UK homosexual dissolves another man in acid, blames religion

Tattooed Theist

New member
Actually, many drug addicts that were arrested for possession (or many of the other things that go along with drug abuse: assault, theft, etc.) were forced to go through rehab and because of that....drum roll...

were "cured".

Keeping something legal like homosexuality sets the path for experimentation (youth do it because it's hip), indoctrination (in schools, in the media) and of course changing invaluable institutions (marriage, the family, the military, Education, the Church, youth mentor groups, entertainment and the news media, etc.).

Bring your tat's back to this thread, because it's just getting so darned difficult to find intelligent conversation these days in the political threads of TOL.

True, I wont argue the truth that some addicts actually clean up from rehab and jail. Although I would, however, argue that an addict does not get clean unless an addict is ready to get clean.

I myself was a heroin addict for 5 years, ending in a 4 year prison sentence that resulted in my sobriety.
Although I went to prison an atheist, quite militant, and was still wanting to use drugs while in prison until I came to the intelligent understanding that the world as i understood it made no sense without a God. I then searched for that God and found Him, THIS is when I decided to hand my addiction over to Jesus.

My only other argument is that when inmates go from county jail to prison drugs become extremely available again, even more so than the streets. In prison I could get high by walking 10 feet to a cell that is pushing them.
On the streets i'd have to go to an ATM, drive somewhere, call someone and wait.

Today, I drink beer at night with my wife. I have not been drunk in 7 years, nor do I have the desire to be.
The compulsion has been lifted from me.

As for homosexuality, I of course believe it should not be legal to marry.
I will never, as a pastor, marry a homosexual couple because I do not believe it is Gods plan for them.
I can say that comfortably because my best friend is bisexual. I do not confuse sin, I do not compartmentalize sin by assuming my sins are okay and gays are 'extra' sinful. Sin is sin.* I love gays, just like I love drug addicts, but i do not condone their behavior.

*Paul speaks of sexual sin being more harmful due to it's personal nature, yada yada. But it doesn't change the way I treat or interact with the sinner.


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Actually, many drug addicts that were arrested for possession (or many of the other things that go along with drug abuse: assault, theft, etc.) were forced to go through rehab and because of that....drum roll...

were "cured".

Keeping something legal like homosexuality sets the path for experimentation (youth do it because it's hip), indoctrination (in schools, in the media) and of course changing invaluable institutions (marriage, the family, the military, Education, the Church, youth mentor groups, entertainment and the news media, etc.).

True, I wont argue the truth that some addicts actually clean up from rehab and jail. Although I would, however, argue that an addict does not get clean unless an addict is ready to get clean.

No one leaves a sinful behavior unless they want to, hence the reason God ordained civil government as one of 3 institutions for the governance of man (the Church and the family being the other two) : to protect others and themselves from their harmful behavior.

I myself was a heroin addict for 5 years, ending in a 4 year prison sentence that resulted in my sobriety.
Although I went to prison an atheist, quite militant, and was still wanting to use drugs while in prison until I came to the intelligent understanding that the world as i understood it made no sense without a God. I then searched for that God and found Him, THIS is when I decided to hand my addiction over to Jesus.

Praise the Lord! Civil government and prison ministries helped bring you to Christ.

My only other argument is that when inmates go from county jail to prison drugs become extremely available again, even more so than the streets. In prison I could get high by walking 10 feet to a cell that is pushing them.
On the streets i'd have to go to an ATM, drive somewhere, call someone and wait.

Tis another topic: the US penal system.

Today, I drink beer at night with my wife. I have not been drunk in 7 years, nor do I have the desire to be.
The compulsion has been lifted from me.


As for homosexuality, I of course believe it should not be legal to marry.
I will never, as a pastor, marry a homosexual couple because I do not believe it is Gods plan for them.

I have a 4 part thread on why homosexuality MUST be recriminalized. You should check it out.

I can say that comfortably because my best friend is bisexual. I do not confuse sin, I do not compartmentalize sin by assuming my sins are okay and gays are 'extra' sinful. Sin is sin.* I love gays, just like I love drug addicts, but i do not condone their behavior.

As shown in Holy Scripture, God takes homosexuality very seriously, as it's an abomination to his plan for human sexuality (one man, one woman, united in matrimony). He told the Jews to put to death those caught engaging in homosex and destroyed the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah because of it. We've seen what has happened since homosexuality was decriminalized: a culture of death.
That's not to say that those who partake in homosex can't be saved like any other sinner.

