I hate posts that ramble on without making a clear concise point
Rats. I knew, there is a fourth "I hate."
I hate posts that ramble on without making a clear concise point
Rats. I knew, there is a fourth "I hate."
How much wood could a woodchuck chuck?
I'm not sure a woodchuck can chuck wood. :think:
Rats. I knew, there is a fourth "I hate."
The first issue that comes to my mind is Uncanny X-Men #221, the first issue of that title that I ever bought, and it still stands out as one of my all-time favorite X-Men comics.The TheologyOnline.com TOPIC OF THE DAY for February 25th, 2010 02:14 PM
toldailytopic: WILDCARD DAY!! Discuss any issue(s) that comes to your mind. GO!!
The first issue that comes to my mind is Uncanny X-Men #221, the first issue of that title that I ever bought, and it still stands out as one of my all-time favorite X-Men comics.
I like beets.
I never liked them before, something about their apperance but this summer I tried one and I liked it.
I wonder if there's anything else that I like that haven't tried.
Thomas Bruso.
Do you think Obama wants to include Republicans in on the blame because he is not getting healthcare passed? "Very rarely did we communicate through the press anything that we didn't absolutely control." White House Communications Director, Anita Dunn.
If you are not convinced that we need to destroy our country with healthcare "reform" that we cannot afford, how can the White House rephrase it so that you are convinced?
You vill be convinced you know?
I like beets.
I never liked them before, something about their apperance but this summer I tried one and I liked it.
I wonder if there's anything else that I like that haven't tried.
I was on Facebook, and this girl that I graduated High School with was freaked out because all three of her previous last names were in the death notices in the Pittsburgh Post Gazette on Monday (Yes, she is divorced three times).
Pretty bizarre if you think about it.
Anyway, it got me thinking.
I buy a paper everyday and read most of it, but I never read the death notices.
I know other people that read the death notices everyday.
If you read the death notices everyday let us know why?
have we had a thread
you post your own death notice?
Something like "This is My Dead End" or "My Death, the Bottom Line"
But then if it is my death notice, I think I'll need a ghost writer.
A death notice thread would be like the dead letter bin at the post office, going no where.