*crickets*Well as long as I can still post here then it's all good right?
You never catch the one that gets you. :nono:fine...I see what's happening here...mumble etc
Anyway, on a completely unrelated note I didn't see a bus coming earli :dead:
You have a habit of saying things that don't need saying. Thought I suppose that says something too.As you wish, pal.
Like I said, character shows. Or is this a last word fetish? :chuckle:
Fetish? Shirley Randolph Scott would not whisper that word.Like I said, character shows. Or is this a last word fetish?
Just giving her the rope to put her "misunderstanding" in context. She did me a favor with the gay inference then. No great mystery and until we see a pic of Eeset I have no reason to infer Palin...she could be Pelosi for all we know. :shocked:Town, I don't understand you... if Sarah Palin trolled my thread, I'd be joyous.
Also, if anyone sees this turtle:
contact Quincy immediately at his Hideout thread.
Anyone else think her avatar looks constipated?
Then it occurred to me...why should I care? You'll read around her.
I think that's lovely.Good point Rainee!
I think of TOL as a tapestry of sorts. We all are weaving a pattern here.
I think he's stealing it from home.Some, like Psalmist, are creating spiritual beauty.
They're an extra credit to their community. :thumb:Some, like Amr and sela and others, create a classroom.
And some, like SoJ, close them.Some create stand-up comedy clubs.lain:
Like zoo...I hate him so.Many are witty and wise!
But really, who are they? :noid:Some are mysterious.
Ah, Letsargue. He's a puzzle without a board, isn't he. :think:Their patterns bewilder me.
The cheeky pluckers. :mmph:Some delight in unraveling the threads which others seek to weave.
The great Asian philosopher who came up with politics, if memory serves.Some fling dung!
And then there's AB, of course...
Did you mean "devastated"?I was thinking that you are weaving kevlar protection into our tapestry. Of course you also bring a devastating wit to the place!:first:
I think TomO is more like a warm winter ski mask, without the eye and mouth holes. :shocked:
Don't feel that way. I think you've finally found your wheelhouse. Maybe a thread on poorly written books next...followed by one on forgettable television...pop songs we wish were never written...maybe a soccer thread to cap it, that sort of thing.I'm really starting to regret creating this thread now....
I see a darkly bright future for you in this franchise.![]()
I think it's just another excuse for alcoholism...like it needs another.To be polite I shall buy a new hammer today on the way home from work.
:think: Where was the last place you remember having them.I Have Lost My Powers....
I don't know...I used to love the end of his show when everyone was chasing him all over the place.Where has Benny Hinn gone?![]()
I think he died though.
Fools rush in...fall in love (though no one knows why).fools hate reason Lon, You don't want to be a fool, do you?
Not too many generations ago that would have been the view on the Irish. It's always someone and there's always some reason to separate them and feel a little better about ourselves at their expense.
Silly business.
Then I'm sorry for you. Because that word was a hateful, shameful thing and using it is a tribute to the minds that forged and institutionalized that hateful, shameful thing....I use the n-word. A lot.
Because of what it represents. Because you know what it represents and that speaks to a moral deficiency that should cause you real and serious alarm. Because it's an emblem of anger and ignorance and you say you aren't angry and I don't believe you'd celebrate ignorance.I just like using the n-word. It's a fun word to use. It amuses me. Why is that a big deal, so long as I'm not using it at you (in anger or otherwise)?
You would be the worst game show host ever.Who is only one person to have a number one hit on a Billboard chart in the 60's, 70's, 80's, 90's, 00's, 10's?
Answer: Cherlain:
I don't feel sorry for him at all. He knows better. He understands it's a moral failing, a willful entertainment of sin and counts his amusement more to the point....Ridiculing him for his racism isn't going to make him want to change his attitudes. I feel sorry for him and so should you.
That's tragic, but it doesn't call for sympathy. I'm sorry for the fellow who tries and fails, not the person who tries to fail.
I'd say it's reasonable depending on what standard of proof you apply....I am an Athiest...As a person who considers proof to be a reasonable requirement before I am satisfied that something exists
Why? You believe you exist as an independent, rational entity. Prove it. You likely believe in logic. Prove its veracity without going circular on me. Faith is everywhere. The only question is of kind and application....I find the whole concept of faith to be completely alien to me.
A liar is someone who understands what they say to you is false and speaks it to deceive you. You need to be less intent on offering insult and more intent of rational discourse.... those who claim that God exists without a doubt, are lying...They may be right about God, but they are liars.
Silly notion. Someone with an absolute standard or right or wrong shouldn't be trusted as against someone who isn't necessarily wedded to any. Now some men who claim to love God will act contrary to that profession, it's true. And when they do they abrogate the foundation of their moral being. Should an atheist do so they fulfill it.And should not be trusted whatsoever.
Of course. I spent decades outside of the faith doing exactly that and I read widely on the subject. While it's true my reading wasn't a search for God but only a study in how man addressed being and meaning it helped me in having serious and meaningful conversations with people who adopted faiths/life contexts I couldn't embrace....a rational person would question the existence of something that cannot be seen , heard or measured in any way.
