaking to try and occupy Russia by conventional means even.

Where it comes to Trump then frankly, the most embarrassing president the US has ever had. He was hardly a 'fringe element' but just an egotistical dolt that was ill equipped to mow the lawn let alone hold office. Saying that Putin didn't invade the Ukraine while Trump was in office is akin to giving credit to a door shutting with a gust of wind. The pandemic put all manner of things on hold and Putin was terrified of contracting it. Chances are, his invasion might have already happened sans Covid. Given Trump's risible remarks of late all the more so.

Where it comes to the US and guns then I can only say that in some respects I'm glad to live in a country where the types of massacres and atrocities that have occurred simply wouldn't and don't happen. How are you going to "engulf" the whole world and how is that going to happen without a whole load of push back from countries that not only don't want it -but also have the capacity to fight against it?


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Okay, technically they were but only at the dawn of their use and what we have now dwarfs the likes of what was still so terribly destructive back then.
That's why I said I got your meaning, it was just a detail.
Yes, Germany and Japan are not as they were a century ago but in the latter case it's still an entirely different culture to what we have overall in the West. It's not necessarily a bad thing as I value multiculturalism and don't see the West as having a monopoly on what's virtuous or whatnot but Japan seems to have either conformity to a standard or a counter culture that runs against. Some of the most insane music I've heard has emanated from Japan and in Germany's case there's plenty in culture that's as anti Nazi as it can get. Okay, maybe going on a tangent here...
What the US was able to do was impose a moral ideology upon Japan and Germany, and that ideological 'crash course' has been shown to be durable. As you note, their culture wasn't changed, just their morals. They both were under great delusions about what was right and wrong, and we forced them to change, it has worked, which ought to be some sort of miracle, but facts is facts.
Trouble is, there's no way we can go and occupy Russia is there? We can't liberate their citizens who are constantly being lied to or incarcerated for daring to criticize their regime as Putin et al would simply threaten nukes. It's one of the biggest superpowers in the world, as is China. That's one of the drawbacks to having weapons of mass destruction and even without them it would be one hell of an undertaking to try and occupy Russia by conventional means even.
The idea is to start slow, not invade Russia right now.
Where it comes to Trump then frankly, the most embarrassing president the US has ever had. He was hardly a 'fringe element' but just an egotistical dolt that was ill equipped to mow the lawn let alone hold office. Saying that Putin didn't invade the Ukraine while Trump was in office is akin to giving credit to a door shutting with a gust of wind. The pandemic put all manner of things on hold and Putin was terrified of contracting it. Chances are, his invasion might have already happened sans Covid. Given Trump's risible remarks of late all the more so.
I just stated a fact is all. President Trump was by all fair accounts actively trying to broker some sort of peace treaty with North Korea, that was visible evidence of him trying to work us all away from WWIII, and now, here we are all instead now one step closer. I'm not saying it's President Biden's fault, but I'm definitely not saying that it's President Trump fault either. It's the fault of us all not being already in one world government of some form or fashion.
Where it comes to the US and guns then I can only say that in some respects I'm glad to live in a country where the types of massacres and atrocities that have occurred simply wouldn't and don't happen.
Can't blame you.
How are you going to "engulf" the whole world and how is that going to happen without a whole load of push back from countries that not only don't want it -but also have the capacity to fight against it?
Start small. Don't start with Russia and China and North Korea and Saudi Arabia, start with the UK, Canada, Greenland, see how it goes, go slow at first, and only with those who actually want to try it out.

It will 'snowball', which for anyone not in winter climes and so unfamiliar with the idiom, means you start rolling a snow ball in the snow. As you roll, it gets bigger and bigger and bigger, because as it rolls snow 'sticks' to it, and pretty soon, you're able to make a 'snowman' because the snowballs have gotten so big.

We've shown with Alaska and Hawaii that we can successfully administrate this Constitution even when the land isn't contiguous, which is a major 'box' already 'ticked' before we 'get going'.