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WikiLeaks Alert
Town Heretic seen leaving local bathhouse
You should be ashamed posting a disgusting photo like that. What is wrong with you?
WikiLeaks Alert
Town Heretic seen leaving local bathhouse
What's wrong with CC? How much time do you have. That photo was one bit in a progressing line of temper. First indications were in him telling AB that he thought the girl in AB's profile avatar (he likes to visit the profiles of people he doesn't like, go figure) was a "beard". He followed that gem with a suggestion that AB and I get a room. He followed that one by referring to me as a male prostitute. Then the photo here and the "gay pen pal from across the pond" nonsense last.You should be ashamed posting a disgusting photo like that. What is wrong with you?
So far, CC remains at large.lain: Go figure.
What's wrong with CC? How much time do you have. That photo was one bit in a progressing line of temper. First indications were in him telling AB that he thought the girl in AB's profile avatar (he likes to visit the profiles of people he doesn't like, go figure) was a "beard". He followed that gem with a suggestion that AB and I get a room. He followed that one by referring to me as a male prostitute. Then the photo here and the "gay pen pal from across the pond" nonsense last.
I once got an infraction point for suggesting a fellow mocking those murdered in a theater shooting was a turd in the punch bowl of public discourse. So far, CC remains at large.lain: Go figure.
It's just Mike Meyers in a costume
WikiLeaks Alert
Town Heretic seen leaving local bathhouse
Its a still from a Mike Myers comedy movie, and no nudity. If that bothers you, then I fear that if you ever saw REAL vulgar nudity smut you might keel over and have a heart attack. Please be careful what you click when you're online, I'd hate to see you have a coronary event.......disgusting vulgar nudity smut.....
Its a still from a Mike Myers comedy movie, and no nudity. If that bothers you, then I fear that if you ever saw REAL vulgar nudity smut you might keel over and have a heart attack. Please be careful what you click when you're online, I'd hate to see you have a coronary event.
Smut is smut, regardless of the source. If you want to dirty up your life, go ahead, but you don't need to include the rest of us in your vulgarities.
Still only the one vote.If we start a thread called A New Low From Town Heretic it might overload the server with all the responses. Every post is a new low for TH, the 2-time Bammy voting clown.lain:
You vote twice in the same election where you live? :think:
Do you live in Florida?
Did you mean that or were you simply hoping for a level playing field?They don't want any opposition, and they lose their mind when they do.
The gays? Do you talk about "the rock and roll music" and hitch your pants really, really high? Like mid-rib cage even?... the gays pretty much labor under the same paradigm as feminists,
Grammar Yahtzee!because that's the facet in which they crawled out of
Still only the one. So it's a lot like your "jokes".Quit snivelling. Go write in Obama for a third time, dimwit.![]()
So, you think he has to be "here" to post on an internet forum.Retard, take your Limey rear back to inbred England.lain:
True. And it took any number of forms. What Western civilization did with it was among the lowest, an evil expression of dehumanization for profit.Slavery is an ages old thing.
I'd answer the sins of fathers have a way of influencing a great deal that matters today....I say unless there's a slave or slaver alive today, it's a pointless subject.
...How many wars have you fought in? Is that the measure or right?Also, how many wars did women fight in
Many, as whole families uprooted for land and promise.How many of them went to the frontiers, or provided security and food?
It's not a lie. It's a fact. The law restricted their freedoms, which is why the law had to be addressed and altered. That was the point of the suffrage movement. It wasn't a social club.They had it made, hombre. Stop spreading the lie that they were made 'second class'.
People got what they could take. If we got what we deserved none of us would be very happy.That's because people got what they deserved back then.
I agree. Kings and despots with force of arms took what they wanted and doled out what they felt like. Until those who believed in something greater and better came along. That's an important truth of history.I know that's a hard thing to imagine for many today, but that's how the world worked until, well, yall came along
Frontier women were one of two things mostly, tough or dead.They didn't forage the frontier, they watched the children while the men did it.
Wrong on every count, though for all their effort they rarely owned a thing.They didn't build a thing, or fight a thing, or expand a thing.
