OK, so give me hypothetical example of what your answer might sound like.
You are asked....
How do I get to heaven?
You are on a bus ride and only have a minute to give the answer. What do you say?
Scroll to the bottom for the one second bullet coming at you version: "Jesus!".
Give me your ipod, find my long GMCRF post on TOL, then let's pray together?
I agree with some others here and would adapt it to where people are at and how much basic knowledge they have. Jesus did not use the '4 spiritual laws' tract on everyone. He went after their false gods, smashed them, and replaced them with Himself. He told one to be born again, another to sell their riches and follow Him, another to leave their immoral lifestyle behind and receive His forgiveness, another to believe, another to x, y, z.
e.g. Do you believe in God? 'Yes' takes us down one path and 'no' takes us down another path. If yes, is there one God or many gods? God is holy, loving, just, merciful, etc. OK? If no, something has always existed. Is it matter, God, personal, impersonal, etc. etc.
If God said why should I let you into heaven, what would you say? If answers relate to church, goodness, believing in God: 'this may surprise you, but according to the Bible, none of those things will get you into heaven.' Do you think you are a good person or a sinner? If good person, have you told lies, stolen, etc.? This makes you a liar, thief, self-righteous, etc. i.e. man is a sinner separated from God and he cannot save himself. God's standard is perfection, etc.
Who do you say Jesus is? If anything but God, show that He is God, the God-Man, and that He rose from the dead as the sinless Savior.
Are you WILLING to turn FROM sin, Self, trusting in yourself, ceasing rebellion, unbelief, to turn TO Jesus as God, Lord, Savior? Are you willing to trust Him alone, receive Him, follow Him, love/know Him?
Let's pray:
If there is a gun to our head and we literally have one minute:
A holy, loving God exists. He has revealed Himself in the person of Jesus who is God, who rose from the dead. If you receive/trust/believe in Him alone you will have eternal life as He promised. Do you want to turn from Self/sin to God by simply inviting Him to have His rightful place in your life? Say a simple prayer from your heart and mean it (Jn. 1:12; Jn. 3:16; Jn. 14:6; Rom. 10:9-10; I Jn. 5:11-13, Eph. 2:8-10, etc.).
If you have 15 seconds: God exists and has become a man in Jesus who died and rose from the dead so you can have life, abundant and eternal. Give your life to Him and simply trust Him alone for eternal life. Say yes, not no, to Him... Amen.
If you are a thief on the cross next to Jesus: Remember me, Lord....
If you are falling from a mountain and about to go splat: Jesus, save me!
If you have a bullet coming toward you and don't have time, say: "JESUS!!". This may be enough to save you (Rom. 10:9-10; Jn. 1:12; Jn. 3:16).
It is the moment of the heart/will/mind, not the exact words or exhaustive understanding.