My dad gave me the belt when I was a child and to my recollection I deserved it every time, I will also say I was never abused. I am a better man for being taught respect even through the use of the rod/belt. The problem with the youth of today is that they have not been taught respect, and the liberal method of "time out" in lieu of the rod has bred an entire generation of disrespectful, self centered adults which is American society today. If you love your children you will not spare the rod.
I love my children more than myself and I spared them from the rod, and I could not ask for better sons. I'm very proud of them. You can indeed raise respectful, grounded, responsible children without beating them with a belt. I can't imagine in all the world hitting my children with a belt. What does that teach them? What, exactly? I'd like to know. Who's in charge? My sons knew. That hurting them is the only way to show them that there are consequences to actions? What are you teaching them that must come with a welt?
See, I have the experience that Lighthouse doesn't. He can pretend he does, but he doesn't have it. Plain and simple.
I don't think you've accumulated the years of parenting I have, because my sons are older than yours.
I don't know if Stripe has kids or not. But Stripe lied about me in this thread, so what does that mean? That his dad didn't beat him enough?
Prov. 13:24 One who spares the rod hates his son,
But one who loves him is careful to discipline him.
Prov. 22:15 Folly is bound up in the heart of a child:
The rod of discipline drives it far from him.
Prov. 23:13 Don’t withhold correction from a child.
If you punish him with the rod, he will not die.
I don't believe that means a physical rod. I believe it means authority.