Town Quixote's

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The S-a-t-u-r-d-a-y Gazette

So I was reading through the pin the blame on right wing Christians around TOL thread when I thought I'd suggest...
Yeah Sela, et al, if it wasn't for the other guy the world would be a peaceful, caring, even humble place. They've started every war, ruined every otherwise noble notion, polluted religion, corrupted the body politic and turned the public square into a cattle call.

Darn other guy. He's just a belligerent, hypocritical, uncaring doofus. Well, thank God for us then. :plain:

Now if that had been about, say, racism or anything where I didn't find myself erring now and again I'd have said, "Well, thank God for you then." It seemed like a gentle enough call for perspective.

But there's always someone looking for a rock...
Lovely rhetoric, but Sela is right on the money, and he is qualified to speak.
Who tried to stop him? I even like a few of his points, but all of us fall short. I suspect that it's more effective to note our own foibles while encouraging one another on the point.

So a little earlier I said to a fellow who was talking to Sod about a better witness that I could use some of his example. And a little later the same fellow could have used a bit more. We're all a part of the problem, to one degree or another.

First the wind up...
So I said to Some here even have systematic vanity: the MADists who intentionally disregard the moral commandments of Christ in favor of "Paul" via theology, for example.
Do you think either of us are wanting in vanity? Maybe if we were more mindful of that we'd be kinder, more compassionate to each other and others. Maybe it would improve our witness.

And then the pitch...
You yourself have systematically justified vanity in a striking way.
Or you could continue to point a finger. That's really working around here, I can tell you. :D

In a conversation about whether God might, in some possible world, ask you to lay down your honor in the eyes of men by ceasing to reply to sod, you reply:
I replied no. God doesn't require any man to dishonor himself if you apprehend the meaning, to my mind. Right.

Your god will conveniently never ask you to lay down your "honor" (vanity).
Our God, unless you've left the Body, that's not the definition and you're just looking like someone with a grudge. I'm not interested in that.

So protecting my good name and reputation, upon which my witness rests, is a vanity. Why? Because he says it is and woe unto you if you differ, I suppose. He woes a bit these had to be there.

You will sit here 'till the end of time squabbling defensively over your "good name," refusing to even admit the logically possibility of a cross.
Sure. God will also never give me the cross of murder, or dishonoring my parents, etc. There are all sorts of things that won't be set at my or anyone's feet.

So no, it's not the "other guy," it's an objective anti-Christian problem on TOL, one on which you are not qualified to speak.
Who says you're qualified to make the call? What makes you better, wiser, or any particular that would place you in a position of authority over your elder?

Was there an election? (no, you dad blasted Calvinists, the other sort) You should probably have a conversation with someone you want to actually talk to. I'm not very good at being an inaction figure.

Meanwhile, Sod was busily trying to make sadism a virtue...
I will enjoy watching the wicked receive their just punishments according to God
If God delighted in that we wouldn't have grace.

"For I take no pleasure in the death of anyone, declares the Sovereign LORD. Repent and live!" Ezekiel 18:32

And if God doesn't delight in it then neither should we.

Then zip had more on his mind...
....I'm sorry TH, but I cannot have an honest Christian conversation with a man who places his worldly reputation above the reach of God.'re the one conflating honor with vanity or good name with worldly reputation in some undefined negative way. But that's what you do, no matter what I say. Doesn't matter except as a point of clarification for others.
Sounds more like he's sorry he didn't bring more rocks. :think:

I cannot believe that God is calling me to Christian dialogue with such a man any more than He is calling me to logical dialogue with a man who denies the law of non-contradiction.
Then stop being disobedient.

In fairness, it has to be hard to balance a cross that size on a horse. :plain:

Saying goodbye is never easy, but sometimes it's a relief...and we were full circle with the Sela response of mine...
:crackup: Is that some kind of a joke? I missed the "us"? :chuckle:
It's becoming one. No answer to a clear reading then. Just what follows, which is really at the heart of your trouble.

I don't consider the pup nipping at my heel rough.
That's about what I thought you'd say. Thanks for helping out.

Good luck in seminary.

He'll be fine. I think he's wrong headed, but passion and youth can do that to the best of people. At his best, zip is one of those people, in case you were wondering about my larger opinion. But that's an easier perspective for me to have. He's a kid. I could be his father, except I'd likely have strangled him as a toddler. :eek:

Then Sod created a thread about TOL that, well, you'll see (if you already haven't)...
an excerpt from a post of Lon's got me thinking:

Don't get your hopes up, it really didn't.

Is TOL such a home?

It seems to me that unbelievers and other sinners are made to feel very comfortable here.

Anybody else?
I think that if Trad had created this thread and OP he'd be banned...again. :plain:

I think TOL isn't very comfortable for the anti theist.

On the plus side, he may finally have found a way to draw eyes to one of his threads...okay, on the plus side for him then. :plain:

After a while he tried the same ol shtick on anna, so I said...
you're either serving Christ or serving satan anna

which one do you serve?
Just asking that question of a professed Christian underscores what a tremendous sorrow of a human being you are.

Though it does go well with your "Go to hell"s and "retards" and taking joy in the idea of someone suffering and of separation from God. If you tried to work a harm against the Body you couldn't do a better job. Though I suppose you could be a great argument for unmerited grace.

Next up? Funnies, God willing. :poly: I mean the intentional sort. :mmph:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The Gazette

So Sod said...
...It seems to me that unbelievers and other sinners are made to feel very comfortable here.

Anybody else?
I think that if Trad had created this thread and OP he'd be banned...again. :plain:

...I just wish you'd put half the effort you spend on trying to be clever on humbling yourself before God and studying scripture
Funny that you think clever is an effort...As for the rest, being lectured on humility by you is like being lectured on manners by a Vandal. :think: Too soon?

