

Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Donald Trump Jr., Eric and Ivanka have the most to gain by preserving the status quo!

For those not in the 1%, to treat us as equals during the time or war but not during times of peace is inherently unfair.

If risk and danger can be spread throughout all classes of society, then the financial rewards should be spread in the same manner!

Not true, because I have more to gain by preserving it than any of them.


New member
Those who fought and died on the beaches of Normandy, Okinawa and Iwo Jima were young people drafted by the government and forced to put their lives in harms way!

If rich and wealthy Americans are willing to allow others, particularly those poorer than themselves, to fight and die for them, paying their fair share to provide universal healthcare is the least they can do!

Otherwise, put the sons and daughters of the wealthy in the front lines - why shouldn't those who have benefited the most in American society be exposed to the greatest amount of risk during times of war?

What a bunch of nonsense, many sons of wealthy individuals served in the army during WW2.
Examples: 4 of Teddy Roosevelt's sons served in the army during WW2 and one of his sons died during a mission as well.

Henry Ford II, grandson of Henry Ford, was drafted and served in the navy.

JFK and Joseph Kennedy served in WW2 and their father was a businessman who was worth 3.14 billion in today's dollars according to wiki.


I'm sure there is a Bible verse that supports your "steal from Peter to pay Paul".

See how that works?

Common sense alone should let you know that a business cannot stay in business if they give their products or services away.
Depending on a thief (government) to steal from folks to pay you to keep your business going is not just.

Try using that logic for any business you might have.
Should anyone that needs your product or service be allowed to take what they need from you and not pay for it?
That is what you are asking others to do.

Your Christianity amazes me.


New member
this debate over the government's authority to force an individual to buy a insurance product is a bit irrelevant to the obamacare mandate since the mandate was never structured to strongly force individuals to buy insurance and unlike regular taxes you can't be jailed or forced to pay if you refuse to pay the penalty. IF democrats thought forcing Americans to buy health insurance is such a great idea, why didn't they pass a stiff penalty when they had 60 votes to do so?


Well-known member
Are you loving the NEW Healthcare plan? Trump's baby? :D

Even if it passes it's more doomed to failure than ACA ever was.

Personally, I don't support either plan.

But at least the GOP will be the ones wearing it around their necks like an albatross.


Thank you!
My Christianity is for charity.
Charity is not forced.
My Christianity is against stealing.
Charity is not stealing from one to pay for another.

Yep, the Christian follow the $ defense. So much for love your neighbor as yourself.

So taking $ from your pocket to help those less fortunate is stealing?

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Thank you!
My Christianity is for charity.
Nothing wrong with charity.

Charity is not forced.
No one is saying charity is forced. Some of us are saying you can't be forced to do what you'd be willing to give in the first place.

My Christianity is against stealing.
No one is arguing for theft either.

Charity is not stealing from one to pay for another
Christ never preached against the state's authority to tax. And taxes aren't theft.

patrick jane

All these left wing liberal protesters want free healthcare, they don't want to pay for a damn thing. Demonrats want Big Brother to give them everything, from cradle to grave.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
All these left wing liberal protesters want free healthcare, they don't want to pay for a damn thing. Demonrats want Big Brother to give them everything, from cradle to grave.
The lengths you hard right wing moaners and groaners go to in vain attempts to paint those who want affordable healthcare in a dim light is remarkable. But all it ultimately does is illuminate a paucity of spirit, compassion, and understanding.