toldailytopic: Why do atheists spend so much time on Christian forums such as Theolog

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Town Heretic

Out of Order
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However, if your philosophical pondering were true, life would be a bust altogether.
Only accepting your premise, which I don't. So yes, for you life is a bust altogether. Or, as I put it elsewhere and a while ago, you can paint the door to an abyss any festive color you want, but it's still only a door to nothing.

The goal is not for the individual survival, but for the survival of the species. We are programmed to survive by procreation. This is the way all life is tuned.
Actually the drive is for individual survival, though our intellect allows us to broaden the reach a bit. Every animal, even those without that ability, fights to survive, desires to exist. Mostly we desire that more than any other thing, which is one reason that when people defy that instinct we note it as either uncommon bravery or mental instability.

Speculation on any kind of afterlife is another matter altogether and it does not hold exclusive ownership of hope in the latter. I'm sure that you prefer it does though. ;)
Actually, belief in the afterlife is the rather singular hope set against your necessarily futile perspective.

Anyways, I would hate to derail this thread. Shall we continue this discussion elsewhere?
:idunno: Are you interested in converting so soon? :D


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So I think we've all concluded that non-believers don't come here out of some secret desire to be converted...


Like others have said, forums where most everyone agrees with you are boring. I actually spend more time here than on the forum that I moderate.

Aside from that, delusional people amuse me. They get even funnier when they are so arrogant about their delusion that not only do they "know" they are right, but they "know" that you know they are right too.

Case in point -

And what would the mission accomplish?

I can understand Christians attempting to convert atheists because a Christian believes that the conversion will save the soul of the atheist.

The atheist however claims to not believe in a God and claims that morality and right and wrong are relative to the individual. Therefore... the atheist cannot make the claim that his understanding is any more right that the Christian's understanding.

I think that if a person were truly an atheist he wouldn't care what other people believe and he wouldn't waste any time of forums such as TOL.

The truth is... all atheists inherently know God exists and they participate here and other places like TOL because they are trying to convince themselves one way or the other. They seek reassurance that they can never satisfy (as an atheist that is). They have an internal battle to fight between what the know to be true but never let on (a god exists), and what they present themselves as believing (that no god exists).

Therefore... atheists participate on TOL because deep down inside they know they are wrong.


New member
The TOPIC OF THE DAY for August 13th, 2010 12:28 PM

toldailytopic: Why do atheists spend so much time on Christian forums such as TheologyOnline?


Almost every time I see an atheist post something negative about Christianity or another beliver on the forum, I think "Why are you here?" I really could think of one good reason. I thought maybe they are here because they don't like the influence that Christians have on the world and how it affects them. On the other hand. I do agree with this quote

I think that if a person were truly an atheist he wouldn't care what other people believe and he wouldn't waste any time of forums such as TOL.

The truth is... all atheists inherently know God exists and they participate here and other places like TOL because they are trying to convince themselves one way or the other. They seek reassurance that they can never satisfy (as an atheist that is). They have an internal battle to fight between what the know to be true but never let on (a god exists), and what they present themselves as believing (that no god exists).

Therefore... atheists participate on TOL because deep down inside they know they are wrong.


Hall of Fame
Almost every time I see an atheist post something negative about Christianity or another beliver on the forum, I think "Why are you here?"

Do you believe that Christians are immune to behaving badly on this forum and elsewhere? BTW, why are *you* here? Why do *you* converse with nonbelievers?

I really could think of one good reason. I thought maybe they are here because they don't like the influence that Christians have on the world and how it affects them. On the other hand. I do agree with this quote

IF that were the reason, then why isn't every nonbeliever in the red? I won't speak for other nonbelievers, but as for myself, I enjoy conversing and debating with people who have differing beliefs than my own. On some issues, I have more in common with Christians than with nonbelievers.

Also, there are many Christians on this board who I value as friends. I have no desire to mock them and urge them to stop believing in God.


New member
Do you believe that Christians are immune to behaving badly on this forum and elsewhere? BTW, why are *you* here? Why do *you* converse with nonbelievers?

IF that were the reason, then why isn't every nonbeliever in the red? .

Christians are not immune.
When I said that I think "Why are you here?" I'm thinking "If an atheist believes God is a fairy tale, then why do they spend their time on this board?"

IF that were the reason, then why isn't every nonbeliever in the red? .

I don't understand. Does this have something to do with reps?


Hall of Fame
Christians are not immune.
When I said that I think "Why are you here?" I'm thinking "If an atheist believes God is a fairy tale, then why do they spend their time on this board?"

I don't believe that every nonbeliever or Atheists do spend their time trying to convince others that God is a fairytale. I certainly don't. There is a handful of Atheists that are rather antagonistic towards Christians, just as there are Christians who are antagonistic towards nonbelievers.

IF someone attacks me and declares "you really DO believe in God and are just in rebellion" then I have a tendency to reply in kind because I don't appreciate being accused of being a liar.