...From my perspective, that still quiet discussion happens after you grab them by the privates and get their attention. :)
I don't believe Michael Jackson did as much privates grabbing, but I've yet to see more than that from you....

On my faith?
...I see no evidence of it.
Stevie Wonder can't see playing cards. But at least he has an excuse.

And in One Sentence Movie Reviews...
Jack Reacher: exceeded its gasp. :plain:

On Christian outreach and Rusha...
... you two chuckleheads have been at it with her for how long?
You've been here longer. All you've managed is to get her to despise you. We can at least engage her on the subject.

But, again, the point was that she isn't listening to you, that because of how you've chosen to approach her she doesn't like you and that impacts your witness.

So you shouldn't be the one making the attempt. And yet here you are, continuing.

in all that time I've never seen either of you two morons tell her in plain simple blunt forceful language that her path is leading her to eternal damnation and her time is running out
You think that over the years the problem is that she hasn't heard forceful, blunt language on the point?

Well, even if you believed that you've tried it. You've tried it multiple times and, again, you can't even engage her meaningfully. That approach has failed. Repeatedly. You've failed. So try another. Or if it's all you're capable of step aside.

Then in the Has Your Mind Been Changed thread...
My mind has been changed but it is difficult putting into words exactly how...

since i have been exposed to the i-net forums, i have become more cynical. There are far fewer true Christians than i had ever thought...

you can tell by the way some posters insult and put down others...

Wow... very enlightening...
I literally see just what you mean. :rolleyes:

Tomorrow? Bully for Eeset. :plain:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I see we're back to stroking our ego
I'm absolutely not sharing an ego with you...not even an Eggo. :nono:

by celebrating our cleverness
You only feel that way because you're the punchline of your own inadvertent joke so often.

just like Jesus told us to do
Matthew 10:16 ? Or is this only another one you didn't think all the way through?

Because if there's one thing people always associate with your example its...well, no, not really.

So, more of a mistaken "those who can't, teach" stab at it by you then. :plain:

The latest Gazette can be found here.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Matthew 10:16
King James Version (KJV)

16 Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves. And be certain to stroke thine ego by celebrating thy cleverness

Altering scripture to make it into a joke/weapon. Yeah, you're just Christ filled all right.


The latest Gazette can be found here.

Did anyone see the Dear Diary Club's desperate attempt to undo/spam my finding a way around their troll copy? Well, one good turn warrants another of a likened kind. :think: Eeset may have a new thread in a moment.

:eek: Life is good. Oh, and I'm amending my usual policy to hand out spam certificates to anyone who does that inside Quixote's. No malice intended, just a like kind reward of sorts. Seems reasonable.



Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The Daily Gazette​

Eeset attempted to appear broader while still not really pulling it off...
Do you hear me Resurrected? You are bullying people. I happen to agree with you that Town is an ego laden clown
Like being called melodramatic by a teenager.

Then things got hairy...sort of...
I don't like brussel sprouts. :plain:
Put them on ignore.

Before turning philosophical...
Best advice in this thread :thumb: Eeset, there is always the ignore button. Whining about neg rep is a bit fatuous. Rep is just a number that reflects whether or not members approve or disapprove of your posts and forum behavior. If you don't want to see the rep comments in your user CP, put the members placing them there on ignore.
Somebody irritated me in the super market the other day and I stopped, pointed at them and intoned, "Ignore!" and son of a gun if they didn't go away. I never saw them again...well, not up close. So it works in real life too. :plain:

I do but The Wife :noid: still keeps posting them on my plate. :nono:

I think she's a troll. :plain:
:think: You may have to unfriend her.

I don't know...let's just go with it...
If I did that she might perma-Ban me! :noway:
:think: You may have something there...maybe a neg rep would be more appropriate (and safer). Have you been married longer than two weeks and have you made more than fifty caustic remarks to her? If not she wouldn't have to know where it came from. :plain:

While in anna's thread...
like I said, I wasn't insulting her
Unlike when you asked if she was still pretending to be a Christian?

...shoo them away so we could have a discussion, or bear the burden of watching me swat them away when they interjected
And you think other people have an ego issue...why don't you tell everyone about how you and BB gamed it...or how awesome you were when you really, really wanted to be. :eek:

instead, she chose the emo path
All that lacks is a "So mote it be!" And maybe a dragon.

Speaking of emo...
so shoo them away, keep them out of our conversation
He calls you emo and look how tender he is...can't concentrate with all the meanies standing about....talking? :rotfl:

You can't make this sort of stuff up...well, I suppose you can. :plain:

While in the Top Bands thread vc took exception to unexceptional music...
Now, now, Mr Anti-Cowpoke! :AoO:
I'm talking Porter Wagner.

Before a niggling end...
I think you forgot an O. :D
I wish I could forget the music. :plain:

Tomorrow? How much is that Doogie in my Windows?
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Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
If only you would could. :plain:

Or, was that from the Book of Irony?

So you've gone from derivative non argument to derivative humor. (see: The Book of Jobbed/Dudeyourontomy)

On the plus side at least you're no longer abridging actual scripture.

But you still shouldn't put your words in the mouth of Jesus. So yeah, that one is getting dinged and reported.

Most recent Gazette found here.
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Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
who is quoted in the Book of Town :freak:
It isn't that anyone might take it seriously. There are simply things you shouldn't do. Maybe you think it's fine to have Jesus mouthing your insults. Maybe you have a Jesus ashtray. If so, we differ in how to approach the Holy.

But considering what you did to actual scripture I'm not surprised.

Saw your attempt to weasel out from underneath that practice in the Woodshed. First funny bit you've written in a while.

Most recent Gazette found here.