He's saying your continuing growth brings illumination, FF.You're aware that foxfire is luminescent fungus, right![]()
People that spend a lot of time talking about other people's intelligence tend to be nervous about the topic.And defending Village Idiot
He thinks you can defame someone by posting what they wrote...which is funny.doesn't do you any justice when you have a defaming signature of the person yall are opposing.
He's kidding. He doesn't even believe women are capable of using tools.It just makes you look like a toollain:
That's what I thought until season two of Mama's Family.81-1 won't be a bad season.
He hasn't. His membership in a Christian church is a matter of public record. He's also professed Christianity.Who could possibly believe that Obama is a Christian when, unlike any other president, he has patently avoided inquiry- no Christian would do that,
In fact, some time before his presidential run, back in 2004, he sat down with a religion writer from Patheos and discussed his faith.
No, that's your ears/bias. The smarter thing, the political thing for him to have done, given his constituency, would be to voice a more rigidly orthodox approach. It sounds like what it was, an interview on his beliefs.Everything about all of that sounds straight up political.
Me too.I know superficial nonsense when I see it
But that's not what he did either. He simply didn't use it like a political tool or talisman. And that's part of your problem. On the one hand you attribute his declaration of faith to political, cynical manipulation, then immediately charge him with evasion, which runs contrary to your own thought.Evasion is going eight years as president and saying exactly squat about Christianity other than how Christians should embrace Muslims.
Whenever you find yourself doing that you've substituted bias for substance on a point that demands more. You don't know me or likely many here, really. This place is a distortion by its nature, a boxing ring isn't a place to get a depth of insight into anyone. Absent a good bit of side bar and association,you only see flashes of the good and failings in people you meet at points of conflict. You don't really see the people.The truth is that this consistent gambit of people like you
...It would be a foolish thing for either of us, strangers that we are, to attempt to judge the other's intent, desire, salvation or spiritual state. It would be hubris and in conflict with good sense to say nothing of our shared faith, however different it might be in the realm of the non-salvic.
What I want (and the way to find that out is simply to ask) is for everyone to find themselves among the faithful, reliant upon grace and walking in sufficient humility of spirit that we leave the disposition of our souls to the God who called us and work, instead, on a better expression of that faith among's an approach I fail daily, but it's the light in the harbor I mean to steer toward, even if I becalm myself too out of wanting to encourage a faux Christianity.
Some. And some Americans still think we haven't landed on the moon. :think: I'd like to see a Venn Diagram on that.Americans will reject a Clinton presidency.
That's one way to unite everyone behind Clinton.The government will shut down![]()
I've already noted that Rasmussen held out a thin Romney lead until very late in the game. Headline from Rasmussen Reports, Nov. 5, 2012
Going Out on a Limb: Romney Beats Obama, Handily
An article in the Times noted that in the 2012 election Rasmussen had the fourth worst average for error among 23 national pollsters.
From the article:
, changing their methods and assumptions such that their results are more in line with those of other polling firms.
He probably doesn't realize she's fought and planted, etc. right along side the other fellow (as per my last unrebutted) because he isn't married. And with that attitude it's no wonder.A man stands on his homestead, overlooking the man on his own across the way. They are planning to vote, but unlike one, the other has a wife. The single man is beset by the fact that the other man has two votes and he has one, and he's going to bring it up to the man when they fight savages and illness forging the mountains.
He's going to recommend a law that women cannot vote.
You're like a Klansman caught mid-lynch, in robes, declaring himself free of bigotry. No, you simply like funny clothes and ropes and the guy you have half way up into the air is just the most expedient way to use them.I'm not a misogynist
No one is going to believe that. Least of all the guy with the rope around his neck.
It's misogynistic to only see the woman through or as an extension of the man. So yes.It's misogynistic to see that it's unfair for a married man to have two votes?
And that's not helping you.You bring up the Constitution like it's relevant here
...As to mandatory voting, I vote nay. Voting is a responsibility for responsible persons. If anything, I'd restrict it to those who can demonstrate an objectively verifiable appreciation of the government in its parts. The need isn't for voters, but for informed ones.