*Paul speaks of sexual sin being more harmful due to it's personal nature, yada yada. But it doesn't change the way I treat or interact with the sinner.

Jesus's 2nd greatest commandment is "love thy neighbor as you'd love yourself". Are you truly loving your bisexual friend by not attempting to help him overcome his sexual confusion and show him a better way through Christ?

I know that it can be uncomfortable for people who have been through the penal system to guide others that are struggling with immoral behaviors, as they often times feel that they're being overly judgmental. Hey, you've pretty much been through hell, why not keep others from doing so through your testimony?


Well-known member
Yup, typical monstrous behaviour of your average gay person this is.

More like typically underreported. Homosexuals are all virtually sinless saints, the best of humanity, according to media...unless they're identified as political conservatives. But you keep on missing the point, drone.

Great and thoughtful thread here Musty.

I know.


Well-known member
OK maybe racists are a lot smarter

Not really. Just not willing to pervert the ways of the Lord.

And there is no such thing as race. There is only ONE race: human. To keep insisting on breaking mankind up by genotypes or phenotypes is, itself, artificial, hence racist. It's also cravenly hypocritical when done out of sheerly political motives. As you do.


New member
Not really. Just not willing to pervert the ways of the Lord.

And there is no such thing as race. There is only ONE race: human. To keep insisting on breaking mankind up by genotypes or phenotypes is, itself, artificial, hence racist. It's also cravenly hypocritical when done out of sheerly political motives. As you do.

Yep, racists also believe that God is 110% behind them too.


Well-known member
Beyond physical characteristics, do you believe there are instrinsic, unbridgeable genetic differences between, say, blacks and whites which keep us fundamentally distinct and separate from each other?

Or are all such perceived differences merely social constructs imposed upon us by people with divisive agendas?

Yes or no: blacks and whites are fundamentally separate and different?
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ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
More like typically underreported. Homosexuals are all virtually sinless saints, the best of humanity, according to media...unless they're identified as political conservatives. But you keep on missing the point, drone.

I know.

didja notice artie had nothing to say about the guy dissolving another guy in acid?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
More like typically underreported. Homosexuals are all virtually sinless saints, the best of humanity, according to media...unless they're identified as political conservatives. But you keep on missing the point, drone.

I know.

Oh get a grip. Cases like the one you keep dredging up in order to make a "point" are a rarity, not a general rule of thumb. Just because the media doesn't vilify gays as you would probably have them do doesn't mark them out as any more special than anyone else. Try getting some new lenses so you can see past all that confirmation bias...


New member
Beyond physical characteristics, do you believe there are instrinsic, unbridgeable genetic differences between, say, blacks and whites which keep us fundamentally distinct and separate from each other?

Or are all such perceived differences merely social constructs imposed upon us by people with divisive agendas?

Yes or no: blacks and whites are fundamentally separate and different?

what a pointless question. It has no baring on the fact that the arguments and rhetoric you present in these forms is indistinguishable from the arguments and rhetoric racists employ.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
yes or no: Are the arguments and rhetoric racists use different from the anti-gay arguments and rhetoric you present in these forums?

yes or no: you're a troll who has nothing to contribute to the site and should be permabanned


Well-known member
what a pointless question. It has no baring on the fact that the arguments and rhetoric you present in these forms is indistinguishable from the arguments and rhetoric racists employ.

No answer.

Meaning he does believe there are innate differences between the mythical "races," meaning he's a racist.


Well-known member
Actually, many drug addicts that were arrested for possession (or many of the other things that go along with drug abuse: assault, theft, etc.) were forced to go through rehab and because of that....drum roll...

were "cured".

Keeping something legal like homosexuality sets the path for experimentation (youth do it because it's hip), indoctrination (in schools, in the media) and of course changing invaluable institutions (marriage, the family, the military, Education, the Church, youth mentor groups, entertainment and the news media, etc.).

Bring your tat's back to this thread, because it's just getting so darned difficult to find intelligent conversation these days in the political threads of TOL.

Actually, making something illegal sets the path for experimentation. It's "hip" to smoke and drink for instance. The law was never meant to make men holy or righteous. Haven't you read Paul's teachings?