Trump: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

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Gary K

New member
It's not about trust, but rather shifting the focus and projection. Russia interfered with our election and Trump's ego and/or guilt will not allow him to admit it. IF he truly wanted to get in front of this investigation and has nothing to hide, he wouldn't keep trying to undermine it.

Actually every nation in the world attempts to influence elections in other nations, including the US. Obama tried to prevent the re-election of Netanyahu in Israel. And Russian influence was so piddling in the 2016 election that it isn't funny. Wow. They ran a total of $100,000 worth of ads in a national election. Do you realize how small a percentage that is of the total spending on advertisement for all candidates? It's most likely less than 1/10 of 1%, or less. That amount of ads could not have made a difference in the election as such a small percentage of the population would have seen them it's ridiculous.

You want to see real Russian influence on our government and politicians? Take a look at the Obama administration. Hillary, while she was secretary of state sold the Russians 20% of our nation's total supply of uranium. You know, the stuff atomic bombs are made from. And lo and behold what happened? A bank involved in the transaction gave her husband $500,000 for a 20 minute speech. What could he have said in 20 minutes that is worth a 1/2 million dollars? And, the Russian and Canadian companies involved in the sale and transfer of the uranium to Russia donated $143 million to the Clinton Foundation. Obama knew about this. The FBI was involved in this too under both Comey and Mueller. While Mueller, who is now investigating Trump for collusion, was the head of the FBI he took a FBI plane to Russian to deliver uranium samples so the Russians could test it. The FBI was investigating this sale while it was going on, and has evidence that there was fraud, blackmail, and criminal conspiracies going on. They had an undercover agent at the heart of this, and then forced him to sign a NDA to keep him from talking. That NDA was just recently removed and he is to testify before Congress on what he knows in the near future.

If Trump has colluded with the Russians it is peanuts compared to what the Obama administration took part in. That was treasonous for it undermines the very security of our nation. That was government influence for sale, blatantly. And the DNC and Hillary's campaign talked to the very same people Trump's people did. If Trump was colluding for talking to those people so was Hillary and the Democrats.

Now, you want to tell me that this isn't a witch hunt? You want to tell me this isn't a smoke screen to cover up blatantly illegal activity by the previous administration?

Gary K

New member
"Deep state" is used to keep the base fearful. The message being "only Trump can save them."

Really? Have you ever watched the video titled A Good American? It's the story of an NSA employee who figured out a way to monitor all phone calls in the US and delete all personally indentifiable data at the same time so that no American's privacy could be compromised. You ought to watch the video and see what the government did to that man and his partners. The people who did it to him? They are still in place. They are still monitoring our communications and collecting personally identifiable information on all of us. It's people like that make up the deep state. They are the bureaucrats and contractors who stay in place from one administration to the next and either help or subvert the administration in power according to their own political ideologies. If those people were all conservatives working to undermine a Democratic administration you would be screaming bloody murder about and you know it.

Gary K

New member
The "deep state" is how it's supposed to be. A shallow state is a dictatorship, and that's why Trump strains against it. He wants absolute power, and one political party is ready to give it to him, for the most part.

LOL. I don't think even you believe that.

Gary K

New member
He called our own intelligence officers "political hacks." He takes the word of a KGB agent over our own agencies. What's odd is that so many Americans see nothing wrong with that.

I see you don't pay a whole lot of attention to the news. Under Obama the IRS and CIA were both made subservient to politics. The IRS was used to go after conservatives and the CIA was used to create political cover by falsifying reports. It's all out there, but the main stream media isn't going to tell you about it. They are a part of the collusion.

When CIA officers were induced to change reports for political purposes they became "political hacks". No other word for it.


Hall of Fame
If Trump has colluded with the Russians it is peanuts

Not it ... did. It's never *peanuts* when a hostile foreign government decides our leadership and policy. As a loyal American, I will never side with a hostile foreign government against my own country nor support those who do their bidding (Trump).


New member
Hall of Fame
Trump: Putin Denied Election Meddling, He's More Trustworthy Than U.S. Intelligence

CIA chief Mike Pompeo: Putin attacked 2016 election.
DNI Dan Coats: Putin attacked 2016 election.
FBI director Christopher Wray: Putin attacked 2016 election.
NSA head Mike Rogers: Putin attacked 2016 election.
Putin: I did not attack 2016 election.
Trump: I believe Putin.​

At a news conference in Vietnam, Trump distanced himself from remarks he made on Saturday in which he suggested he believed Putin when he said there had been no Russian meddling in the election that took him to the White House.

The comments had drawn criticism at home because U.S. intelligence agencies have long since concluded there was Russian meddling.

“As to whether I believe it or not, I’m with our agencies, especially as currently constituted,” Trump said at a news conference with Vietnamese President Tran Dai Quang.

patrick jane


At a news conference in Vietnam, Trump distanced himself from remarks he made on Saturday in which he suggested he believed Putin when he said there had been no Russian meddling in the election that took him to the White House.

The comments had drawn criticism at home because U.S. intelligence agencies have long since concluded there was Russian meddling.

“As to whether I believe it or not, I’m with our agencies, especially as currently constituted,” Trump said at a news conference with Vietnamese President Tran Dai Quang.
Trump said he believes Putin meant it when he denied, not that he believed him. Get the facts straight and stop parroting Fake News.


New member
Hall of Fame
Trump said he believes Putin meant it when he denied, not that he believed him. Get the facts straight and stop parroting Fake News.
I assume you didn't read the article because it says this:

Trump said he still believed Putin did not think there had been Russian meddling.

“I believe that President Putin really feels, and feels strongly, that he did not meddle in our election,” Trump said, while adding: “What he believes is what he believes.”

If you want to say that the headline is misleading then I could agree with that. It'd be more accurate to say Trump clarified remarks. But simply calling it 'fake news' just makes you a Trump parrot.


Well-known member
Then I can expect all of you to be equally appalled by our attempts to interfere in other governments elections as well...with the same condemnation and vigor that you have against trump.


New member
Hall of Fame
Then I can expect all of you to be equally appalled by our attempts to interfere in other governments elections as well...with the same condemnation and vigor that you have against trump.

Do you expect that to be something that would be hard to do? I would not support the US meddling in other elections.


Well-known member
Not it ... did. It's never *peanuts* when a hostile foreign government decides our leadership and policy. As a loyal American, I will never side with a hostile foreign government against my own country nor support those who do their bidding (Trump).

And just how did the Russkies "decide" our leadership?


New member
Then I can expect all of you to be equally appalled by our attempts to interfere in other governments elections as well...

Depends on the circumstances, but often.

with the same condemnation and vigor that you have against trump.

I support the fact that we helped take down the Nazis, the last time. But you don't expect the people who live in a country who support it's government to be ok with a foreign invasion, do you?


New member
Hall of Fame
Trump said he believes Putin meant it when he denied, not that he believed him. Get the facts straight and stop parroting Fake News.

Although, if Trump believes Putin and the intelligence community then he must believe that the Russian meddling was done without Putin knowing. That's a bit hard to believe, unless it's a big case of plausible deniability.


Well-known member
Oh, please. :rolleyes: There are any number of things that don't get talked about on TOL and it doesn't mean I have no opinion or support them.

Kmo, please nothing! I am merely pointing out you haven't said anything...I have posted on this forum of our meddling in other nations over the years here and never heard your condemnation of it.

The revolutions in the middle east, Ukraine....and that is the recent ones. I can go on and on and on.
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