Town Quixote's

Totton Linnet

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Silver Subscriber
Well then...that only leaves one thing left to say: yesterday's Gazette can be found here (link). :plain:

In Tuesday's edition:

chrys asks a question, I speak to the value of a rule, CW does a pratfall and AMR admits a shameful secret...

I'm shocked speechless, doesn't AMR know about the secret ingredient?


New member
Hall of Fame
:think: Jack Daniel's?

Or chocolate...

What? :idunno:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The Friday Morning Gazette

In chrys' Award Early and Often thread, it came to me...
Most awards to one person 2011, 2013 and overall? Most nominations?

Most Obsessed Poster of 2013? Nominees:

Chrys for "One more thread ought to do it".

Sod/res for "Second verse/it's even worse".

and Eeset for "Anything they can do I can do bitter".

And the Grimmie goes to: IT'S ANOTHER TIE!!! :shocked:

Congrats to all three of you.

You've earned every bit of the recognition and respect that comes with it. :plain:

That led to...
I don't know why aCW wasn't nominated for the most obsessed award. All I can figure is that he got locked out because no one wanted to deal with him at the awards ceremony.
When it came to aCW, it was a serious consideration...and likely the first time those words have been used in the same sentence with aCW. :plain:

And the winner for TOL's Most Annoyed at Winning The Most Obsessed Poster of 2013 Award is: Chrysostom!!
I think that definitely puts him in the running for the Lack of Lifetime Achievement award too. This year it's going to be a close one. :plain:

Meanwhile, SoJ was asking...
My son asked me an interesting and challenging question last night. He asked, "Do you love mommy or Jesus more, daddy?"

I know what I said. How would you have answered his question?

And I said...
:think: Ask your mother.

While in the Brit thread...
Ok...there's old and then there's OLD.

Arthur gets a little sensitive when you ask him about The War of the Roses.

AB isn't old. :nono: That said, his material has its own AARP card. :plain:

So it's not even British either.

Then Rusha pointed out a problem with chrys last candidate...
Interestingly enough, Chrys supported a known adulterer who had no problem abandoning his cancer-ridden wife and daughter in order to shack up with another woman.
How else could he defeat the Godless Democrats? :plain:

Elsewhere, anna began to wonder about chrys' program/list thread...
But you can't make someone commit just by putting them on a list, either. Is that what you're trying to do? I guess I haven't put a lot of thought into your motivation, so maybe this is a good time to ask.
Just think, "What would a weasel do if it had human intelligence."

Angel turned a horse race into a photo finish in the Cub Reporters thread...
It was a close one, ladies and gentlemen. And we have a photo finish, with Angel surging past Eeset at the wire 21 to a trailing 20. Glorydaze is five lengths back at 16 and IK further out at 10.

Recalled an old difference with anna on the wisdom of close proximity between voting booths and bars...
Palin as VP... Remember my Why Palin Can Win thread? :)
I do. I recall seriously considering it for Funniest/Most Horrifying Thought of the year. :eek:

That was before my disillusionment.
Or as we refer to it here, sobriety. :smack:

Before being shocked by a sudden shift in the Chrys Democratic Party destruction countdown thread...
That was then:
you have no idea how close the democratic party is to destruction

This is now: will all come together in about three years

Tomorrow? :idunno: I may need to cash in vacation time before I lose it :)eek:).

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Jack hates when I have Play-Doh time with him...which is disappointing because I think I'm really getting the hang of it.


Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The Sunday Post Gazette

Guess what happened when chrys got a snoot full of substantive?
...]union pension plans that are bankrupting the states and they will find the only alternative is to vote republican
Pension plans are a problem, but not necessarily a problem that will be seen as a Democratic one, once you take a look at all the red states with pension problems. If you're pinning blame on someone you should consider the IRS.

That government agency killed over funding pension plans as a tax shelter. And instead of putting the excess in high yield bonds the planning geniuses tried to keep bubbles afloat...bye-bye money.