I don't understand. Does this have something to do with reps?

No, it has to do with being banned. IF all Atheists and nonbelievers on this forum were only here to cause trouble and make fun of believers, then most of us would spend most of our time in "the red".

That just isn't the case.


New member
I think you misunderstood my original post. I didn't say that everytime an atheist posts that it is negative


Speaking of atheism. For those legitimate Christian conservatives out there, I wanted to share this great article by Middletown Bible Church entitled "The Ten Tottering Pillars of Communism.

1. Communism Denies the Existence of God.

2. Communism Is a Religion Based Upon the Worship of Man.

3. Communism Teaches that Matter Is Eternal.

4. Communism Is Based Upon the Theory of Evolution.

5. Communism Blames Society for Man's Ills.

6. Communism Believes that Man Himself Can Bring in the Utopia.

7. Communism Promotes the Philosophy That the End Justifies the Means.

8. Communism Has As Its Goal the Conquest of the World.

9. Communism Enslaves the Individual and Takes Away His Freedom.

10. Communism is Thoroughly Anti-Christian.

Come out come out wherever you are little Marxists,Trotskyites, Leninists and Stalinists, and defend your "religion".


New member
Hall of Fame
Speaking of atheism. For those legitimate Christian conservatives out there, I wanted to share this great article by Middletown Bible Church entitled "The Ten Tottering Pillars of Communism.

1. Communism Denies the Existence of God.

2. Communism Is a Religion Based Upon the Worship of Man.

3. Communism Teaches that Matter Is Eternal.

4. Communism Is Based Upon the Theory of Evolution.

5. Communism Blames Society for Man's Ills.

6. Communism Believes that Man Himself Can Bring in the Utopia.

7. Communism Promotes the Philosophy That the End Justifies the Means.

8. Communism Has As Its Goal the Conquest of the World.

9. Communism Enslaves the Individual and Takes Away His Freedom.

10. Communism is Thoroughly Anti-Christian.

Come out come out wherever you are little Marxists,Trotskyites, Leninists and Stalinists, and defend your "religion".

I don't think a single one of those is true. Way to go, Middletown Bible Church. :plain:

The Ten Tottering Imaginary Pillars of Communism.


I don't think a single one of those is true. :plain:

(Surprise, surprise).

Let's start with #1, which part of it is not true?

"1) Communism Denies the Existence of God.
Atheism is at the very heart of communism. The word "atheism" comes from two Greek words: a meaning "no" and theos meaning "God." An atheist, the therefore, is one who says that there is "NO GOD" and denies the very existence of God. According to Psalm 14:1 and 53:1 what is another word that accurately describes an atheist? ___________________ The denial of the existence of God is the foundation upon which the entire philosophy of Communism is based.

Khrushchev, a former Russian Premier, frequently asked on TV and radio whether Soviet cosmonauts had seen God in their flights around the earth. When they dutifully replied that they had not, Khrushchev would turn to his audience and exclaim, "There’s your proof–there is no God!" Of course, if they had really wanted to see God, they could have easily done so. They could have simply jumped out of their spacecraft without their spacesuit or oxygen supply, and in a matter of moments they would have seen their Creator!

There is even a much better way to see God! If a person really wants to see God (the Father), where should he look (John 14:9)? _______________________ If a person really wants to come to know the living God, what should he do (John e:19)? __________________________ How can we see and know Him (John 5:39; Luke 24:27,44)? _______________________________________


New member
Hall of Fame
(Surprise, surprise).

Let's start with #1, which part of it is not true?

"1) Communism Denies the Existence of God.
Atheism is at the very heart of communism. The word "atheism" comes from two Greek words: a meaning "no" and theos meaning "God." An atheist, the therefore, is one who says that there is "NO GOD" and denies the very existence of God. According to Psalm 14:1 and 53:1 what is another word that accurately describes an atheist? ___________________ The denial of the existence of God is the foundation upon which the entire philosophy of Communism is based.

Khrushchev, a former Russian Premier, frequently asked on TV and radio whether Soviet cosmonauts had seen God in their flights around the earth. When they dutifully replied that they had not, Khrushchev would turn to his audience and exclaim, "There’s your proof–there is no God!" Of course, if they had really wanted to see God, they could have easily done so. They could have simply jumped out of their spacecraft without their spacesuit or oxygen supply, and in a matter of moments they would have seen their Creator!

There is even a much better way to see God! If a person really wants to see God (the Father), where should he look (John 14:9)? _______________________ If a person really wants to come to know the living God, what should he do (John e:19)? __________________________ How can we see and know Him (John 5:39; Luke 24:27,44)? _______________________________________

Communism is an economic system. It says nothing about whether or not God exists. If a communist denies God it isn't as a result of his communism; it's a result of his philosophy. I think "humanism" or something like that is what you are looking for. And speaking of the bible, the early church practiced a communistic system and, imagine that, they didn't deny God. I wonder how they did it. :plain:
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