But unless and until you find a way around causality, your eternal material existence and infinite regress are just empty miracles, sounds to make over a thing that can't be demonstrated or fathomed.
Now it may be mathematically possible that the greater sum of human beings through the history of the world have done and continue to do that. Or it may be that most people, right or wrong, actually believe what they speak to when they speak of God....a liar is someone who deep inside knows that the only voice he is listening comes from himself, but wants to convince everyone else that it is divine inspiration!
Which seems more reasonable given how poorly men keep secrets?
Well, a lot has changed for me since that thread...for one, Jack is now two so I'm tired all the time and I find I'm easily distracted and frequently wondering how far off my game I might be and if I've lost track of then there's Jack, who's two now.
Well...I wouldn't say still...or like you...or, you know, hi, but otherwise I'm in.Hi Zoo.
I still like ya!lain:
Free? Are you just romanticizing indecision or do you have something particular in mind?zoo, congrats on the year of free thought my friend!! Just wanted to stop in and subscribe to the thread and I'll contribute as I can. Good luck with this zoo! :e4e:lain:
I don't believe it would be reasonable to attempt to overlay a perfect being with my expectations/understanding.What would you expect to be true about reality if a perfect being existed and cared about us?
We aren't anger either, but where is anger apart from us? If we aren't angry is anger hanging about waiting to be discovered? Just so, love isn't a thing, but a reflection.The "it" you're referencing is love. We are not love.
Of course...but never absent either our volition or the betrayal of it.We can love, we can stop loving.
Same answer. But with faith/belief/trust in God it's a different proposition, since God cannot and will not fail us. That makes our departure a willful thing and a failure on our part. That has to be the beginning of the examination.We can believe, we can stop believing.
I have two brothers that post here on occasion but non of us happen to be black. I know that oneeyedjack has a brother who used to post here as well. I guess that is what he is talking about.
Edit: I went to high school with a cople of brothers who's last name is black. Perhaps he is asking if they are here?
I like Jack Black, but we aren't related...and he isn't actually black.
:think: Also, I don't believe he's a member here.
Could anyone stop you?I happen to be white. Should I start a thread? :idunno:lain:
Hey, it was still better than her/his "Any Quadroon Brothers Post Here?"
I'd say that I'm offering hope to the apostate in the form of a challenge, informing him that all is not only not lost, but has yet to be wagered....I agree with you. TH would say he is trying to lure the apostate back to truth by making them rightly second-guess themselves.
...the fellow who believes he acts from obligation to assure does what the fellow who believes he is assured and acts in gratitude to accomplish. Both strive for the good, for the pleasure of God. To my mind the distinction then rests on how they see what they do and that remains my point.
Interesting. Can you also say how?Where I'd say that it affects their daily walk quite a bit.
Understanding is the wellspring of both or the fellow claiming it doesn't possess it....Understanding isn't will or action.
It's not a falling out of but a betrayal. So yes, I've always held that love can be ended by that because trust is ended by it and love without trust is nothing but a longing.But you've said to Anna that someone could fall out of love. Granted, it would be their fault and not God's, but they fell none the less, and apparently out of a true love.
I do, because my trust remains, the foundation of a constant love and one that we both agree God will not violate....And the anchor of your argument is a conditional based on your love. So why think it is impossible for your love to grow cold? Your argument is sound but you don't have a reason to believe you will always love God.
A small but important distinction or two:
Not quite. I'd say it can't be demonstrated empirically....A crucial premise is TH's personal idea that the existence of God cannot be demonstrated one way or another.
Again, not quite. Rather the hypothetical in consideration to the man who trusts Christ is akin to the hypothetical of a square circle.As you can imagine, this got into some weird areas (at some point in our dialogue, he told me that finding a non-empty tomb would be a logical contradiction similar to a square circle). :idunno:
OK I have to say this was a very enjoyable post to read.So I'm watching cartoons with my two year old, Jack, and one he likes comes on called The Berenstain Bears. They're a bear community that speaks to one another like they might live in a religious commune (mom says 'brother bear' to her son, that sort of thing).
"Somewhere deep in Bear Country
lives the Berenstain Bear family.
They're kind of furry around the torso.
They're a lot like people, only moreso.
The bear fact is that they're just like you and me.
The only difference is they live in a tree..."
Then I look at Jack and say, "And they're talking bears. So right away that's different."
And Jack gives me this long stare, breaking off a busy session of bouncing his back off the couch and says, "Yeah. They're bears."
The look that went along with that is one I suspect I'll see a great deal during his teenage years.
Just a taste then. My son the scientist.lain:
And I would have to agree with Eeset.
There's a reason your son will be looking at you as though your brain is mush when he's a teenager. Unless you keep your brain sharp and informed, it will be mush by that time. Take it from one who knows!![]()
Actually, it is not the passage of time that makes a parent's brain turn to mush - it is the act of raising children.Two who know!
My children often accuse me of being mush-brained.
They told me I was extremely out of it when I dared to mention that I thought Pluto was still a planet. Silly me.
Actually, it is not the passage of time that makes a parent's brain turn to mush - it is the act of raising children.![]()
Ah, a third, I see! :chuckle: