Trump gets retraining order to stop discussion of his sexual behavior

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The Barbarian

Alleged payment to porn star was illegal donation to Trump campaign, watchdog says

The call from Common Cause for criminal prosecution echoes charges against John Edwards.

A watchdog group filed a pair of complaints on Monday alleging that a $130,000 payment reportedly made to a pornographic film actress who claims to have had an affair with Donald Trump violated campaign finance laws.

In submissions to the Justice Department and the Federal Election Commission, Common Cause said the alleged payment to Stephanie Clifford — who uses the stage name Stormy Daniels — amounted to an in-kind donation to Trump's presidential campaign that should have been publicly disclosed in its official reports.

An attorney for Common Cause, Paul Ryan, said the payment appeared to be hush money. He compared the situation to the series of events that resulted in the prosecution of former Sen. John Edwards (D-N.C.) over nearly $1 million in payments allegedly made to cover up an affair he had with videographer Rielle Hunter during his 2008 presidential bid.

“The purpose is the heart of all this,” Ryan said. “It’s pretty obvious this payment to Ms. Clifford was intended to keep her quiet just weeks before the election so she would not damage the candidate’s effort to win the election.”

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
So, are you a member of "The Body of Christ" and ready to inherit eternal life through faith in Christ? If not, you might as well, be an atheist.

Well, according to some of you lot, plenty of those who profess Christianity are 'bound for hell' if they don't believe the right 'doctrine' so hey, not too bothered what you happen to think on the score. Compassion and empathy is not exactly abundant among religious zealots I've noticed.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
If I were like AB and an atheist/agnostic, why would I care about Adultery or any other sin? After all, if there's NO one to answer to after we leave this world, why not live your life the way you, so desire? Even the Apostle Paul said in 1 Corinthians 15:32; "If after the manner of men I have fought with beasts at Ephesus, what advantageth it me, if the dead rise not? let us eat and drink; for to morrow we die."

Well, is your faith primarily regarding escaping some fate such as "hell"? Or reward or punishment? I don't need an incentive not to be cruel to people or animals because I have compassion about me regardless and would balk at such. You?



Old Barb just desires (with all his black heart) to see the President removed from office. The means by which are unimportant to the Liberal hater. They're looking for any reason to "destroy Donald Trump."
"Trump J" has no one to blame but himself for his current dilemma - if this had been a Democratic President does anyone doubt that "Comrade Grosnick" would be denouncing him as the "antiChrist!"

I'm afraid I'll have to leave this thread. The reason being; the only reasonable poster (Tam) has left.
It must be a heavy burden for someone as "self-righteous as the "Marobwe" to be defending a President devoid of any "moral compass!"
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Hall of Fame
You're the one who has the zealous standards in play so it's fair game Tam. I'm more interested in Trump being investigated for the multiple allegations of assault than his likely affair with Clifford.

His collusion with Russia and intentional destruction of America is more important than his adulterous, sleazy lifestyle. I just find it interesting that there are those who have turned an intentional blind-eye to the lack of character displayed by the thrice-married, adulterer who is currently occupying the WH.



Trump gets retraining order to stop discussion of his sexual behavior

First Sarah Sanders announced that "The Donald" won a secret arbitration hearing and now some of the correspondence used by Trump's personal lawyer used had his corporation's letterhead on it - once again "President Donald J" is upset with those surrounding him for not protecting him from himself!

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame

Trump gets retraining order to stop discussion of his sexual behavior

First Sarah Sanders announced that "The Donald" won a secret arbitration hearing and now some of the correspondence used by Trump's personal lawyer used had his corporation's letterhead on it - once again "President Donald J" is upset with those surrounding him for not protecting him from himself!

What do you wish to happen in the end? Do you want to see a Coup? Do you wish to see Trump removed from office before his term is up? Do you desire to see him Impeached? What would make your life complete?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Doesn't matter which individual actually handed her the money if the agreement was that she would be silent for cash.
She accepted the cash in the agreement.
If she decides to keep the cash then the agreement of keeping silent must be met to keep that cash.

If the agreement is null and void because there was no signature, then the WHOLE agreement is null and void, and that would include the cash.

AB and Barb won't like what you just said, the reason being, you said something that makes sense. Those two prefer things that don't make any sense.

The Barbarian

AB and Barb won't like what you just said, the reason being, you said something that makes sense. Those two prefer things that don't make any sense.

It's certainly an arguable claim. If Trump paid her hush money just before the election, and failed to sign the agreement, then the contract is not valid.

This is why one normally doesn't hand over money until the documents are signed. Until then, there is no legal agreement. Exactly how she got the money might matter. Apparently, Trump stiffed his lawyer, who was dumb enough to front the money himself. What kind of an idiot trusts Trump like that?

Since Trump apparently never actually paid anything or her to keep quiet about his cheating on his wife, she owes him nothing. Whether or not she owes his lawyer is another issue.

The point is, she delivered on the important thing; she didn't reveal Trump's adultery before the election.


Well-known member
Thread title: Trump gets retraining order to stop discussion of his sexual behavior

What I like is the idea that Trump could get a retraining order! This is the hope of all Christians, that Jesus Christ will retrain us to do good and not evil!

But maybe that's not what you meant...


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I just find it interesting that there are those who have turned an intentional blind-eye to the lack of character displayed by the thrice-married, adulterer who is currently occupying the WH.
Nobody is surprised.
He wasn't sent as the chaste candidate.
We knew about his "New York Values".

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
It's certainly an arguable claim. If Trump paid her hush money just before the election, and failed to sign the agreement, then the contract is not valid.

This is why one normally doesn't hand over money until the documents are signed. Until then, there is no legal agreement. Exactly how she got the money might matter. Apparently, Trump stiffed his lawyer, who was dumb enough to front the money himself. What kind of an idiot trusts Trump like that?

Since Trump apparently never actually paid anything or her to keep quiet about his cheating on his wife, she owes him nothing. Whether or not she owes his lawyer is another issue.

The point is, she delivered on the important thing; she didn't reveal Trump's adultery before the election.

The ONLY 'people' who even care about this 'latest attack by the far-left Dems' is, evil-minded folks like you and your ilk. The "ILK" know who they are. You sure thrive on spreading wicked gossip, don't ya, little man? :)

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
His collusion with Russia and intentional destruction of America is more important than his adulterous, sleazy lifestyle. I just find it interesting that there are those who have turned an intentional blind-eye to the lack of character displayed by the thrice-married, adulterer who is currently occupying the WH.

Why would you be concerned about anybodies SIN? After all, Atheists don't believe in God, therefore, if there's no God, there's nothing to answer for, right, Rusha? If there's no God or Judgement following death, then, why not have everybody do as they please? There's NO reason for morality if there's no God or subsequent Judgement.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
It's certainly an arguable claim. If Trump paid her hush money just before the election, and failed to sign the agreement, then the contract is not valid.

This is why one normally doesn't hand over money until the documents are signed. Until then, there is no legal agreement. Exactly how she got the money might matter. Apparently, Trump stiffed his lawyer, who was dumb enough to front the money himself. What kind of an idiot trusts Trump like that?

Since Trump apparently never actually paid anything or her to keep quiet about his cheating on his wife, she owes him nothing. Whether or not she owes his lawyer is another issue.

The point is, she delivered on the important thing; she didn't reveal Trump's adultery before the election.

In your opinion, was Obama and Clinton, pure as the driven snow? Are they perfect examples of sinless perfection? Are, you? :)

The Barbarian

{Barbarian notes that since Trump never actually paid the porn star hush money (his lawyer fronted it for him) and since he never signed the agreement, it's questionable whether or not courts would enforce the agreement for her to keep quiet about their sexual activities)

In your opinion, was Obama and Clinton, pure as the driven snow?

All you got is a "Yahbut" and lying about what I think? You need to think a little more before you post, Grosnik. I do note that the Obama's are obviously much, much better parents than Trump or any of his wives have been. Apparently, they've never been unfaithful to each other. Unlike Melania, Michelle Obama does not have soft porn photo shoots to live down, and neither of the Obamas have had to pay huge settlements to avoid fraud charges, as Donald Trump was forced to do. There's no evidence for Hillary Clinton involved in any of that, either. Her husband has, in some ways, been nearly as sleazy as Donald Trump, if that makes you feel any better.

No one's perfect; I'm just pointing out that Donald Trump is particularly faulty as a human being.
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