...That you think it's God at all is your context.
Or it's God's imposition upon my context, which was God-free until the moment when that context was altered.
Nevertheless, the idea of it was there, and for whatever reason, it suddenly became your new reality.
Like suggesting that because a Hindu has heard of steak it's understandable that he have one now and again.
The need to maintain a sense of self-righteousness is a common human trait. Christianity as an organized religion has been selling people that phony self-righteousness for fun, profit, and power, for centuries.
I understand that you believe it to be true. I still don't know why you think I or anyone else should.
...we humans can't know the truth, in and of itself.
Then you can't know that is true and it follows that we humans may well be able to know the truth--the old problem of the relativist. As a larger context it's self defeating.
If you really knew that you can be mistaken, you would know that you could be mistaken about what "God" is or can or cannot be.
That's because you're impressing the I on both parts. I didn't. I said if God desires, irrespective of whether or not He did in my case or the next fellow's. As a logical proposition, if God desires to be known then He will be known. Just so, if God desired to be known and made Himself known to me then that knowledge is true. My experience is that this is precisely what happened. Now I'm either correct in that impression or I'm not. That's all that can be objectively said.
I honestly don't think you do know that you can be mistaken.
Then you should probably talk about my mother next.
Not really. You say it but you don't really believe it.
Welcome to zealotville, population you.

The moment you feel it's okay to tell someone you know them better than they know themselves you're officially self righteous.
...I think it's a weak faith that has to rely on such blind arrogance to maintain itself.
Weak faith, blindness, arrogance. That sounds awful. It also sounds like someone losing possession of their composure or their argument, or lacking both.
I'm not saying this to be insulting or unkind.
Well, then you suck at praise and kindness.

The word "trust" does not define an absolute condition.
It does. You're talking about probability. But if it didn't then I'd just throw out the word and use the concept, so it's no impairment and nothing in any event.