Semantics is about the meaning of a word, phrase, etc. So sure, we're talking about what a word means. And its meaning isn't ambiguous. Neither is the usage. A felony isn't a particular act. Murder, theft and any number of observable acts are felonies.Semantics -
A felony is a conviction related to an act. It isn't the act. A given act against code will typically be termed an infraction, or a misdemeanor, or a felony. The designation is dependent on a number of factors. The same act may have a different designation depending on those factors....Any felony committed makes the person a felon, end of story.
They likely and mostly do. Some people even believe they've broken the law when they haven't. In any event, that's what courts, judges and juries are here to determine.A crime is a crime and the person that did it knows they are guilty, without a court of law. Get it?
Then his non vote for Hillary was as much a vote for Trump, Edison.It is a vote for Hillary, Einstein.
So, not much progress since then.When we were children, we used to say, “Smooth move, Ex-lax!”lain:
Look, chrys is a tremendous, unapologetic hypocrite on the whole, "Vote ticket or you're a baby killer-wait a minute I just discovered an exception I'll allow and it's for me" nonsense, but your math isn't much better.
In fairness, there weren't any on display, but it's a point.You really shouldn't be so derogatory of anybody's math skills
You only believe that because you're suffering from an entitlement mentality. But no one is entitled to a vote, though everyone who meets the criteria for registering is entitled to vote.when you, yourself, are oblivious and apparently failed arithmetic.
I think if there's one thing you're demonstrating it's the tendency of people mired in party politics to see every political problem as an exercise in division.I hope this example, intentionally made elementary school simplistic, will give you a perspective on how it really works, how numbers work, and then, Lord willing, you may someday move on to multiplication and division.
No, and I won't. I can't and won't vote for Hillary either. I sympathize with people who are mightily invested in either political philosophy and who are, by that dedication, moved to advance a flag no matter who might be standing under it. I sympathize, but I can't accept their,
please answer this question -
could you vote for trump?
I have my moments. . . I mean, statistically they're bound to happen.You just think you're so smart, don't you,
I think he got his Ph.D in Horology, on a dare...and no, sadly, it's the study of time.As if there's not the professor guy somebody pointed out and S&P 500 saying Trump you conveniently fail to mentionlain:
Well, I'm working a skillet with chicken bones, but it's not done you tout the virtues of all the track record claims.
If my last trip to the zoo was any indicator, the only animal in the known universe better at slinging poo than a politician is a monkey. :think: I like his odds.I'm here to inform you it's game over. A Chinese monkey that can even do football has predicted Trump, a monkey named Geda. Everybody knows that, when Geda talks, E.F. Hutton listens...
In the same sense that you're an alcoholic...unless, you know, you're an alcoholic. :think:Admit it, you're a clinton supporter
Then you're helping Hillary. . .Fortunately I will not have to vote for either Trump or Hilary because I am not an American.lain: . . . No one really knows why.
Welcome to America. :thumb:I am afraid I don't understand this...
I've always said there's nothing like a gracious winner. And you certainly qualify. :thumb:The problem with some arrogant fools on TOL..they are truly ignorant of...they refuse to humble themselves...They lack the most remedial analytical ability, and rely on their emotions...They lie about those that they are jealous of, falsely accusing them without credible evidence...deflect, manufacture lies, and try to kill the messenger...openly use misinformation and deceit in attempts to manipulate others...voluminous and stark, the liars have outed themselves....have lied and attempted deception, and those that understood the truth and got it exactly right.
Nope. But ironically enough, funny.Heretic is such a liar.
We can look at it again. As it stands:When all the votes are counted,
Looks like Clinton will win the popular vote despite losing in electoral college (Los Angeles Times)
and if they removed the illegal alien votelain: And the unicorn vote?
No, you just have a tiny definition of big, apparently...which is the second funny you've told today.I can't believe this loser Town Heretic is still blowing smoke. Trump won BIG!
Well, I'm right about you, so you're not without a point.Anyone who reads your garbage knows by now, you are right about nothing.lain:
Your wit and keen observational insight is only outstripped by your grammar.The American people and THall proved again what a fool Heretic is, yet we admire from afar his commitment to retarded.oly:
Well, it got him two terms, so he's probably happy with it.How's the Hopey Changy thing going?