That takes us into banking regulations and a host of similar problems that you'll be hard pressed to turn into Democrat only failures, to say the least.

(crickets) No response on point. Nada. Zip. Zilch even.

Before taking exception to an increasingly pointless DT...
How do you guys get around the fact that ALL your arguments are moot ?
They really aren't, DT. You remind me of a fundamentalist calling you a fool. The only difference is that you have a much smaller god.

Does picking through the fibres of the lies you have been raised to believe...You look like a bunch of five year's all nonsense. Arguing over it actually is the reason mankind is still so retarded.
I can tell you, if anyone was waffling in the light of the five year old bit, being called retarded has to be the coup de grace of wildly successful anti-theist alter calls. An appeal to intellectual vanity without actually interjecting a rational posit.

...You know you're all one step away from being Westboro baptist types don't you ?
No, but you're much closer to them in attitude and methodology than you appear to realize.

You need a serious education. You're talking about a thing you demonstrably don't understand and until you do you might as well just show up like Sod/res and call people "retards" and fools...wait, you already sort of did that. :plain: And there's your company.

Then chrys was back to do what he loves best...
I have just recently concluded that the barbarian is smarter than town
Could be. If so I hope it means something to him, gives something to him that is enriching. Else, it might as well be a banana.

they both understand the danger of answering questions
I understand that with some people questions are really only insults and statements with poor punctuation. :D

...the big difference between them is the barbarian doesn't care if anyone likes him
Of course he does. Everyone wants to be liked, unless they have a personality disorder. We're social animals. I'm only indifferent to the opinion of people who demonstrate that their apparent regard is mostly manipulation and that the point of friendship with them is mostly utilitarian.

People like you, essentially.

And in the if you owned TOL thread...
If I owned TOL I'd buy chrys a drunk monkey to hammer out his posts and improve their content. :plain:

I'd make AB post a llama recipe thread (no, the other kind).

I'd insist on footnotes. :noid:

I'd make every other Monday "smiley day" where no words could be used in posts, thus giving a certain number of posters a feeling of rough equality with the rest at least twice a month.

Suggested of Knight's open inquiry into DT's habit...
Yet you keep coming back year after year after year. Thousands of posts and nearly 7 years on this website Doogie.

You are a long-time veteran of what you claim is a waste of time. What does that make you? :think:
:think: Hall of Fame material? :eek:

Chimed in on the What's Your Temperament thread...
ENFP (Idealist/Champion) I think it tends to be that or ENTP, depending on my mood. :eek:

And when SD took repeated swipes at cattyfan's back...
:vomit: Does she kiss her mama with that mouth[/URL]?
You do realize that linking to yourself making the same charge elsehwere isn't actually supporting the, you really don't realize that, do you... :plain:

To everyone else, SD is lying about cattyfan, which should surprise no one. Here's what this bitter dolt is still whining about:


And later she added "Perv" to the defamation, so I lit her up with a neg rep and I hope she draws a host of them. If she didn't hide behind a right wing stance she'd have been out on a rail long ago.

Said to TM...
You know what? I'd have a drink with aCW. I get the feeling that he only shows one side of himself here on TOL ...
And it's weird that he can type facing that way...though it does explain his reading. :plain:

Then, when I said I hoped to meet TOLers on a book signing tour one day...
:thumb: Get a good editor.
That's solid advice for anyone who writes fiction.

So you should find one. :plain:

See you soon. :poly:


Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Tuesday Afternoon Gazette​

SD suggested...
:thumb: Get a good editor.
That's solid advice for anyone who writes fiction.

Before taking exception to her own notion...
:yawn: Proof please. :peach:
:plain: I've always suspected you don't know what you're saying. :D

Then in the Rush thread...
...over the years, as so many people took him seriously, he began to assume the personna. His dispairing cry after the last election, "We've lost the country!", was from the heart of a guy who was no longer joking. He was no longer in character; that was him for real.
That was my problem with him.

That and I'm pretty sure he eats babies. :plain: Like a dingo then. If a dingo were taking itself seriously.

And chrys continued to build on those HOF credits...
they just can't let it go

And the "Let it go, it's mine!" award goes to: chrysostom! :first:

Feel better? :think: Likely not.

He really didn't...
did you see the poll where
90% of republicans are pro life and 90% of democrats are baby killers
No, I didn't and I still haven't, because you don't cite to it or link. So as far as I know it's make believe.

a democrat is a baby killer and
you are not going to change their mind
And yet the numbers have actually been moving pro life for some time. So it appears that people can actually change their mind. Or did you just mean Democrats can't? :rolleyes: And do you see the problem in your noggin now, or should I explain it?

Said of aCW...
You know absolutely nothing about me
:think: Then, relatively speaking, he knows you about as well as he knows anything.

Before meeting and greeting some of the new kids...
hello JEB,

I hope your posts are not too long. I ignore lengthy posts.

Don't be concerned, JEB123, if that even is your real name. She'll pretty much ignore you anyway if you disagree. Welcome aboard, but do try for shorter bits early, as people get to know you.

Thought I'd say hello, so hello. :D
Now just what do you mean by that?

Sorry, but chrys can't get to every thread. :plain: You'll see. :D

I found this forum very well run. Interesting people, and I love the threads about politics. I hope I fit in.
A very gracious and considered start with no, you likely won't. :plain:

But welcome aboard anyway. :D

While still finding time to correct a minor misunderstanding...
Wait, that's not a portrait of AB? :shut:
No, but it's a common mistake. If you look closely you'll see the one in our signature lines isn't drooling. :plain:

Tomorrow? A word with the newest anti theist...

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Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The Gazette

kmo noted a peculiar truth...
According to chrys, liking Walmart is a core conservative value. :plain:

Differed with well intentioned political zeal...
...It is not the state that is seceeding that would start the war, but the Federal Government.
Like suggesting it isn't the criminal that's causing the crime, it's the law.

Of course, like your father Lincoln , you believe in rule by might...
Only anarchists don't believe in rule by might...or people who don't own anything.

Tried to protect the woodshed notice in public space, despite fool's thread effort to the contrary...
I'd like to have it in more places. :plain: Including my signature line.

Leading to the sort of out of control row fool is know for...
But it drives content off.
:think: I thought that was aCW's job?

...Is complaining about each other all we have to offer?
Quit your griping. :eek:

That wouldn't end...
I feel a new thread coming.
As soon as I launch my "Do we have too many polls?" thread.

:think: I still have a few kinks to work out on that one.

You can't edit polls.
I know you know that.
If it was easy everyone would be trying it. :plain: HOFer indeed.

But in the end it was for naught and I was bested, times two...
Because of that line right there, I agree with you and have removed the Woodshed from the active topics list.

...Now, about funneling the Woodshed to Town's sig..................
Now you're just trying to show off. :eek:

Then Rand was back and engaging, which is a refreshing...
To be clear, I'm not defending the Republican Party, but why would any pro-lifer WANT to be in the Democratic Party?
Best guess, not being a Democrat, they're philosophically more aligned with that side of the isle than the Republican side of it.

Capping off with...
Then they're just pro-life statists.
Except that's overly broad and the devil or virtue is in the details.

Where do you stand, BTW?
Against anarchy. I'm a rationalist who believes there are things we do better collectively and things we do better as individuals. So it's an issue by issue approach for me.

The Democrats are wrong on virtually every issue. At least most of them. Not just this one.
I'm not sure how I could respond to that, given its breadth. So you're against interstates? An army? I think generalizations like that are the gateway to demonization. Rather, most people would find a great deal of agreement even as they disagree on fairly fundamental approaches.

