To your dog, you are just another dog. He will always treat you like a member of the pack. Ideally, you are the leader of the pack but every now and then you need to call in the Dog Whisperer because you let things get ups die down.Lets not pretend that animals are mindless feelingless robots either. Some have more emotional life than others and should be treated accordingly.
You shouldn't spoil your pets anymore than you should spoil your children. I've no problem eating animals provided they are raised and killed humanely. I don't always have that choice but I prefer it. Often the milk eggs and meat produced is healthier anyway.
The point is, an animal will always treat you like a member of its "pack". It will try to dominate you and be the leader of the pack. This is a huge problem for people with pet pigs because people treat them like dogs which, in the pig world, makes the pig think it is the leader. It is up to us to understand our animals society and treat them as animals.