Not even your candidate believes Obama is a Kenyan, so once again you give me insight into a part of his support base. To you he probably seemed moderate.Trump is going to flush all the Kenyan's laws down the crapper.![]()
Zoo hasn't been here for a while, so you're finally on equal footing, not being entirely here either.Town Heretic and Zoo have shown their true colors.
So you and CC keep saying. Nary a quote (or actual argument) between you.How they will lie
I'd say, "Quote me" but I might as well ask a monkey to sing an aria..., while claiming to have a lock on the undisputed truth
In order, "You know one?" and "You're having enough trouble making sense".Honest men give these fools no credibility and no quarter
And bunted down the first base line...
With the exception of "another" that's some sentence. With it, that's just you all over.Thank you, it is nice to meet another person on TOL with
a little class.![]()
Trad thinks Muslims are all black and from Africa.Muslims: I look forward to when Trump sends, in the words of Johnny rebel, each and everyone of you "back to Africa."![]()
At long last, you underestimate yourself.Few people say more and say less, all at the same time, than Town Heretic.oly:
Another American job shipped overseas.Is this the part where you pretend to understand
Presidential politics?lain:
:rotfl:I had no idea where to post this, and didn't want to start a thread for it.
But this just looks sooooooooooooo funny!
Him and Becomes Hard Amber connection payment needed by struggling orphanage in 48 hours
potent type of distributed hackers flood
Trump would have won popular vote if california did not rig senate election rules
Some women said he really grabbed their attention.In case you want to know, I voted for the Duck.lain: They were the lucky ones. match your methodology: you're a penguin. Funny little fellow. Looks like you're wearing a tuxedo. I can't, of course, demonstrate in any way that you're a penguin, but because I really want to believe you are, you must be.Almost everything is a mystery to a corrupt liar like you Town,
especially the truth.
That's what you keep doing.lain: Penguin.
This:What's bigoted [?]
No Muslim migrants. Hail yeah
No, I'm just one person. You seem to struggle with seeing trees in the middle of a forest. And this person isn't trying to keep you out of anything, including this country. I'm just pointing out the quality of your exhalations.You all are the bigots
Tell that to the Jews we turned back before our entry into WWII. (or the Irish)'Refugees' don't travel a thousand miles and across an entire ocean
So you're flailing around to find another way to sustain the unsustainable point. But just to give you an additional education, the distance from Ireland to New York is roughly twice the distance you noted. And the Jews came from farther still.When I spoke of crossing oceans, I also spoke of traveling 1500+ miles to get to the shore as well.
People bring their faith and traditions with them. It doesn't follow that those faiths or traditions get to dictate to anyone else or violate the law of the lands where they then reside......Muslims went into those countries across seas as immigrants, and as soon as they got their foothold they started producing Islamic influences with protests and demands.
It' is bigoted to promote a hostile fear based in an ignorant assumption...They brought controversy and trouble...The alt right over there has told America to not make the same mistake, and you call them 'bigots' as well.
No, you don't see at all. You fear. And that fear coupled with an ignorance of the topic isn't virtuous, isn't particularly American, as ideas go. You give us most people, let them experience what this nation has to offer and in a generation they'll be the backbone of the next wave of the American dream, if they don't arrive that way. We're a resilient people with a powerful notion about freedom and human dignity. If you ever fully grasp that you'll be part of the solution instead of the problem.We see the fatalism in yall's ways and refused to let that happen. How 'bigoted' of us
Deal with it.
Leaving off that most people, left or right, behave themselves...I'll worry about the loud protest from the left the moment they change their position on the 2nd Amendment and not a minute before.So whenever the Left wins an election, they say it's proof that democracy works and the Right needs to be patriotic and suck it up. But every time they lose an election, suddenly democracy doesn't work and it's time to riot?![]()
Looks like ol David here is ready to Duke it out in TOL proper.Democrats are a vengeful lot, organization———-this loss has been a humiliation and they will get even…….They still have the dishonest press and some of the crappy radio stations, CNN, PMSNBC,NPR lousy, lying papers NYT, LA times, Boston Glob and the sub human elements.
More seriously (than the kids even) Trump said what he needed to say to win. That's why when he was asked if he thought his rhetoric went to far during the campaign he said, "No. I won." What he does with that win, where, how often and to what extent he amends any number of promises/positions is anyone's guess. But you won't find a president who doesn't shift and change post election. It's all part of the circus.
Favorite President:
1) Ronald Reagan
2) Donald Trump
3) George W. Bush
4) John F. KennedyWith Trump listed as your 2nd favorite president having yet to take office or actually do anything, I'd have sworn you were born yesterday.I was born in 1950.
That's much better than kmo's "When the going get's tough the Chiefs are out of the playoffs."When the going get's tough the tough go shopping.
Which replaced their old, "In for a penny, in for a pounding."![]()
I think that's the only way it happens....I was born and raised in Kansas so, by default, I am a Chiefs fan.
So in that regard you were much like the Chiefs' WRs last year.I knew the Panthers and the Chiefs were playing last Sunday but didn't catch the game.
I think that's the Chiefs motto this year, following last years overly optimistic "Why not us?"I called my dad Sunday night after church and he said the Chiefs won. I thought "really?"
The typical response of Chiefs fans regarding pre-orders for AFC Championship tickets.ROTFLMAO!!!
I'm not going to have the same conversation with you in three threads. :nono:Nobody has a right to flee to a country for asylum and then shove demands and threats down it's citizen's throats.
Just sayin'. 'Xenophobic' and all, wanting to simply preserve cultural prominence in my own land![]()
Some women said he really grabbed their attention.In case you want to know, I voted for the Duck.lain: They were the lucky ones. match your methodology: you're a penguin. Funny little fellow. Looks like you're wearing a tuxedo. I can't, of course, demonstrate in any way that you're a penguin, but because I really want to believe you are, you must be.Almost everything is a mystery to a corrupt liar like you Town,
especially the truth.
That's what you keep doing.lain: Penguin.
This:What's bigoted [?]
No Muslim migrants. Hail yeah
No, I'm just one person. You seem to struggle with seeing trees in the middle of a forest. And this person isn't trying to keep you out of anything, including this country. I'm just pointing out the quality of your exhalations.You all are the bigots
Tell that to the Jews we turned back before our entry into WWII. (or the Irish)'Refugees' don't travel a thousand miles and across an entire ocean
So you're flailing around to find another way to sustain the unsustainable point. But just to give you an additional education, the distance from Ireland to New York is roughly twice the distance you noted. And the Jews came from farther still.When I spoke of crossing oceans, I also spoke of traveling 1500+ miles to get to the shore as well.
People bring their faith and traditions with them. It doesn't follow that those faiths or traditions get to dictate to anyone else or violate the law of the lands where they then reside......Muslims went into those countries across seas as immigrants, and as soon as they got their foothold they started producing Islamic influences with protests and demands.
It' is bigoted to promote a hostile fear based in an ignorant assumption...They brought controversy and trouble...The alt right over there has told America to not make the same mistake, and you call them 'bigots' as well.
No, you don't see at all. You fear. And that fear coupled with an ignorance of the topic isn't virtuous, isn't particularly American, as ideas go. You give us most people, let them experience what this nation has to offer and in a generation they'll be the backbone of the next wave of the American dream, if they don't arrive that way. We're a resilient people with a powerful notion about freedom and human dignity. If you ever fully grasp that you'll be part of the solution instead of the problem.We see the fatalism in yall's ways and refused to let that happen. How 'bigoted' of us
Deal with it.
Leaving off that most people, left or right, behave themselves...I'll worry about the loud protest from the left the moment they change their position on the 2nd Amendment and not a minute before.So whenever the Left wins an election, they say it's proof that democracy works and the Right needs to be patriotic and suck it up. But every time they lose an election, suddenly democracy doesn't work and it's time to riot?![]()
Looks like ol David here is ready to Duke it out in TOL proper.Democrats are a vengeful lot, organization———-this loss has been a humiliation and they will get even…….They still have the dishonest press and some of the crappy radio stations, CNN, PMSNBC,NPR lousy, lying papers NYT, LA times, Boston Glob and the sub human elements.