The typical response to daring to criticize Republicans for not being willing to deal with entitlements is essentially "You want the elderly to starve to death?"
Unless you're in a government class I'd imagine the response to broaching the subject from either end would be met with somthing like, "Cut that out and where were we?"

Now presuming you bring the subject up in the appropriate venue, I'd bet the response you get depends on how you bring it up. By way of example, if your opening is anything like the "wrong on every issue" general and aggressively negative bits that have preceded this complaint you shouldn't wonder that anyone who isn't already in your camp retreats to an equally strident and exaggerated defensive posture.

Or, you can't shove someone and then complain when their response is rude.

...This isn't about winning. We aren't going to win. Anything.
Not the word I used, but if you start with that approach and this attitude, no. And I suppose there were people who once looked at the economic reality and entanglement of slavery and said the same thing.

They were wrong too. :e4e:

Tomorrow? Eeset and chrys play king of misery hill and someone gets a pony. :eek:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Monday, Bloody Monday Gazette

So much for the impact of the Amish...
town - i pray that some day you discover the peace that comes from accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior
I hope one day you value your own relationship with God and your witness more than the sort of malicious misuse of it evidenced in the quote above and your interaction with Rusha.

While chrys continued on the martyrdom 4k...
I forgot about the one tool I have
That giant cross you keep trying to hoist yourself onto? Because you're going to have to fight Eeset over it.

...but my rato friends will remain anonymous
Can't blame you, but you're really the only one who keeps bringing that subject up, you know. :plain:

Raised the ante in anna's word game thread...

Took DT at his word...and I'm still waiting...
Town I didn't answer you because it reads as answers to my post not as new questions.
Odd. I meant the answers as challenge. Didn't realize punctuation was that important to you and the OP didn't ask for questions, but okay, I think I can manage it.

Here goes (see: EDIT)

...It all comes down to the fact. The absolute fact. There is no God. There never has been and you have 0 proof of one ever existing.

Why do you call something a "fact" that isn't by any definition more than an opinion?

Can you establish it as fact?

If you can't why do you call it that and why do you criticize people for (from your perspective) conflating their own opinions with fact?

Not a shred of proof. No one ever has really. They just have personal feelings and faith.
No. I have the argument from causality, among other arguments, but when you say proof I don't think you're saying anything meaningful and here's why:


What objective standard, if met, would settle the question against you?

Can you falsify your position?

Took exception to Pure's bias against red states...
...I live in a rural area. And much of the 'independence' talk is just that ... talk.
... Everyone I grew up with learned to fish and hunt and a great many of our families grew small or large crops. Lastly, I did say people are never as independent as they which I'd add, or as original.

In reality, folks who do things a little different tend to be looked down on, here.
Not my experience at all. Sorry that it's yours. Sounds like you should move. :shocked:

I think you're confusing self-reliance with independence.
No, but I think the latter is an illusion without the former.

And I think a lot of rural people do that.
I think it's charming that you think that. :D

Living in a rural area does tend to make people be more self-reliant, and more reliant on their immediate neighbors. People out here where I live do know their neighbors and will come to their aid immediately if needed. But I don't see the 'independence' around here so much.
Then all you mean by it is being different. Serial killers are that. :plain: I like living among people who believe killing, theft, etc. are horrible ideas.

In fact, I see a lot of homogenization. And a lot of conformity. Much more than in the city.
Again, it's volume. You see a great deal of homogenization in Chinatown. But a city is a huge interface. Of course it's diverse. And agreement, uniformity on a thing isn't conformity. You ex-pat urbanites get confused on that point a great deal. :p

No one in the city would have EVER invented line dancing. ;)
Disco was invented in the city. You want videos of whole rooms filled with urbanites going lock step? You think the macarena is a rural phenomenon? :D

In Granite's principles of TOL thread...
The Heretic's Axiom: the problem is always the other guy.

