And which "Christian Doctrine" might that be?
Actually, making something illegal sets the path for experimentation. It's "hip" to smoke and drink for instance.
The law was never meant to make men holy or righteous. Haven't you read Paul's teachings?
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
BTW, I've accused you [musterion] of being a Libertarian (which contradicts Christian doctrine) : when are you ready to discuss that?
The Holy Bible. Care to defend Libertarian doctrine, or do you even know what it is?
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Keeping something legal like homosexuality sets the path for experimentation (youth do it because it's hip), indoctrination (in schools, in the media) and of course changing invaluable institutions (marriage, the family, the military, Education, the Church, youth mentor groups, entertainment and the news media, etc.)
And have abortions when it became legal nationwide:
Is the Paul that you're talking about any relation to the Paul who wrote Romans 13:4?
For the one in authority is God's servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for rulers do not bear the sword for no reason. They are God's servants, agents of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer.
Oh, so they have abortions for experimentation? You're always trying to support your claims with things that have nothing to do with what you said.
Actually, making something illegal sets the path for experimentation.
And....I was talking about the purpose of the law, which has nothing to do with what Paul wrote in Romans 13.
Even at the ballot box, morality is not relative.
No answer.
Meaning he does believe there are innate differences between the mythical "races," meaning he's a racist.
A stupid follow up to a stupid question. (I would expect nothing less from you)
In the end you are still the one posting the very same arguments and rhetoric that racists have used for years. If you don't like that being pointed out then stop emulating racists.
The one who signs each post,
is on record admitting he wants to ensure a Clinton presidency.
You said this, I didn't:
I pointed out that since the legalization of abortion, abortion rates have skyrocketed. Which is it, does making crack cocaine and heroin illegal, make people want to experiment with it? Did having laws against homosexuality make people want to experiment with homosexuality? Did having abortion illegal make women want to have abortions? It's just the opposite: when civil government takes the threat of punishment against the wrongdoer away, it sends a message to the populace that immoral behaviors like the ones above are permissible.
Perhaps you should stick with your theology forums and not political ones, as we're talking about two different things. The purpose of civil government in God's eyes, is explained by Paul in Romans 13:4 and many other verses and passages in Holy Scripture.
If Tattooed Theist should return, he can tell you that because recreational drug use is illegal, he was sent to prison where he accepted Christ into his life.
And won't answer such a simple question. Very telling, you racist bigot.
I did answer just not the way you wanted. Were you not smart enough to notice? Or just lying?
I notice you're a racist, like all leftists.
I notice you're a racist, like all leftists.