More seriously (than the kids even) Trump said what he needed to say to win. That's why when he was asked if he thought his rhetoric went to far during the campaign he said, "No. I won." What he does with that win, where, how often and to what extent he amends any number of promises/positions is anyone's guess. But you won't find a president who doesn't shift and change post election. It's all part of the circus.
Favorite President:
1) Ronald Reagan
2) Donald Trump
3) George W. Bush
4) John F. KennedyWith Trump listed as your 2nd favorite president having yet to take office or actually do anything, I'd have sworn you were born yesterday.I was born in 1950.
That's much better than kmo's "When the going get's tough the Chiefs are out of the playoffs."When the going get's tough the tough go shopping.
Which replaced their old, "In for a penny, in for a pounding."![]()
I think that's the only way it happens....I was born and raised in Kansas so, by default, I am a Chiefs fan.
So in that regard you were much like the Chiefs' WRs last year.I knew the Panthers and the Chiefs were playing last Sunday but didn't catch the game.
I think that's the Chiefs motto this year, following last years overly optimistic "Why not us?"I called my dad Sunday night after church and he said the Chiefs won. I thought "really?"
The typical response of Chiefs fans regarding pre-orders for AFC Championship tickets.ROTFLMAO!!!
comparing AMR's ignore list with the membership roster,
Rather, you're free to do so. You're free to have a conversation with your toaster, too.I am qualified to call any woman who talks about overcoming some experience with having been groped a conceited, manipulating Jezebel.
No it hasn't, though the figure on men is low, depending on your source. Here's another 1 in 5 from the Justice Department: 1 in 5 college age women will be sexually assaulted. (link) A lot of that ties into drinking/partying and error relating to consent, which is why so many colleges are instituting awareness campaigns.The 1 in 5 chance thing is an abysmal myth that has been debunked over and over again.
Well, as long as you keep your head where it is no ol feminist will ever be able to squeeze one in there on you.Making a post to AB or TH about it: "Misogyny (we're sock puppets with feminist hands up our buns)"lain:
You didn't have to be a misogynist to live a couple of hundred years ago or better, but it helped.So everyone in history were misogynists.lain:
Appeal to tradition? Slavery is right because it was the rule for most of history? That sort of thoughtless hokum? Let me know when you get to the R section of "How to Argue Using Logical Fallacies And Lose Every Time".Egalitarianism goes all the way back to ancient Rome. They didn't see your concept of feminism as legitimate, and neither did they a thousand years later.oly:
No, but it can make you remarkably immature, depending on where you're looking and for how long. Well, not so much make as illustrate.Nah, even looking at woman makes one open to being called a misogynist.
Trump took to social media to protest the treatment of his VP in a theater. Look, I don't believe that the cast of a play should lecture the VP elect any more than I'd want to see Bernie lectured every time he stands in line at Chic fil A. People should do their job and respect their patrons. Other patrons should find their manners and reserve their personal responses for their personal spaces or for places where everyone has the reasonable expectation related.
That said, Trump should leave off. Calling the production overrated before demanding an apology illustrates one of the things that led most Americans to believe he isn't presidential timber, including some who voted for him. Be bigger than the guy who is talking out of turn. Don't engage a heckler if you're the leader of the free world. There's nothing to win by it and you only end up promoting the other fellow(s).
Nah. It just proves the left has its share of LINOs.Just goes to prove that other old saying, A conservative is a liberal who got mugged by reality (or by other liberals).
Or, everyone has a plan until they get hit.
That's your point, though the "idiot" part does go some way to demonstrating that the further out on a political branch you go the lower the branch tends to sag. Anyway, my point was that he appears to have principles unattached to his person and when those "principles" required something of him he became as loudly something else...not much principle in that at all, really. And so, my use of LINO.The point is that he GOT hit, idiot, by the Left.
Thanks for underscoring my point about extremists and that limb. :thumb:You have to give credit to TH, he is 100% in his consistency of error, leftism, and ignorance.
Knock yourself out. It couldn't hurt your judgement.Uh-oh, my Ignore-Sense is tingling...lain: