I have no idea what you're talking about or trying to convey when you use that stupid Plain smilie. I even use it myself, but I still don't always know what it means when you use it, which, I do understand deserves another Plain smilie in retort, I know that, I know the grammar of the language you're using, but I don't know what you mean, and I wish sometimes that I did.You've obviously never been "tricked" then.lain:
The guy said Halloween's socialism. Halloween's capitalism, and the freedom of religion, all rolled into one night, and I just can't suffer someone calling that socialism even in jest.The point of the Tweet is to mock the monumental goofery of the initial. The answers are predicated on that remarkable miscue. You have to get into the spirit of it. One of my favorites was some guy who noted that his taking a great share of the candy-getting-profit for little apparent reason was a wonderful illustration of corporate capitalism. But all of it exists in the paper thin contextual premise of Orange Juniorous' original Tweet.
Plain? :idunno: