Acts 13
13:26 Men and brethren, children of the stock of Abraham, and whosoever among you feareth God, to you is the word of this salvation sent.
Show me my error.
Shawn showed you 25 of your other errors; clearly laid out.
You rejected that.
I myself have pointed out other of your errors.
Same result from you and your pals.
Because your study approach is off.
As a result, you are unable to see the obvious.
By the way, I figured how Shawn came up with that list.
I recently ran across a study by Jordan on the difference in study approach between the Acts 9 and the Acts 28 Position, in which he touched on various of the errors of the 28ers and how they ended up off.
It struck me that that is very similar to what I have been saying to your deaf ears about your approach..
Your approach obviously being a mix of the study approach of both positions, which is why I have humorously referred to your position as The ALMOST Acts 28 Position.
Which your faulty approach, and that of your pals, mis-read to mean "The Acts 28 Position" itself.
Well, all Shawn apparently did was apply what Jordan taught (he is of their camp) about how The 28ers arrive at their errors, to yours.
For how Shawn has worded his nevertheless valid conclusions about your hybrid of the Acts 9 approach with that of the Acts 28ers, reveal that the principles by which he arrived at his conclusions against your errors are straight out of the actual Acts 9 Position taught by Jordan.
But I did send you a link to Jordan's studies on Romans and Ephesians.
Never heard back from you.
You are no Acts 17: 11-12er - none of you are.
Now, three of your incompetent pals are neg rapping me for pointing these things out to you. :chuckle:
For that only shows how petty and narrow minded your pals are.
Even my making light of that has been concluded my crying about it. :chuckle:
Always with your pals, it is the other side that is in the wrong.
Your pals are that narrow minded in their double-standard.
Talk about an ever clueless Meshak concluding a non-existent jealousy.
In short, there just might not be any getting through to any of you, on your errors.
All one can do is point them out, that others who still possesse some measure of objectivity, might see your errors for what they are.
A hybrid or mix, of where the Acts 9 Position studies things out, with where the Acts 28 Position erroneously does.
That and one heck of a blind, narrow mindedness and intolerance to any view but one's own.
Rom. 14:5 towards you, STP, in memory of Rom. 5: 6-8 - in each our stead.