That led to...
I love how you point at your own reflection in the mirror as you say that.
Insidious, isn't it. :plain: But you see who always points that out.

Then anna said to chrys...
Eh, I think you just like women to be quiet and docile and know their place.
So you're saying he's never been married?


...You know, I've learned something over the progression of this thread... at first I was thinking, okay great, it'll be interesting to see what people have to say about themselves. But then as it went on I realized it wasn't about people expressing what they believe so much as it being what one person wants to say about everyone else.
I'd say "Bingo!" but you're Catholic so the chances are you'd have a positive association.

So no personal expressions of belief from a lot of people, only one controlling person trying to force labels on people that they don't want to wear, and that hits a really strong personal note in me.
How else is he going to "expose" people? :noid:

...:nono: No bingo for me.
You've said that more than a few times in your life, haven't you. :plain:

Shhhh.... pay no attention to the man behind the curtain...
Or the behind that mans the curtain...

Differed with RP on the morality of war...
...Stopping Hitler wasn't America's job.
Then I think you just lost your moral compass. It was as much our business as it would be if you saw that fellow with an ax heading toward the school bus. I'll get into the why of that in a moment.

The Founders of this country would never have supported doing it
I don't care (not agreeing with you, just not caring about it) given some of the moral accommodations they were okay with.

...If you don't see a difference between shooting an ax murderer while he's trying to kill kids, and the bombing of Dresden, I honestly don't know what to tell you.
Great book, Slaughterhouse, but I don't recall saying that bombing an arts capitol and preventing the slaughter of children were the same act. But the blame for Dresden belongs with the man who necessitated the war and that man wasn't Roosevelt. But beyond being an arts capitol it had significant rail and munitions functions for the Nazis and therefore was a legitimate target for wartime bombing.

Carpet bombing a city is murder, period. Invading somebody else's country without being attacked first is murder, period.
No, it isn't and in any event you're describing Hitler's actions, his blitzkrieg as a systematic murdering and aggression against other that fellow with an ax. He was using those tactics (and worse) to exterminate whole peoples and with the general consent and support of his own people.

We had the means to help stop it. Without us it likely wouldn't have been stopped. So if you'd shoot that ax wielding murderer then you have to stop a murderous country if you can do it.

Because you don't have a strong philosophy of freedom;)
Because I understand that freedoms balance against themselves and among men and that the state that preserves that freedom has both an obligation and a right to protect itself. Compelling interests should be mated with any abrogation of liberty. And that tends to be how it works out, though not always (see: interning Japanese Americans in WWII).

Tomorrow? Hullabaloo as far as the eye can see. :shocked:


Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
About the Town (a gazette supplement)

Started a thread on general religious IQ with a linked test from the Christian Science Monitor here. Stop in and see how you stack up.

One of the new guys has a thread dealing with whether you can be forgiven apart from repentance here.

zoo has a thread on the conviction of some white guy in the politics forum here.
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The sky. gazette around town. This last weekend I went to the 180 mile Rummage sale in this area and I got this for $20.00 dollars. A reverse painting on glass. The person who painted it was surprised that I knew what it was called but I knew because my aunt and my Mom had painted in that same media. It is really artistic. I love the sky at the top.

View attachment 18046

View attachment 18047


So you're an unoriginal troll. Got it.

I think everyone does. :D

Not really...I think you are the only one who doesn't recognize what On Topic is, even when it's your topic...:jump:...

:rotfl: but that's OK...
Mr. out of work "lawyer"....

Next! and it might be me>>>

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Not really...I think you are the only one who doesn't recognize what On Topic is, even when it's your topic..
Hey, when you follow my Gazette and About the Town with:

The sky. gazette around town.
what you're actually doing and why is about as obvious as...well, you.

:rotfl: but that's OK...
Mr. out of work "lawyer"....
And more immature dishonesty. You were really missing Sod/res weren't you...and apparently your nerve until he was back to some extent.

The latest Gazette is found here.
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