The Saturday Afternoon Post...Gazette
Answered a reasonable question about the clock builder's parents...
Because the school has a vested interest in making itself look as good as it can and, conversely, throwing as much of the kid under the school bus as it can without incurring a lawsuit. There's no upside for the parents so why in the world would they want their kid put through anything that potentially negative?For the life of me, I can't figure why they'd not sign that waiver, since they so self-evidently have All Facts and Truth on their side it's somehow racist against the race that is the Islamic race to even question it. :think:
That turned like milk on the beach...
...I'm beginning to suspect you could illustrate the Chinese Whispers game/effect in a monologue.Someday, if my daughter takes the guts from an old transistor radio and glues them into a cardboard box, I will post video of the new radio and dare ANY of you to tell me she didn't invent a new radio. If you do so, I know a lawyer who I'll hire to sue you for defamation and racism.
as glory wondered...
:think: Sure. Congress[man].LA knows this but is ever on the hunt for a small bit of wiggle room. A way to deny but still affirm. You're a lawyer...surely you have a name for someone like that. :think:
Then someone who doesn't know the makeup of Congress tried for heat...
Politicians.Which is made up of ... :chuckle:lain:
...Like watching a politician try to throw from the mound to the plate on opening day and watching the ball just roll along in the dirt about half way there.This is seriously funny stuff ... if serious and funny can be used in the same sentence.
Then tried to pick it up and throw it again, from the stands...
Judging from the afore mentioned reps it appears that your sentiment is not unanimous nor my point lost on all. :chuckle:
House: 441 members
Senate: 100 members
Number of lawyers: 202
More than half of Congress is comprised of people, I'd imagine, a lot like you. Well meaning, sure they have it generally right, and wide of the mark.But if you go by their rep, popular among a group of constituents equally mistaken.
After JF noted the Clerk from Kentucky had signed a book deal...
I can't wait for her "I don't want to be the center of attention" book tour.lain:
While back in the liberal thread...
Sometimes, when people use Wiki repeatedly, I feel like saying, "Close your Wikipedia hole."That looks like an opportunity to fall down a Wikipedia hole if I ever saw one. :chuckle:
But I never do. :nono:
Talked Trump with rm...
Did you mean to write "tweeting him unfair"?It is FOX's loss not his, they cancelled the interview prior to this tweet and we don't know what was going on behind the scenes maybe they are treating him unfair
I for one think he'd be a great leader of the pollish people....He is still the leader by the pollslain:
Let's just agree they're substantial...well, numerous least so, I would say keep doing whatever is working, he still has a great following....
And turkey with chrys...
Who are you calling idiots? You think Hillary is 6'4".the odds are changing
hillary is 6/4
jeb is 5/1
trump is 10/1
you idiots can now make even more moneylain:
aCW was back...
A politician.No, I rely solely on you Libertarians for my knowledge of the Founding Fathers.
Sarcasm aside:
What would you call someone who appeals for prayer at the Constitutional Convention, an atheist?
And aCW, feeling the power of his source material asked the question he thought he knew the answer to...but didn't...
He was elected to the Pennsylvania Assembly in 1751. One assumes he ran since it didn't say he was appointed. He was elected to the Continental Congress in 1775. He was thereafter Postmaster General, a treaty agent and Minister to the French Court.Remind me what political office Benjamin Franklin ever held or for that matter, ran for?
Though you don't actually have to be any of those to sound like a politician.lain:
Wrapping with chrys about families...
I'm betting slaves who had families of a sort thrust into them or saw parts of theirs sold away from them would probably disagree with that "as never before" part...So I guess it's all about perspective.Yet I cannot hide my concern for the family, which is threatened, perhaps as never before, from within and without.
Biology isn't relation. Biology is sex. Relationship is more complicated than that. Relationships happen without sex being involved at all. And even relationships where sex is an integral part happen without that function leading to procreation more often than not and mostly always have, though without protection it did tend to happen eventually outside of particular restraints, like a low count or a woman being barren.Fundamental relationships are being called into question, as is the very basis of marriage and the family.
That much we agree on. Family life is a wonderful thing, though it's wonderful in couples and wonderful in a new way and dimension when children are involved.I can only reiterate the importance and, above all, the richness and the beauty of family life.
Tomorrow? The clock is still ticking, more fantasy with aCW and I try the word game, again...